Using Firefly/Serenity quotes in everyday life

Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
Do you do it? I do.
I have caught myself saying, "Shiny!" at work and then giggling to myself when no one understands.
I have even caught myself using "Gorrammit!" when angry...LOL
I also have used, "I'll be in my bunk" a lot. Again, I giggle to myself when I use it. :wink:


  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I'm forever saying "shiny", and whenever someone says "interesting", I say "oh god, oh god, we're all gonna die?".
  • LaurieEReid
    I'm forever saying "shiny", and whenever someone says "interesting", I say "oh god, oh god, we're all gonna die?".

    One of my friends was in a work meeting and some announcement was made and another woman said, "Shiny." My friend started and the woman said, "Oh, you a Browncoat?" Shiny is like a secret code word.

    I have on occasion said, "While I don't disagree on any particular point..."
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i was eating fair food last summer and found myself saying "my food is problematic" b/c i had no hands and thus no way to eat my deep fried i'm-not-asking.
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    Today I looked at a vegetable casserole (my favorite holiday dish) and informed my husband: "I aim to misbehave."
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I have sworn by my "pretty floral bonnet" more times than I can count.

    Also, I say, "Oh, grandpa" when I see something I like.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I always throwing quotes out at work and all I get is blank stares. It's so disappointing.
  • sithmuffin
    sithmuffin Posts: 88 Member
    I saw, or at least think, "shiny" multiple times a day. At first I was worried, in a "what has my life become" sort of way, but now I just accept it, even if no one knows what I'm talking about.
  • songdogshooter41
    songdogshooter41 Posts: 39 Member
    Shiny, by far my favorite. Gorram, and Gorramit come in on occations. :)
  • sharondalulu
    Shiny comes out of my mouth often. As well as, "Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!" The latter directed at my bathroom scale when I've had a bad week *wry grin*

    Gorramit has most definitely been uttered at work.
  • runningsmo
    runningsmo Posts: 11 Member
    Bah hahaha! I use "curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal" at work on the reg. Mostly directed at a spreadsheet or some sort of report. I also like to bust out, "Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?" when someone breaks anything computer related on the job. Luckily my roomies are well versed in Firefly, so when I make random quotes they laugh along. Nerds unite! :bigsmile:
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    Shiny and Gorram are common place. But I also bust out with the I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you when needed.