New to the Group

Hello, I just joined the Binge Eaters Trying to Recover Group today. I have struggled with binge eating for over 10 years. Even though I seem to have a slightly better handle on it now than I did a few years ago, I still binge several days out of the week. I keep noticing that I am binge eating on the days where I make a "mistake" aka a bad food choice. I binge to punish myself for making that mistake and because I'm disappointed in myself for messing up. Even though I know that one bad food does not mean a bad day, I still binge. I'm looking for others who are very supportive to help me through this. I'm very supportive and will do the same for you. If I don't get a handle on this, I know I can't be successful on my weightloss journey. Old habits die hard...this one has got to go!


  • Hi

    I’m new to the group too and I hope that you’re doing well. I binge on unhealthy things when I’m upset or have things on my mind, then realized that I didn’t make the best food choices. Then continue to ride that slippery slope to continue to eat poorly for the day. I know it’s not easy, but at least you have identified that you made a poor food choice. You’re human and this better eating is a continuous life change. We’re not going to get it perfectly every day. Try to think about the positive improvements you have made for the day.

    I read somewhere that if you verbally say why you are eating that bad food choice before you do, you are aware of the choice you are making and why. If you’re still logging, please don’t give up. I have been on and off and on and off. LOL! But, I won’t give up. You have 24 hours in a day … don’t let one bad food choice in an hour effect the reaming 23. :wink: