
GeekdGirl Posts: 218 Member
Has anyone played this yet? I have a 360 and have thought about renewing my Xbox Live subscription (you have to play online I think) and playing this... if it's any good.


  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    Haven't looked into it much, but yeah I think it's persistently online like an MMO. I even heard it referred to as an MMO once, haha. I find it very interesting that the genre is picking up steam on consoles!
  • Nimue108
    Nimue108 Posts: 110 Member
    I am not a fan of pay to play games. If I want an MMO I stick with GW2. I have SEEN propoganda for the game, but nothing of substance and that makes me HIGHLY skeptical of it.
  • bl0ndez0mb1e
    I played in the alpha test a few months ago and I thought it was awesome at first. I was getting like 35-3 K/D ratios...until I realized I was mostly killing "grunts" which are basically just stupid robots haha. I thought about still getting it but it isn't split screen and doesn't even have a single player campaign. It is still pretty fun I just don't think it's worth $60. Maybe$30?