Focus T25 Support



  • Breeca2
    Breeca2 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm seeing both but my weight just now started to drop and not by much. The first thing to go were the inches. I've lost an inch in all categories (waist, hips, and chest all dropped by an inch). I don't have too much to lose so that is a pretty significant change for me. I didn't think it would be that fast honestly. I promise if you keep at it it will get easier and you will definitely see results :)

    Okay, great! Reading your results and how it has been going for you is definitely motivating.
  • Has anybody set a plan for Day 5? Is it supposed to be back to back or can it be split up? I was thinking one on lunch and the other after work or in the morning before work. Today is ab interval day for me (W1 D4) I'm kind of excited but scared at the same time!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Has anybody set a plan for Day 5? Is it supposed to be back to back or can it be split up? I was thinking one on lunch and the other after work or in the morning before work. Today is ab interval day for me (W1 D4) I'm kind of excited but scared at the same time!

    It has varied for me (I'm towards the end of Beta now). There were times when I split them up and did one Friday and one Saturday. Most often, I switch my double day to Saturday (taking a rest day on Friday) and do them back-to-back. I have more free time on Saturdays since I don't have work. I think my endurance has improved from doing both consecutively. In my opinion, I think whatever plan you use is fine. Splitting them up in the same day is a good option too!
  • I know we need them, but rest days scare me!! I'm afraid I will lose my motivation :-/ So today was Ab Intervals and I feel like I completely failed it! There were a few moves they were doing that I was sitting there thinking "how the heck do they do that?!" it was kinda discouraging, but I was dripping sweat (and I can feel some of the burn in my tummy just sitting here now) so my efforts must have accomplished something...can't wait till I do the workouts and can keep up (I feel like a broken record haha)!!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I know we need them, but rest days scare me!! I'm afraid I will lose my motivation :-/ So today was Ab Intervals and I feel like I completely failed it! There were a few moves they were doing that I was sitting there thinking "how the heck do they do that?!" it was kinda discouraging, but I was dripping sweat (and I can feel some of the burn in my tummy just sitting here now) so my efforts must have accomplished something...can't wait till I do the workouts and can keep up (I feel like a broken record haha)!!

    Well, there's something to be said for listening to your body too. I trend to be active aside from T25, so I truly NEED a rest day (I usually only get one per week) at times.

    You'll get there :) Just keep at it.. you will improve each time! It will get easier too!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I just completed day 2 and did much better a lot of cross cross movements tho lol but it was good gla everyone is pushing play as for Friday double day I might split it up during the day or do one Friday then Saturday not sure and I feel a bit sore mainly my legs so we shall see
  • jace0828
    jace0828 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello, it's nice to find folks that are going thru the same hardship and struggles as I am. I just finished week1 day4 ab interval and I wanted to scream. I'm just glad the week is almost over and I get to rest a bit.
  • Breeca2
    Breeca2 Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    Day 4 down, YES. How are all of you feeling and doing on the workouts? I am still struggling of course, but know it will get better, just gotta keep pushing. Good luck everyone and WE CAN DO THIS!
  • Holy cow day 1 was more difficult than I anticipated. Day 2 today and im not looking forward to it. My calves are killing me, and as it is I already have to do a 45min walk home after work before I can even think about doing the workout tonight. I know ill push through, just not looking forward to it. How is speed 1.0? What should I be expecting?
  • I know we need them, but rest days scare me!! I'm afraid I will lose my motivation :-/ So today was Ab Intervals and I feel like I completely failed it! There were a few moves they were doing that I was sitting there thinking "how the heck do they do that?!" it was kinda discouraging, but I was dripping sweat (and I can feel some of the burn in my tummy just sitting here now) so my efforts must have accomplished something...can't wait till I do the workouts and can keep up (I feel like a broken record haha)!!

    If you are scared that you will lose motivation on rest days (totally understandable) I would try splitting the double day then use the stretch video for day 7 so you are always doing something. I do the double day videos back to back on day 5 but it is really difficult. However I find that rest days I am itching to work out so by the time day 1 comes back around I'm more than ready to start. I would try both ways and see what works best for you. And the Ab video is just nuts.. I can't keep up with it either :)
  • Holy cow day 1 was more difficult than I anticipated. Day 2 today and im not looking forward to it. My calves are killing me, and as it is I already have to do a 45min walk home after work before I can even think about doing the workout tonight. I know ill push through, just not looking forward to it. How is speed 1.0? What should I be expecting?

    I am on week 3 day 4, if you ask me the speed 1.0 is the easiest video. Now.. I use the word "easiest" VERY lightly. It is still hard but out of all the video's that is the one I can keep up with best. He switches from cardio to stretch and I love it. It gets better! First week is the toughest!
  • I'm happy to hear everyone is pushing through and getting it done!!

