How did you feel post op

So how did everyone feel the first few days of post op?


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Honestly, I felt better than I expected to. I was in the hospital one night, and I didn't take my pain meds after I got home. I made sure I walked and got in all my fluids, and I got out and about after a few days. I felt tired, but when I did, I slept or rested. I went back to work after two weeks. I felt well enough to go back to work sooner, but I am glad I took the time to just rest and take care of myself.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Horrible, they wouldn't listen to me about pain meds. I do great on Tylenol but they kept giving me dilaudid. I did a plate and screws in my ankle with nothing but OTC Tylenol. I can hack pain but nausea from pain meds is awful. There isn't enough zofran or phenergan on the planet to help me. My 1st six weeks were tough. The weakness, easy fatigue, nausea, bloating was crappy. I just prayed a lot to submit to the process and follow my new food lifestyle. I just kept telling myself to work the plan and not have expectations. After 110 days I do not find my 750-850 cal lifestyle a burden. Turns out you can live without processed carbs. I finally learned how to only took 3 months!! Going to support group monthly really helps a lot. You learn something new every time. My energy level is great now. I can walk up and down stairs and never get short of breath. But I can not lie, those first six wks were sucky
  • SibylDiane
    SibylDiane Posts: 177 Member
    Mostly I was super tired. The liquid lortab took care of most of the pain, with the exception of the drain site, which hurt me every time I bent over, twisted to the side, stood up, etc. for about two weeks. As long as I remembered to brace myself there I was fine. But exhausted!
    I was off the prescription pain meds during the day time after about three days and off them entirely after about a week. But I didn't stop napping during the day and feeling exhausted for about 2 1/2 weeks.
  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    My post-op experience was not fun but manageable for the most part. The gas pain from the gas they used in the surgery got the better of me at one point but they had taken me off the morphine pump and were giving me oral meds and I think that probably happened a few hours too soon. The gas pain in my chest was very painful - my ribs and clavicles hurt badly for a couple hours. I was walking frequently but the gas does need to work itself out. The incision(s) pain didn't bother me too much. Just forced me to move slowly and carefully while I healed. I was in the hospital two nights and was very glad to get home, if only so I could sleep undisturbed :)
    The first week I was home, I was tired, so very tired and it was hard to talk myself into doing much of anything or walking very long. That lasted a full week then I woke up one day with my energy back. It's been one month today and life is pretty well back to normal, although of course my diet is still pureed.
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    I also felt better than expected. I did have a bad reaction to the pain meds. I worried I might because I am allergic to hydrocodone (sp?) and they knew it. Gave me something else, but it was similar and it made me sick as heck. I basically slept the whole day after I woke up from surgery, but they changed the meds after a while, but I was home in the mid afternoon the day after surgery and didn't need any pain meds of any kind once I was home.

    I was able to walk around and do most things without issue. Sleeping in my bed was uncomfortable the first couple nights or so at home, and I found the recliner worked best (I think it was because my abdomen wasn't stretched out from laying down).

