Cutting Coffee

So I am a HUGE coffee drinker, I drink it ALL day.... starting today I am cutting back to one cup a day and between now and my surgery in 30 days I am going to slowly stop drinking coffee....wish me luck LOL


  • golconda
    golconda Posts: 14
    I don't drink coffee but I had to cut caffeine for surgery. It wasn't easy but I eased off by getting decaf iced tea so I could still get fluids. I have found that now that I am over a month out from surgery that I have been able to introduce regular iced tea with very little problems.
  • knitnpurlgurl
    That is great to hear. I got some green tea so I can try drinking that when I feel like having some coffee :-) How are you doing 6 months out? I see you have a 62 lb weight loss, that is great!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Saddest day I had was when they told me I not only had to give up Diet Mtn Dew for life, but I had to give up caffinated coffee as well.

    Happiest day was months later when I was told that I could have regular coffee again. Back to multiple cups a day, although I have tried to stay with half - caf at least some of the time.

    Good luck and I hope for no headaches for you as you cut back.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I was told I would have to wait until 6 months after surgery before I could have caffeine again. That would be 4 weeks and 1 day from now... not like I am counting the days until I can have a cup of coffee again :-)
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Love my coffee!!!

    As for pre-op; I went cold turkey one week prior along with my liquid diet. Figured I was going to be miserable anyway. After surgery I did not have any urges for coffee so it was easy. Started to enjoy some after 3 months and now I have one or two on most days.

    Everyone is different - do not do anything without consulting your Dr but also do not be afraid. Your path after surgery will be different than mine.
  • 41more
    41more Posts: 4 Member
    I found that I could trick myself by drinking decaf with chocolate or vanilla Unjury protein powder and cinnamon powder. Initially I used instant decaf coffee with hot water, now I use almond milk instead of water. It makes it more like a latte. I still have it every morning. I find that I got myself off of the caffeine that way prior to surgery and now I just really enjoy the warmth and the taste of it. So I have not gone back to caffeinated.
  • golconda
    golconda Posts: 14
    I am doing good, but I am only a month out but green tea has very minor amount of caffeine. I am more sad that I may never be able to have anything carbonated ever again which is the one thing that did make me sad. :) That loss of weight is from my starting weight in October when I started this process even though I am only a month out from my surgery.
  • knitnpurlgurl
    Dward59- today was my first day with only one cup of coffee and so far so good! Will do one week with one cup a day and then slowly go to none :-) at least until the doctor says its ok again
  • knitnpurlgurl
    41more that is a good idea, I love almond milk!
  • knitnpurlgurl
    Congrats! I am starting my ticker once I have my surgery. I am 250 now and Hope to be about 100lbs lighter.
  • mcastgirlnc
    mcastgirlnc Posts: 23 Member
    Do you not like decaff? I drink a cup to two cups a day with milk and I have had no issues.
  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    I had to transition slowly due to headaches. I started out with full caf, then half caf, then decaf coffee with a cup or two of green tea, then full decaf and herbal drinks.

