Season 4 - Ep. 13 - "Alone" - 03/09/14

AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
This thread serves as a place to discuss speculation, and then reaction to the 03/09/14 episode


Only 4 episodes left of the season!!

AMC Sneak Peek:

YouTube Promo:


  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,145 Member
    I can't watch these, as I'm at work, but the previews from the show last Sunday and also from The Talking Dead, the fog scene...creepy as hell!
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I think we're going to lose Bob in this episode.
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,145 Member
    I think we're going to lose Bob in this episode.

    lol I thought he was a goner at "Big Spots!" :laugh:
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I think we're going to lose Bob in this episode.

    I hope so!
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Ok, I've changed my mind about Bob. He's a good guy. :laugh:

    I liked this episode. Lots of action.

    I don't care for the group of men that came upon Darryl. Something shady about them especially when the leader said something like "you can use the arrows on people instead." I worry that's the kind of all-male group Beth is going to run into.
  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member
    I'm pretty sure that was the group that Rick encountered, there was that guy with the blue bandana that saw Rick, maybe Daryl will learn something and go on the hunt for him.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 953 Member
    I'm pretty sure that was the group that Rick encountered, there was that guy with the blue bandana that saw Rick, maybe Daryl will learn something and go on the hunt for him.
    Yep, that is the same group. The leader was the guy bouncing the ball all over the house. Not a good party for Daryl to hook up with but he would be most equiped to do well with those type of guys. I felt bad for him all alone after Beth was kidnapped. He needs to find Rick and Michonne again.

    Anyone else a little concerned with where the group is heading - will they all end up at the railroad tracks and head to eutopia or what ever it's called?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Yeah, I was thinking that was the same group. I'm curious to see how Daryl will handle this situation. We all know that everyone will eventually end up in "Terminus." If Daryl just walks away from these guys, they are sure to turn up there eventually. If he kills them, in any way other than self-defense, then he will have become that one thing that Beth told him he shouldn't become. But then again, she left him behind so he may be bitter towards that concept now anyway.

    I was sort of passively watching that scene, but she DID leave him, didn't she? Or is that just what we are supposed to believe?

    Maggie and Sasha both got on my nerves this episode. Very frustrating that they basically got nothing accomplished at all this episode because nobody could come to agreement on what to do next.

    Also, I like Bob. And I like him with Sasha. This is a much better pairing than Daryl and Beth.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 953 Member
    I was sort of passively watching that scene, but she DID leave him, didn't she? Or is that just what we are supposed to believe?
    My impression was that she did not leave him, but that someone grabbed her - that is why her bag was on the ground when the car took off? I thought I read somewhere that they were separated but it was because she was kidnapped, not that she left Daryl.

    Thanks for the name of the town! Terminus!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Thanks for the name of the town! Terminus!

    Can someone tell me if it is written into the comic book that way?

    Terminus was the original name of Atlanta when it was established in the 1830's. I appreciate the historical nod. Just curious if it came from the comic book author or the show's writers?
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    I don't think Beth left Daryl on her own I got the impressions she was kidnapped and I think Daryl is smart enough to know that those guys may have had something to do with it and may lead him to her. Daryl couldn't fight all those guys so I think he's just going along with them and take thewm out when the odds are more in his favor.

    Only 3 more episodes until the season finale :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Thanks for the name of the town! Terminus!

    Can someone tell me if it is written into the comic book that way?

    Terminus was the original name of Atlanta when it was established in the 1830's. I appreciate the historical nod. Just curious if it came from the comic book author or the show's writers?

    It would make sense that Terminus is Atlanta or some other major city. Someone last night (not sure who) mentioned that all of the tracks converge at Terminus. It makes sense that all the tracks would lead to Altanta. My only thought is how far have they traveled away from Atlanta? I know that during the first season they were there but since moving to the farm and then to the prison they might be several hundred miles away. Especially since the did travel by car for a while.
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,145 Member
    It looked to me like Beth was kidnapped too....the backpack on the ground was the giveaway in my mind....

    Did anyone see the preview in The Talking Dead? WTH?!??

    not sure what to think about Daryl, almost hoped where he was that Bob and Maggie and Sasha would find him, but no such luck. The place that Sasha found- that building looked pretty awesome, and had a bit of space to it....

    The Funeral Parlor was interesting, as for who was stock piling there....wonder why there wasn't more walkers there- and then ALL of a sudden all over the porch without them hearing it, when they had it all rigged - with the cans and string....if they heard the dog barking, why wouldn't they have heard the walkers??? sorry...just...yeah...smh..

    Loved the episode though, and Sasha and Maggie taking out that little herd of walkers was awesome, loved the strength the ladies exhibited, vs. the sweetness/vulnerability of Beth....I DO like Beth's character though, and enjoy her music - I too seek music as a that speaks to me.

    Bob still makes me a little why all the groups die around him...just something a little off about him...a teeny creep factor, like was mentioned in the Talking LOVE Chris Hardwick!
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Did anyone else get the vibe that the funeral home was a trap? It was way too clean and the food was so well organized that it just seemed suspicious to me. Also the dog struck me as odd. When have we ever seen a dog since **** hit the fan?? Not at all. But all of a sudden here is a dog. It would be the perfect way to lure people out. I definitely think that Beth was kidnapped and didn't leave on her own free will. Her and Daryl were getting all squishy with their feelings and playing house and then she's gone? I just don't buy that she would leave him there.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Ok, I've changed my mind about Bob. He's a good guy. :laugh:

    I liked this episode. Lots of action.

    I don't care for the group of men that came upon Darryl. Something shady about them especially when the leader said something like "you can use the arrows on people instead." I worry that's the kind of all-male group Beth is going to run into.

    I agree!! This episode made me like Bob a lot more. I kept hoping that the opening scene was a flashback and not present day meaning that Sasha and Maggie were dead. But every time they manage to make an unlikable character likable that seems to be the kiss of death....just like Merle. Although I did feel a little bit bad for Bob when he kisses Sasha and she decided to leave him anyways.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Yeah, I thought it was a trap. Well stocked pantry, everything was clean. I think the first time Darryl realized there wasn't any dust on the peanut butter jars, they should have left instead of playing the piano and laying in the coffin! Once the dog arrived, I knew it was someone's place because the dog was someone's pet.

    I worry about animals, so once I saw the dog, I was all worried for it.

    I loved how Bob said the reason he was going after Maggie was because she was all alone, but was perfectly willing to leave Sasha alone. :laugh:
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Yeah, I thought it was a trap. Well stocked pantry, everything was clean. I think the first time Darryl realized there wasn't any dust on the peanut butter jars, they should have left instead of playing the piano and laying in the coffin! Once the dog arrived, I knew it was someone's place because the dog was someone's pet.

    I worry about animals, so once I saw the dog, I was all worried for it.

    I loved how Bob said the reason he was going after Maggie was because she was all alone, but was perfectly willing to leave Sasha alone. :laugh:

    That zombie, that looked like a security guard, with the gun in the clearing also felt like a trap to me. He just seemed to be too perfectly placed in the middle of the clearing with food. I wasn't surprised at all that Beth got her foot stuck in a trap. I was surprised that the trap wasn't bigger.