SAS Day 1

SharkBaitRachy Posts: 368 Member
Not gonna lie, so far, no bueno! Little guy is all messed up with his sleep schedule since his bday party Saturday. He was up 2-5:30/6 AM, slept till 8, didn't take another nap till 2:30. It's usually 8:30, 11, & 2 for naps. Plus the older boys are home for Spring Break. I'm sleep deprived and whooped but I tried it for our Day 1. My eyes stayed on the counter and I was blah the whole time. I know the workout started at 7 min and I made it to 18 min (those yoga squat praying things). Baby woke up and that was it for now. I'm gonna try again later. Womp womp. Day 1 = bomb so far lol.

I'll do my best and good luck to everyone else!!! I am also doing 6W6P with this round bc I had to wear a bathing suit Saturday and wanted to hide behind a bush! Ewww!


  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    I only made it to 14 min on the ticker. I had planned to do it again later, but now I'm tired. 17 hours in the car yesterday, and I'm done. Hopefully I'll catch up on sleep tonight. Tseli, where did you download it at? I keep trying to play it online line, and the stupid buffering is driving me crazy. If I can't get it to play, I'll switch to Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. It's a 40 minute workout. (55 with cool down/warm up), but I have that one. LOL.

    I weighed in today.... 134.6 So I gained a pound while I was gone. Not bad. I'm super bloated though, so that could be it too.
    And Rach, I have a wedding to attend in July, but need to be "bikini" (Ha. I don't wear bikini's.) ready by the middle of June. So, I'll add 6w6p in there too!! I want to flatten my stomach, and lose a couple sizes. I have my dress, it's wearable with some tummy control nylons, but, I'd like to have the option of not wearing them and looking FABULOUS! So, it's "crunch" time!!!
  • alli4795
    alli4795 Posts: 672 Member
    Day 1 done! matter how we did it or how much of it we did, what matters is that we did it! I will agree that it was rough for me today as well, and I don't have any little ones to add to the challenge :) The extra 15 or so minutes compared to 30DS and RI30 really seems long, but I think that's going to be a good thing in the end!

    See you tomorrow...and Happy St. Patrick's Day!
  • calicutie05
    calicutie05 Posts: 74 Member
    i didnt get it done... stsrted my new job today (fantastic day!!) and they happened to close the office early for an office happy hour for St Patty's day... alcohol and no fitness.. oh well theres tomorrow
    great job ladies for at least pushing play!
  • TseliB
    TseliB Posts: 300 Member
    Whew ! Boy am I relieved I'm not the only one who struggled. Woke up feeling like death - coming down with a cold or something! I blasted the thing with Vit C all day & slept as long as I could. Hoping today will be better and I can swing those 30 min this evening.

    J, I got it from Daily Motion dot com & used keepvid dot com to download. Hope that works for you!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Thanks Tseli! I can't download it. It had malware, and my antivirus blocked it. Hopefully it'll stream good today though.
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Ok guys SAS is a no go for me... It won't play. :( I get like a minute into it, and it buffers. Highly annoying. I did go to Walmart, but ours doesn't have it, and based on all of the "eh" about it, I don't think I'm going to buy it. LOL. I have BFBM I'll start doing that. I'm about to do my kettlebell right now. And I want to do 6w6p, so we'll see. Sorry ladies :sad: