Cutting Coffee



  • JxAAA
    JxAAA Posts: 87 Member
    Today is day 5 of no coffee. Oh it's horrible, I'm getting terrible headaches and I'm not usually a headache sufferer. I decided to quit during my pre-op diet and it's been rough. I gave up soda cold turkey in December with no problems. I was hoping coffee would be the same.
  • vsg_joanna
    vsg_joanna Posts: 27 Member
    I have about four weeks before surgery and two weeks before pre-op. This will be my third week coffee free- decided that I should stop now since as DrSchmincke said, better to deal with headaches while you can still take regular pills. Luckily I'm a black coffee kind of gal- so month after surgery I'm going straight back. I love my coffee, although it would be funny if I couldn't tolerate it.... I would be sooo sad.

    dsjsmom23- you're going to save sooo much $$$ not buying Venti, the way starbucks prices their coffee- you could probably buy a new wardrobe with that money =P
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    I am a coffee connoisseur/addict and I, too, cut coffee out pre-op. Starting out slow like you are doing is the best way to do it. I would drink multiple cups per day, and could even drink it right before hitting the hay at night.

    I started with only allowing one cup in the morning and another cup later when and if I wanted it. Then after a week I allowed only one cup in the morning and if I wanted more coffee later I had herbal tea instead. Then after another week I was only having a cup in the morning maybe 3-4 times a week, and over the next week weened myself off and drank lots of herbal tea.

    For almost two months pre-op I was off coffee and only on herbal tea. Speaking of herbal tea. It 'saved my life' during the first month post-op. It was practically the only thing I could drink right away, and without it I would have never made my fluid intake requirements. I still drink it, but now that I'm almost five months out I am drinking coffee again.

    There are some days that I go a little overboard, but I try to stick to 2-3 cups a day at the most. Sometime I only have one.

    If you're not much of a tea drinker there is likely something you'd like considering the variety. I personally could only drink the red teas (like hibiscus, red zinger, raspberry zinger) plain. They were good and sometime I put a tad bit of Truvia in them. With others I drank (chamomile, berry teas, and so on) I needed 1/4 tsp of Truvia and 1/4 cup of light original soy milk (cream tastes funky in tea, IMO). Once I was okay'd for caffeine I started drinking Spiced Chai with the Truvia & soy milk and it is awesome!

    Good luck. Coffee is so darn good.
  • suzee279
    suzee279 Posts: 58
    I LOVE my coffee!! Drink it all morning and cut it off after 3 pm, because it does tend to affect my sleep...caffienated or not. I slowly cut down my coffee before surgery by making a pot with some decaf and gradually increasing the decaf till it was the whole pot. then I just eased off the quantity. That was pretty easy and I didnt go into massive withdrawal.

    After surgery I completely lost my taste for it. Found it to be rather gross for the first 6 months. Suddenly after 6 months it smelled great again and tasted even better. I still cut the caffiene with decaf, but do drink a good amount of strong coffee daily.

    Soda never was an issue as I had given that up completely about a year before starting the process.

    Good luck!! Hopefully you will lose the taste for it after surgery for awhile, so it wont be an issue for you.

  • I was a 4-espresso-a-day person. I really, really loved my coffee. I did not plan well for surgery, and my surgeon did not tell me to give it up at all. However on Day 2 in hospital I realized my error! I should have given it up before surgery. What happened? I got an enormous throbbing all-consuming headache from caffeine withdrawal - it was the worst part of the recovery from surgery. The sweet hospital staff brought me a black coffee, and I tried 1 teaspoonful and threw it up.

    Now, 7+ weeks later, I still cannot drink coffee and frankly don't even like the smell of it, which is a huge surprise to me. I now get a little caffeine one of two ways: either I bring a cup of Chai with milk in a thermos cup, so I can sip it on my 1-hour commute, or I blend ½ teaspoonful of instant coffee powder into my morning vanilla protein shake. If I have any more than ½ teaspoon, my heart starts to race. I am able to go 2 days with no caffeine now, without getting a headache.

    If I had a do-over, I would completely quit the caffeine before the surgery (when I could take Ibuprofen for the headaches!!). Good luck!

    instant coffee in your shake is an awesome idea!
  • Thanks ladies :-) I am doing pretty well so far. I havent had any coffee today :-)