Classic vs Turbo

I need to lose 35 lbs. I'm thinking about turbo cycling. Can you share what cycle you did , how much you lost and in what amount of time?


  • fluffymama33
    fluffymama33 Posts: 8 Member
    I am not going to be much help, but I am in my first week of the Turbo Cycle and am down 10 pounds and 7 inches!
  • only1bones
    only1bones Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm doing the classic. I've just started Chris Powell's plan but have been doing carb cycling for about 6 weeks...although not sticking to it strickly. I lost 4 lbs. I'm hoping if I really stick to this classic plan it will work. Of course, I'm cutting out alcohol so that should make a huge difference. I will allow myself some wine on my cheat day though. I'm limited on exercise due to some trouble with spinal stenosis. I'm hoping once the pain is under control my exercise will increase. I've been "down" with it since the beginning of December. I did manage to do the shredders today and ordered a DVD to see if I can manage that. Good luck!:happy:
  • mamacita903
    mamacita903 Posts: 13 Member
    fluffymama33 that is amazing! I am starting turbo cycle mid-cycle.......I've been off and on stuff for forever but I'm finally 110% serious this time and have had the come to Jesus talk with myself...meaning I know for me (not everyone) low carb and more appropriately, carb cycling is what it is going to take to get this fat off and reset my metabolism....i've done the classic cycle before and had great results but never stuck with it for more than 2-3 weeks....I'm one of those people that needs the structure/quick results and I'm hoping that turbo will be a commitment I can keep to myself (as Chris likes to say :) ) I didn't want to "wait til Monday" to start again this time because I know how much of an excuse that is for me. And when I thought about how much fat I could burn in just two days by starting mid-week, I thought to myself "why wait?"
  • Fedup85
    Fedup85 Posts: 70 Member
    I started on Tuesday so far I have been doing pretty good. I am doing the turbo cycle. I'm sure we will both do well.