Mr. Ali's Reflection section

williamson80 Posts: 10 Member
If you are in Mr. Ali's reflection section please post your daily workout reflections here. You are responsible for submitting reflections every day you work out, in the correct place and at the correct time. Reflections will be a part of your self evaluation mark as well as your reflections mark and make up more than 20% percent of your grade. REFLECTIONS ARE ULTRA IMPORTANT. They serve as a portfolio of your experiences in the gym. No reflection = No experience = No Credit.


  • What I have learned from using myfitnesspal so far this year?

    I have learned that I can calculate my calories needed for the day from using this app based on several factors (gender, age, height, and etc). Also I learned that in the app, there is a "calorie breakdown" that will breakdown your nutrition into fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. It will also give a percentage for each of them. I also learned that I can easily set my fitness goals track my daily diet.
  • I have learned from my fitness pal app losts of things. I learned that I must calculate my calories from food I eat every day. I also must eat healthy food to get in shape and be healthy.
  • Mohammad_Almutawa
    Mohammad_Almutawa Posts: 30 Member
    Individuals engaged in regular exercise training require more dietary protein than sedentary individuals.

    Protein intakes of 1.4 - 2.0 g/kg/day for physically active individuals may improve the training adaptations to exercise training.

    Appropriately timed protein intake is an important component of an overall exercise training program.
  • I have learned from my fitness pal are a lot of things. One of these things is that you can measure your calories from what food i do eat. You can also calculate your workout. It helps you a lot on getting healthy and fit.
  • I learned that it is important to calculate how much I eat everyday. My fitness pal helps you calculate how much u eat eat every day. Its important to eat healthy food to get fit.
  • I learned my fitness pal is a good app to use if you want a community of people who is willing to loose weight because they need to my fitness pal is a way to go. I learned that we need some fat and my old method of loosing weight is just not eating . And now i learned that I can eat but we have to eat in the right time.
  • I learned a lot of things from my fitness pal app for example; Lean tissue requires significantly more energy to maintain because of the increased level of metabolic activity. In contrast, fat tissue requires very little energy to maintain and has little influence on the resting or basal metabolic energy needs.
  • Article reflection:

    The generally accepted rate of weight loss is 1 to 1.5 pounds per week or approximately 6 pounds per month.   If you eliminate 500 kcal per day from your diet, you should be on track to meet this degree of weight loss.

    Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy required to maintain the body's normal metabolic activity, such as respiration, maintenance of body temperature, and digestion.

    The basal metabolic rate generally decreases with age or if there is a decline in lean body mass.
  • Controversy has existed over the safety and effectiveness of protein intake above that currently recommended. Currently, the RDA for protein in healthy adults is 0.8 g/kg body weight per day 1. The purpose of this recommendation was to account for individual differences in protein metabolism, variations in the biological value of protein, and nitrogen losses in the urine and feces. Many factors need to be considered when determining an optimal amount of dietary protein for exercising individuals. These factors include protein quality, energy intake, carbohydrate intake, mode and intensity of exercise, and the timing of the protein intake 2.
  • I learned several crucial and important things from the fitness pal. One of these things is that I realized that by just not eating and starving eventually wouldn't help you at all. However, by making a healthy schedule filled with protein and green vegetables and trying to stay away from eating unhealthy carbs is the right way to go. Therefore, the best way is trying to not feel hungry and keep your hunger and fullness to an equilibrium.
  • When part of a balanced, nutrient-dense diet, protein intakes at this level are not detrimental to kidney function or bone metabolism in healthy, active persons.
    Vast research supports the contention that individuals engaged in regular exercise training require more dietary protein than sedentary individuals.
    Appropriately timed protein intake is an important component of an overall exercise training program, essential for proper recovery, immune function, and the growth and maintenance of lean body mass.
  • After reading one of the following articles thoroughly, I have learned that post exercise muscle soreness is tremendously less to those who ingest protein. I have also learned that high protein diets can actually be benefitial and healthy to those who exercised. The most suprising thing that i have learned is that protein can be consumed before, during, or after an exercise. I was unaware of this.
  • alkhameesabdulkariem
    alkhameesabdulkariem Posts: 36 Member
    I learned that:

    the baseline BMR can be used along with stress/activity factors to estimate the daily caloric needs of an individual - (Total Energy Expenditure.

    In order to maintain the resting metabolic rate as we age, requires regular strength training in order to prevent loss of skeletal muscle.

    More intense sessions tend to increase resting energy needs for longer time periods. These increased energy requirements occur during the cool-down phase and are short-lived.
  • ZakAlm96
    ZakAlm96 Posts: 15
    So what ive learned is that depending on the type of training you are doing. The protien need differ. For streghth training, enurance, and a general consumtion of protien. Ive also learned that it is possible for our bodies to get used to the protien that we consume on a daily basis. So its important to mix it up a little to avoid a plateau in how your body recognizes protien.
  • These article blogs I learned some key things. Bmr calculated in kcal/day is one of the key building blocks of training, if you consume 0 kcal/day you maintain weight so kcal is basically the number that tells you weather youve consumed and gained weight or not consumed. The propper weight to loose in a week should be 1-1.5 pounds a week. With consumming protien you should consume 1 gram for every pound you weigh so say I weigh 200 pounds I eat 200 grams of protien. This will improve training and muscles building. Also protien rwcomendation is based on nitrogen balance in the blood. The role of bcaa constitutes to one third of skeletal muscle protien.
  • Ive learned alot of things in my fitness pal Application , such as my calorie intake , and my Goals and specific foods that i can add up to reach my goals , and i have also learned the intake of protien which is around 50-60 grams per day , also the carbohydrates and starches that pump up the energy .