    The sad news for me is that yesterday I made myself my usual small pot of decaf coffee at work and was very excited about it...dark roast smells so good to me! But I ended up tossing over half of it. It just didn't taste good. I know people have said that your tastes change after WLS surgery but coffee?? Come on!!!
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    Unfortunately for me, my surgeon said absolutely NO CAFFEINE EVER. I never drink pop so that wasn't a problem, but I did drink black coffee4. I have started drinking decaf when I really want a cup of coffee and I take decaf with me when visiting. Surgeon did warn me that if I had caffeine it would show up in my blood work, that continues on a schedule for one year post-op and then 6 months and so on.
  • knitnpurlgurl
    Oh No not the coffee. Lol hopefully when my tastes change it is that I won't crave sweets lol
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I slowly went decaf when they told me I had to give up caffine at least temporarily. I used a mixture of regular and decaf, upping the decaf until I wasn't using the regular at all. I successfully avoided the caffine withdrawls doing it that way. When I was able, I went back to drinking the real stuff, but found after surgery I couldn't drink it plain anymore. There are very few things my tummy just no longer tolerates, and plain coffee is one of them, so now I drink it with a little cream. I still can drink it all day, but it doesn't count as water, so we really can't drink as much as we did pre-surgery. Just saying.
  • jkern9110
    jkern9110 Posts: 119 Member
    When they told me no caffeine and no carbonated drinks, I thought, "sure, I can do that." Ha! I hit 6 months post op next week...I haven't had a single carbonated drink. I understand why they don't want us to drink those since they stretch our stomachs. The no caffiene part did not bode well for me. I made it about 6 weeks without coffee and then I was back to my morning cup. I had to have it, but I tried to mitigate the bad by using sugar free syrups and fat free milk and never more than 1 cup per day. I still feel like I have had successful weightloss despite my coffee conundrum.
  • knitnpurlgurl
    I am hoping to be able to have at least a cup a day once im all healed :-)
  • DrSchmincke
    DrSchmincke Posts: 9 Member
    I was a 4-espresso-a-day person. I really, really loved my coffee. I did not plan well for surgery, and my surgeon did not tell me to give it up at all. However on Day 2 in hospital I realized my error! I should have given it up before surgery. What happened? I got an enormous throbbing all-consuming headache from caffeine withdrawal - it was the worst part of the recovery from surgery. The sweet hospital staff brought me a black coffee, and I tried 1 teaspoonful and threw it up.

    Now, 7+ weeks later, I still cannot drink coffee and frankly don't even like the smell of it, which is a huge surprise to me. I now get a little caffeine one of two ways: either I bring a cup of Chai with milk in a thermos cup, so I can sip it on my 1-hour commute, or I blend ½ teaspoonful of instant coffee powder into my morning vanilla protein shake. If I have any more than ½ teaspoon, my heart starts to race. I am able to go 2 days with no caffeine now, without getting a headache.

    If I had a do-over, I would completely quit the caffeine before the surgery (when I could take Ibuprofen for the headaches!!). Good luck!
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    I was a 4-espresso-a-day person. I really, really loved my coffee. I did not plan well for surgery, and my surgeon did not tell me to give it up at all. However on Day 2 in hospital I realized my error! I should have given it up before surgery. What happened? I got an enormous throbbing all-consuming headache from caffeine withdrawal - it was the worst part of the recovery from surgery. The sweet hospital staff brought me a black coffee, and I tried 1 teaspoonful and threw it up.

    Now, 7+ weeks later, I still cannot drink coffee and frankly don't even like the smell of it, which is a huge surprise to me. I now get a little caffeine one of two ways: either I bring a cup of Chai with milk in a thermos cup, so I can sip it on my 1-hour commute, or I blend ½ teaspoonful of instant coffee powder into my morning vanilla protein shake. If I have any more than ½ teaspoon, my heart starts to race. I am able to go 2 days with no caffeine now, without getting a headache.

    If I had a do-over, I would completely quit the caffeine before the surgery (when I could take Ibuprofen for the headaches!!). Good luck!

    Thanks for that tip! I REALLY need to cut out the coffee. I'm a starbucks girl. I don't drink regular coffee (Yuck, not a fan) but I do drink lattes etc. SO not good for me!
    Once I cut out the caffiene, i'm sure I can give them up.

    My nut said I can keep drinking them, she just wants me to cut back to a short, or tall, from a venti.
    I know that post op, I physically won't be able to drink a venti, so i'm kinda not too concerned. I just want to cut out the caffiene, and save some $$$$!

    I'm sure once I get my surgery date, it will become real for me, and i'll buckle down and do what needs to be done.
    I was on a wait list for 19 months,and i've been doing the program for the past 2. So it doesn't seem real to me yet, because i've just been plugging along trying to make the changes.

    I am REALLY hoping to get the call from my surgeon after my next appt with the nutritionist. My appt is Mar 27.
  • knitnpurlgurl
    dsjsmom23 I hope you get your surgery date soon and I am sorry it has taken so long! That would be so frustrating.... I am a starbucks latte girl as well...alas no more :-) My post of plan is if I can tolerate coffee after a while I will use almont milk and sugar free torani syrup and put it all with the coffee int he blender and make a latte....but my goal is to just switch to tea since it is healthier. :-)