Just sleeved and frustrated

I was sleeved 5 days ago and I'm not satiated...

Has anyone felt this way?

I keep reading on many posts that they are too full and barely can keep their intake; not to mention their proteins...

I had my protein shake two hours ago and I'm starving, like I didn't have anything to eat all day. I'm concerned that I'm feeling this was, I'm scheduled to see my Dr. on Monday, but any insight will be helpful just to get a piece of mind.


  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Do they have you on a Proton Pump Inhibitor like Omeprazole? Sometimes the hungry feeling after surgery is due to acid. Hopefully your doc will have an answer.
  • ChefBH
    ChefBH Posts: 26 Member
    I experienced the same thing...i was convinced it just wasn't going to work for me...but once i started soft foods, and then solids...i became full quickly and had to remind myself to eat. hang in there...it gets better!
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Just a little time and patience and you will be fine. Let your body detox from the drugs you got in the hospital, let the swelling subside and learn to recognize "head hunger" and "thirst".
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    At your post op stage it has to be head hunger. I know for me the first 6 months I had no hunger at all and only ate cause I was told I have to and even now if I am super busy I don't get hungry. Hungry from boredom yes but that is head hunger for me.
    Talk to your WLS program nut and see what they say. I was good to get 200-300 cals down a day the first couple months after my sleeve. Try to get 80 oz of water in too. That really really helps alot.
    Good luck!