    Really, all was good. No nausea, either.
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    I am 6 days post - op and it was pretty rough for a few days there. Vomiting for 2 days which was agony but then it settled. I stayed in 4 nights which was scheduled anyway. The stomach contractions are the most painful but they have subsided a lot now. Today was the first time I felt up to going anywhere for more than 5 minutes. Spent a few hours shopping with my husband but relied on the trolley for support when things got a bit tiring. I actually travelled overseas for this surgery so I have no access to scales in my hotel. No idea if I have lost or not. Will find out next week when I arrive home I guess. Fingers crossed of course. Need to sort out some foods though. Juice and packet soup are starting to get me down a little but they are certainly filling.
  • Great to hear the good and the bad :-) I just want to know what to expect and who better to ask then people who went through it :-)
  • DonnaVSG
    DonnaVSG Posts: 10 Member
    I remember being tired but no pain. I did a lot of walking in the hospital, I was up and at 'em a half hour after getting to my room and just kept walking to get the gas out. The constant burping was the worse part of it.
  • gwendolyn2820
    gwendolyn2820 Posts: 5 Member
    I felt like I didn't have surgery. I am 4 months out and I haven't experienced any pain, nausea, or fatigue.
  • Great to hear! :-) I am hoping I have a good experince too :-)
  • emmerin78
    emmerin78 Posts: 311 Member
    I wasn't in pain, just uncomfortable from all the gas of surgery. I walked the floor relentlessly in the hopes of getting the bubbles out, but to no avail. Time was the only thing that took care of it. The drain in my abdomen was also very uncomfortable, but I felt better from that very soon after it was removed. I was in the hospital 2 nights on the pain pump, and then was discharged the third day and didn't need to take any of the prescription pain meds they sent me home with. The only lasting "ouchie" I had was a large hematoma at the incision site above my abdomen. It was swollen, tender, and looked like I had been beaten with a bat; it also was worse because my surgeon has his patients inject Lovenox (the blood thinner) for a month post surgery to guard against clots. I finally had my surgeon aspirate some of the blood to decompress it at my 2 week follow up appointment, and that helped, but it did take awhile to heal. I'm almost 8 months out, all of my incisions have healed nicely (just tiny little pink indentations that would make a star shape if you played connect the dots lol) and I have a small light lavender colored patch of skin around the incision where I had the hematoma. All things considered, I'm very, very lucky that I didn't have any major complications and that I can tolerate all my protein and liquids.
  • shoppinglady1972
    shoppinglady1972 Posts: 72 Member
    My experience wasn't bad, but I do remember coming home from the hospital thinking, "WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!" :smile: The first few days were rough, it's just such a big adjustment! Pain was tolerable but I was on pain meds for a few days. The worst part was the gas, I think. As long as I stayed on GasX and kept walking it wasn't too painful. Probably the worst part for me was that I was hungry! I know there are many people who don't get hungry, unfortunately, I'm not one of them! I woke up hungry from surgery and I still get hungry (I've just gotten used to it, now).
    I will say that this was the best decision I've ever made! So happy with the results, thus far!
  • airdale8263
    airdale8263 Posts: 2,155 Member
    Not a bad experience. I mad the mistake while in the hospital of not staying ahead of the pain. It was about 4 or 5 hours after waking up that I moved one way and got a stabbing sharp pain on my left side. On that scale chart of 1-10, this pain was off the chart like a 15:sad: :sad: . Yes this man had tears. The awesome hospital staff did everthing to get the pan to subside. The nurse would make sure I pressed my "button" ever 6 minutes. Other than that one incident, it was no problem. Only used the liquid pain medication at night to get to sleep and only did that for 2 days after coming home.
    Walking is the key to get rid of the "bloated feeling" from the gas. I walked as much as the staff would allow me. It really helped.
    Took awhile to adjust to not being able to sleep on myleft side but that has since passed (had surgery in Jan).
    Have had a couple of bouts with vomiting but that was due to not truly understanding the amount of food to be eaten. I tired to eat as much as I had before surgery--nope can't do that. :noway: I have learned (yes you can teach an old dog new tricks - even a man:laugh: :laugh: )
    I feel it is the best decision I could have made.
    I am only 2 1/2 months out and I am already at my goal weight of 190 lbs (actually a bit below at 188.4) so now is the trick to stop and learn to keep from losing.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Better than I expected. They'd planned to keep me 2 days and released me the day after surgery. I didn't use the narcotic pain meds, (can't take hydrocodone by mount on a good day anyway without throwing up, and this was not a good day to test it). I chewed a few Tylenol JRs when I needed to take the edge off. I had mild nausea for the first week, controlled by the patch and oral pill they gave me to control. I was tired the first few weeks, but went back to work the middle of the week after surgery and was fine. Never had issues keeping anything down, but getting water and protein was a struggle for the first week. All in all, I did really well. Better than average, I guess.
  • gwendolyn2820
    gwendolyn2820 Posts: 5 Member
    I hope you have a good experience as well :)
  • Thank you everyone for sharing :0)
  • I only remember the day of surgery (Jan 9, 2014) being pretty rough from the gas and soreness in my surgery site but once I left the hospital, I never took any more pain meds..not even Tylenol. I was able to sip my water, broth and jello went down pretty good, and no nausea to speak of. I even joked with my surgeon on my 10 day follow up appointment and asked him if he opened me up, looked inside and changed his mind because I didn't feel any different except I wasn't hungry! Needless to say, I am thrilled with how smooth the surgery, recovery and postop went and would do it again in a heartbeat. Each phase has been an easy transition. I haven't had any negative issues with food from liquids to pureed, soft and now solids. Lovin' it. Praying you have the same experience! Feel free to friend me. Have a great day!

    64 days since surgery +47 pounds down = best decision ever!
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Over two years out and I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was in the hospital for a week with complications but once released to go home was when my journey really began. I went home, laid on the couch in terrible pain, still having trouble drinking anything at all and tried to stay strong. The hardest part was watching tv (Food Channel - my Fav!!) and wanting to eat. Also, my partner bringing the kids home "fast foods" or cooking delicious smelling foods. Honestly, this was the hardest part for me. By day three I would close my bedroom door during their meal times. I would light a candle to avoid the fabulous smells of their tasty meals. I began watching HGtv instead of FoodNetwork; anything to avoid food.

    Although this sounds rough, it was only for a short period of time. And I am sure it was a bit dramatic on my part. Being a total foodie, food was my life, my interest, my everything. A very important lesson I learned was to never let food rule my life again. Although I am still a "foodie" I do not let it consume me (or I it *wink*). I found ways to eat within my limits and enjoy just a few bites. I love it!
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    Good luck. When is your surgery? It seems we all react differently, there is no absolutes. My experience over the last 2 weeks since surgery has been amazing and frustrating at the same time. New life, new behaviours but without a doubt the sleeve is making my choices much much easier. I finally arrived back in Australia and can focus on buying the 'right' foods. I have found packeted baby food perfect for this phase. It is easy to get two meals from it. I do add a little seasoning for my own pleasure but very satisfying and perfect texture. I hope it all goes really well for you but even if you have a rough few days it does get so much better.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Had my surgery on a Thursday morning. Once they stopped the Morphine drip on Friday, I was able to stay awake and get the walking in they asked for. I had a Vicodin Saturday morning about 2 and that was it for pain meds. Never needed another. They kept me until Sunday only because I couldn't get the Unjury down they wanted me to drink. It was way too sweet and thick for me. I'm more of a savory person, but because I couldn't drink the only nutrition they were giving me, they were concerned that I wasn't going to get any nutrition once home. I finally convinced them that I had lots of protein infused broths at home and I would drink them and they let me go. I had no medication issues at all and the whole experience was fine.