    Ive learned also BMR and RMR , i understand that to increase our total lean body mass through strength training also cardiovascular. The TEE which is total energy expenditure the amount of calories needed per day is made of 3 factors 1 resting metabolic rate 2) thermic effect of food
  • What I have learned from my fitness pal?
    One of the things is that you can measure your calories from what food you eat. You must plug in everything you eat and drink even if it is a snack. You must also calculate your workout so that the app determines whether you will lose or gain weight. The app will help you reach your goal whether it is to gain weight or lose weight.
  • williamson80
    williamson80 Posts: 10 Member
    Controversy has existed over the safety and effectiveness of protein intake above that currently recommended. Currently, the RDA for protein in healthy adults is 0.8 g/kg body weight per day 1. The purpose of this recommendation was to account for individual differences in protein metabolism, variations in the biological value of protein, and nitrogen losses in the urine and feces. Many factors need to be considered when determining an optimal amount of dietary protein for exercising individuals. These factors include protein quality, energy intake, carbohydrate intake, mode and intensity of exercise, and the timing of the protein intake 2.

    Please do not cut and paste. Tell me what you learned in your own words. I read the article, you only looked at it.
  • I worked on my chest today and my tri sept . I can't feel my hand now . It was very difficult for me at first then got used to it.
  • I have done 3 sets today morning at the gym , firstly Leg Press, then shifting to Bench press , then to Bicep excersise. In leg press i ve done My RM to 12 , and At bench press to RM of 15 , and Bicep training to 12 RM as Basic for today . after fitness class i gelt really Lazy and dizzy and felt that my body got a bit heavy and my legs are trying to handle the steps of the stairs , I felt totally out of control literally falling . I hope my body will get used to the Leg Press the next time.
  • today i worked out the following body parts. legs, quads and hamstrings doing the leg press, i did three sets till failure. then my back and arms doing cable rows for three sets till failure. then the bench press doing four sets also till failure my 10 RM was 100 pounds. after that we walked up and down the stairs twice the coach Ali showed us how to preform a full body stretch, witch helped loosen up the muscles. i felt full of energy for the next 2 hours then started to fell sleepy maybe due to not sleeping enough, also coach Ali gave us a very useful tip and it is that you need to eat a hight base protein meal post workout. overall it was a good workout and i cant thank my spotters enough khaled Almahbob and Mohamed Almutawa.
  • Today in the gym, I did many things. First, I did "chest press incline" for three sets. The weight for all three sets was 65 lbs. The first set, I did it 10 times, the second 9 times, and the third 8 times. Then, I did the machine which I pull the weight to my shoulder while my feets are attached to bars. I did three sets of these. I put the number 4 to all the sets. I did 15 times in my first set, 11 in my second, and 9 in my third. Then I did the leg exercise for three sets. The weight for all of them was 253 lbs. I did 15 times each for every set. Then I did the "one arm rows" exercise for three sets. The weight of the first two sets was 15 lbs. I did 15 times for them. Then I increse the bar to 20 lbs and was able to do 12 times. When I was doing the "one arm rows" exercise, I felt that I am going to vomit. This may be because I did not has a breakfast today before the training.

    Lastly, we went down the stairs and then up one time slowly. Then Mr. Ali showed us how to stretch our body after the training.
  • Today When i woke up i felt great sorness in my legs And shoulders both sides . This meant that i was doing good at yesterday workout in the gym . Today me and my partner did Some warming up in the stairs running quickly down the stairs and Slowly upstairs . Then we went to jump on the ropes , i fail At that excersise Becuase Iam not used to it . lastly we went on the stationary bike for just 7 mins and i burned at least 80 calories for now .
  • Today when I walk up, my legs were hurting me because of yesterday's workout. My movement and walking were affected by that. In the class, I walked up the stairs and get down again for about 20 minutes. Then I walked in the machine that was in the gym for 15 minutes with different paces and inclines. Then I used the cycling machine for about 10 minutes also.

    I am not satisfied with my today's workout at all. I belive that I can do better. But I feel it is somehow OK since its my first day doing cardio. So it was something new and the beginnig is always the hardest. I am really looking forward for the next days and will try to do my best.
  • Today when I started working out it was a bit painful since it is my first time working out. I did bench rows 20lbs of weight in 12 reps in 3 sets. It was not too easy or too hard but it was a good workout and I plan on adding more weight to it
    I did chest presses with 20lb on each side for one set but it was too easy so I increased it to 25lbs on each side.
  • Today I worked out in the gym, it was a good workout, but it wasn't easy. I did bench press 15 lbs both sides, I made a 12 rm for two sets. Then I increased the weight to 20 lbs, but I failed. I also worked out with the leg press, 230 lbs, it was good on the first set, but harder on the second.
  • Ran on the dredmil ; felt a pain in the back; and I ran on the bycicle for the whole period; sor legs feeling
  • I was on the bicycle for 15 minutes and for the rest of the period I ran up and down the stairs for the rest of the class And I felt that my legs were sore
  • Today I ran on the trend mill and got my heart rate up to 156 beats and I ran on the stairs. My feet were in pain by the end.
  • Today i did mostly the bench press with 12 reps 4 times again shifting with my partners , then we we t to the leg press and i couldnt handle the weight i need to build up my legs to be stronger than before 1 step at a time , on leg press i did 11 reps