4 month weight stall! HELP!!

I had the sleeve done on March 23 of last year. I have lost 75 pounds so far but have not lost any weight in about 4 months! I am getting frustrated and not sure what to do? Anyone else have this happen and could give me some suggestions?


  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    I am only close to five months out, and I'm not sure of all that you are doing right now when it comes to eating and exercise, but here is my suggestions/comments:

    - I'm assuming you are still logging since you are on MFP, but if not consistent logging is super important, especially if you are this far out. The farther out we are and as we get closer to goal the harder it is to lose weight. I've heard over and over again from people at this stage that all the little things need to be so much more exact at this point.

    - Are you accurately measuring your food? With a scale? A digital scale? Measuring cups and spoons are only good for a few things. I use a digital scale using the grams settings so I can log my food down to the most accurate/exact amount as possible. I have an OXO digital scale that I got at Target for about $30.

    I love that I can just put my plate on it, zero it out, add one item, zero it out, add another, zero it out, and so on. I keep a small magnetic dry erase board on my fridge for multiple purposes, but use it often to write down the grams when I have more than a couple things to keep track of so I don't forget before I log. I've had it for a couple years and it is awesome! I consider this a vital investment for anyone trying to accurately log their food intake.

    - My weight loss has slowed a tiny bit lately and I know the main reason this has happened is because I have reverted back to one old habit. Nibbling as I cook meals or in between meals and scheduled snacks. I sometimes log it, but not always. Every little bite is calories, and in the WLS game every bit counts. So, basically, I can repeating how important accuracy is. Now I just need to curb my nibbling :)

    - Fluids - drinking enough? This will not help a stall if you are dehydrated.

    - Protein vs carbs - I know all doctors plans are different, and I am allowed whole grains and all that if I have room, but during the weight loss stage, especially, for mealsI am supposed to focus on protein first, always, then vegetables, then fruit, then grains, and only move onto each category if there is room.

    - Exercise - I still have a long way to go to get myself into a more strict & intense routine, but, in general, I make sure I am more active then I was before my surgery. Of course, it's just easier now that I don't weight over 300 lbs. I walk my dog more often, I park my car farther away from where I'm going when I can, and I do some formal exercise. Exercise definitely isn't they key to weight loss (they say weight loss is 80% in the kitchen & 20% in the gym) but it definitely will make a difference, especially if you need all the little boosts of help you can get.

    Basically, going back to the basics will hopefully help you get your weight moving again. I know I am finding myself getting a little lax on some of these things and I can't! I am still in weight loss mode and really need to tighten up my daily routine & habits so I can be as successful as possible.

    Good luck and thanks for the post. I hope it is helpful for you and for others. It was helpful for me to write this all out for my own benefit.

  • suzee279
    suzee279 Posts: 58
    I feel for you!! I was stalled from a little before 6 months post op to around 8.5 months out.

    I had a similar experience right around where you are. I was stalled for a full 3 months. It did finally break, but it felt like forever!! The Doc told me to up the protein and water intake and try to contimue to exercise regularly. About a week after that conversation, it did break and I ended up losing like 14 lbs in 4 weeks. I am not sure if the change helped or if just talking to someone helped, or if I was ready to finally break the stall.

    I tend to stall and lose weight and then stall again, so I try to relax and just go with the flow. Hope this helps some to know that others have had the same experience as you.

    Hang in there!!