    Sadly I went over my calorie goal by 200! last night :-( I was very disappointed in myself!! But today is a good day, I feel like I rocked the modified version of the cardio workout. It was my second time doing the cardio (w1 d5). The first time I had to keep stopping, today I was able to keep going and I could even do non-modified moves at times!! I've decided that I think I will break up the workouts for now, do one on Friday's and one on Saturday's, but I reserve the right to get motivated later this evening and do the lower body focus...
  • Ugh, I hate weekends! I have such sucky eating habits on the weekends! I did get my workout in though so that's positive. Tomorrow is my weigh in day, even though I keep telling myself not to expect any changes so early in the game I'm secretly hoping there is!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Good to know everyone is pushing through tmm would be day 5 for me double day but I'm restarting and having family and friends join hopefully we can finish it extra accountability is always good and I will probably have us do weekly check ins here to see how are progress goes
  • zuggi
    zuggi Posts: 4
    Hi all! My t25 will be arriving tomorrow and I will make tomorrow my day 1!

    As someone who never exercises, and is about 20 pounds over weight...any suggestions? I will not be sticking to the meal plan but I will be counting calories and keeping them under 1400 and eating as many raw foods as possible !
  • Welcome Zuggi!! Your plan sounds good, the first step is pushing play then continuing from there, you can do it!!

    Sad day for me :-( When I started a week ago I weighed in at 172 then on weigh in day yesterday I was down to 163.6, which made me super excited! Well I had a bad day of eating yestereday so I wanted to weigh myself today to see how it had affected things, the scale said 180!! I weighed myself several times, for the first three times it said 180, then it said 151, then now I'm pretty sure my scale's battery needs replaced. Our office has a scale so I stepped on it and it weighed me at 182. Now I have no idea what my starting weight really was and/or if I lost any weight last week. Guess I will start at 182 and go from there. I'm trying to be positive and think about how awesome I'm feeling. I was able to run around and play with the babies last night and I was able to jog up and down our office stairs without getting completely winded so obviously my stamina is increasing but it's still discouraging to find out that I actually weigh 180 pounds!!
  • Breeca2
    Breeca2 Posts: 25 Member
    GM Everyone,
    How is everyone doing? I am doing okay, but have already slipped up and didn't do the 2 workouts on Friday, just did one. At any rate, not giving up and going to keep pushing.

  • Welcome Zuggi!! Your plan sounds good, the first step is pushing play then continuing from there, you can do it!!

    Sad day for me :-( When I started a week ago I weighed in at 172 then on weigh in day yesterday I was down to 163.6, which made me super excited! Well I had a bad day of eating yestereday so I wanted to weigh myself today to see how it had affected things, the scale said 180!! I weighed myself several times, for the first three times it said 180, then it said 151, then now I'm pretty sure my scale's battery needs replaced. Our office has a scale so I stepped on it and it weighed me at 182. Now I have no idea what my starting weight really was and/or if I lost any weight last week. Guess I will start at 182 and go from there. I'm trying to be positive and think about how awesome I'm feeling. I was able to run around and play with the babies last night and I was able to jog up and down our office stairs without getting completely winded so obviously my stamina is increasing but it's still discouraging to find out that I actually weigh 180 pounds!!

    Don't get discouraged! If you're feeling better then you are doing great! I didn't see any results until week 3 so just keep pushing! And it's so awesome to hear that you can play with kids because than means you are not only doing awesome for you're own body but you are making others around you more happy too and that is always worth it :) Keep at it and you will see results. I read somewhere that it takes 4 weeks to see results normally but in the grand scheme of things 4 weeks is a really short time!
  • I couldn't do the double day this week :( I ran an 8k on Saturday so I didn't work out then and Sundays are supposed to be my double days but I could barely move I was so sore from the race! I still did the Total Body Circuit anyways so I was feeling pretty proud of myself for getting that done. I was going to get up this morning and do the other half (Abs) but I just couldn't get out of my bed. I'll try again after work. Hope everyone else is doing great and pushing hard! Lets do this!!
  • Breeca2
    Breeca2 Posts: 25 Member
    I couldn't do the double day this week :( I ran an 8k on Saturday so I didn't work out then and Sundays are supposed to be my double days but I could barely move I was so sore from the race! I still did the Total Body Circuit anyways so I was feeling pretty proud of myself for getting that done. I was going to get up this morning and do the other half (Abs) but I just couldn't get out of my bed. I'll try again after work. Hope everyone else is doing great and pushing hard! Lets do this!!

    Wow, that's great; running 8k. Was that your first time running one? You got a serious workout on Saturday.