Introduce yourself!

chelsssbell Posts: 3 Member
Hey I am Chelsea. Just getting started on my fitness journey. My short term goal is to lose 10lbs by the end of June. I have a long way to go weight loss wise but I am more motivated then ever before. I will not give up until I meet my long term goal. I made this group because I didn't see any other Nike+ Running app groups and MFP is a great pair to the app to record your meals and weigh ins. I hope we can get some more Nike+ users in here for support and maybe some friendly competitions. Feel free to add me on here, I would love some more friends.


  • Rangersgirl6720
    Rangersgirl6720 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I'm Dawn. I am very close to my goal weight, but my body is not as fit as I imagined it would be. I began running in January to in an effort to really get in shape, slim/skinny does not = fit. I ran my 1st 5K in April and have improved my pace by over a minute and half in the past month. I am now training for a 10K in August and a 1/2 marathon in October. The Nike app keeps me motivated and helps track my pace. Feel free to add me.
  • adenium11
    adenium11 Posts: 173 Member
    Hi ! I'm Amanda! I am far from finishing my journey but well on the way! I have lost a total of 27 lbs. ( Lost some prior to joining MFP) and working on my 1st 10 km. I ran my first 5 kms last summer and dropped 14 minutes off from last August till this spring in my 5 km time! Still sitting at 40 mins for a 5km would like it to be sub 35, but I will get there!
  • trishyorke
    trishyorke Posts: 20
    Hi there. I am Trish and joined MFP a long time ago but just started back using it. Down 7 lbs so far. Been using Nike Running app for over a year and. Love it! It kept me motivated while away this winter to maintain 3 runs a week. Have done a few 5 and 10 k runs and have a 10k run this weekend. Hope to share meal ideas and tips to keep motivated
  • WaterWoman1
    WaterWoman1 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm Wendy and just got started, despite joining MFP a year ago. I've been using Nike Running for about a year and love keeping track of how far (and how slow) I go. It motivates me to shave some time off each time I head out the door and pushes me to finish strong. I have a short term goal to be down 10 pounds by July 11 and a longer term goal to lose 60 pounds. Feel free to add me and let's motivate each other :-)
  • julietelise77
    julietelise77 Posts: 4 Member
    I use the Nike + running app. I'm not running though, mainly just walking and trying to get started jogging more often.
    I have a long way to go to reach my main goal, but I'm super close to my short term goal.
    Please feel free to add me on Nike+running, username is julietelise on the app (and facebook).
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    I use the app to track all of my running. I try to log 100 miles a month, but some months I fall short.
  • Hello, Tom here, tomhoffman84 on Nike.

    Just started running in March, using Nike+ in April. I've done my first five races, two halves, two 10 milers, and a 10k this year. Going for a 1000 mile year en route to running my first full marathon on May 17.

    I use the app to track my runs, but I just got a garmin forerunner and I'm paying less attention to the nike+. I'm stupidly competitive though, so having lots of active friends will definitely push me.
  • ruthmfrey
    ruthmfrey Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I'm ruth!
    I am not a great runner. but I think with great persistence I can one day get there :) Please feel free to add me on here and on nike+running. I love the competition. No better motivator! I'm ruthmfrey on both :) can't wait to race ya!
  • jiggaguilar
    jiggaguilar Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I'm Jennifer. I started running this past June and love it! Did my first 10K this December and am training for my first half in April 2014:) I've got about 10 pounds or so to go on my weight loss I think, I'll know when I get there. I just started MFP (even though I signed up back in 2009:) Feel free to add me, I have no friends:( Wah wah waaaah. Good luck on your goals! Keep on movin'!
  • RunMamaMaya
    RunMamaMaya Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Maya and I'd love to have you add me as a friend on here. I've been running off and on for about 5 years. I have a half marathon in May that I'm currently training for. I also lift weights about 3 times a week.

    Good luck to you all.
  • Hello everyone, I'm on my 3rd run with Nike + and feel amazing even though my legs feel like lead weights right now. Please add me here and on Nike + I would love some competition to push me further than I can by my self. I'm only averaging 13:54/mile pace so I def. need a push to bring that number down. justgetit is my Nike + screen name, look forward to having some adds from you all.
  • PrincessDude2014
    PrincessDude2014 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Tonya. I'm relatively new to MyFitnessPal but I've been using Nike+ running for a while now. My username on there is AMC 318. If you'd like to add me, please do, I'm always up for more friendly competition.
  • Kyakshe
    Kyakshe Posts: 2 Member
    Love Nike+! Used Nike+ for 2 years and then took a long hiatus. I'm back and I want to design and participate in challenges, but can't because I don't have any friends. Username is ky_chem_nerd. Please add me if you like challenges!
  • SchroederNJ
    SchroederNJ Posts: 189 Member
    Been using Endomondo but have been having some glitches. Gonna test this app. Schroeder_NJ is my nike+ name
  • Awesome group. Ive been using Nike+ Running for a few years now, and MFP for about 6 months, both have been essential to my fitness. Feel free to follow me on Nike+ Running (RICHARD HERNANDEZ) or friend me here.
  • Hy, my name is Tinkara (19 years old) and I'm from Slovenia. In past 2 years I've lost about 50 pounds, but because of very stressful life in last 2 months (school) I've gained about 10 pounds back. I was also running and I have Nike+ running account. I hope I can lose some weight and become stronger. My next goal is to run a half marathon in october, so I hope I can do this. Feel free to add me! :)
  • I'm new to running and it's hard to get motivated running on my own. Add me trinidadhammer1
  • anwest20
    anwest20 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey! I'm 25 and not really focused on weightloss anymore as much as becoming a faster runner and becoming stronger overall. Really looking for some friends to join me on nike+ for challenges and motivation. Add me if you want to be friends :) Rungirl25!
  • Hey I'm Shanna! I'm wanting to lose thirty pounds (for the second time in my life I will be losing thirty pounds) hoping to keep it off this time. Loving the myfitnesspal app. I have done C25K before but was never successful but my husband and I started using the Nike running app (again, but this time are being more successful) at the end of May and we just recently started doing the C25K and with both of them we are doing soooo much better with our exercising. We look forward to it at night and we love challenging each other and seeing our progress.
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    Good day all.... going to bump this open again! I am new to running consistently, I use Nike+ Running, Fuelband and C25K........ Would love some friends to "run" with and challenge using the Nike app, my goal is typically to try and run 30mi/mo but am working to up that to 50 by end of September.

    Feel free to add me...... showjumper13