
What is your average daily calorie intake? Follow this link to compare your intake levels with the recommended daily intake levels http://www.netrition.com/rdi_page.html
What areas are low? Are there any areas you are over consuming?
What can you do better to keep these levels in line with the recommended values?


  • My calorie intake is a little more than 2000. The area i am over consuming on is saturated fatty acids. What i can do better is to eat less cheetos.
  • my intake is about 2,000. i am low on fruits and veggs. I am eating to much protein. I can have my mom make me some food because she will make sure i get what i need.
  • my average intake is 650 caliories im over consuming in none of my areas and i can eat and i think i dont need to change nything
  • ornelask
    ornelask Posts: 2
    My calories are under 2,000. im low on things such as vegtables. I can start including veggtables in my diet.
  • .
  • Maypan56
    Maypan56 Posts: 2
    my intake has gone up and down but my veggies and fruit consuption has grown while the red meat products consumption has declined drasticly, which i do not care sometimes red meats are disturbing and i plan not to eat muvh of eat.
  • My calories is little about 2000 but i can start eating better so it wont be as high. the way you eat makes big difference.as well as how you excerise.
  • I have get 2000 on my calorise to intake i am low in veggys. I have to eat more of the veggys.
  • My calorie intake is about 1600. I am not over consuming in any of the areas. I can eat more fruit and vegetables to improve my overall intake on food.
  • Notgetting enough nutrition according to the Diary thing. Eat less cheetos and eat more actual food.
  • 97lauren
    97lauren Posts: 2
    my calorie intake is 1,690. i need to eat a little mor fats. less protein & a little bit more sodium.
  • My calorie intake is around 1,070 - 1,080. I could eat less fattening snakcs. Since i mostly eat cheetos and other things like that. Also i can try to go to the gym more.
  • My calorie intake is a little more than 2000. I'm very low on veggies i need to eat more of them and less pop.
  • Everything is low except my protein intake.
  • reyese10
    reyese10 Posts: 2
    i consume about 2000 a day and i lack iron because i do not eat a lot of vegetables.