March 17/2014 WEIGH IN

MandyG4557 Posts: 42 Member
SW -
GW -
CW -



  • MandyG4557
    MandyG4557 Posts: 42 Member
    SW - 184.1lbs
    GW - 154.1lbs (30lbs)
    CW - 184.1lbs

    ABOUT YOURSELF - 22.5 year old, Married, Full time Office Admin., No Kids just Animals, have 30lbs to lose
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    SW -205.5
    GW -185
    CW -205.5

    ABOUT YOURSELF -Married with a 3 year old son. I walk 4 miles 5 days a week and run 4 miles 4 days a week.
  • dshields89
    dshields89 Posts: 2 Member

    ABOUT YOURSELF-24 & Married with 2 sons, full time nursing student and working part time. I Love To Eat.
  • caitlindb88
    caitlindb88 Posts: 14 Member

    ABOUT YOURSELF-25 and married with one adorable dog!! I'm a freelance photographer and I go to the gym 4 days per week, sometimes 5 if I can force myself LOL
  • kirsd07
    kirsd07 Posts: 2 Member
    SW: 10.7
    GW: 9
    CW: 10.2

    I am 23 and from Hull. I have a daughter who is nearly four. The excuse of ''I've just had a baby'' has completely worn out which means I need to work hard and cut down. After many failed attempts, I am feeling more motivated then ever to look good for summer! Good luck to you all. xx
  • SW 186
    GW 160
    CW 186

    I am married, in my 50's and mom to 3 grown kids, and two dogs. Just started a career in real estate and am full of excuses about why I can't eat right! I need to be accountable for what goes in my mouth, and there's nothing like a weigh in to keep you honest....
  • SW 160
    GW 120
    CW 155

    I am married with two kids - 9 & 6 yo. I work part time. Volunteer about 3 hours a week at my kids school. I will turn 40 in 2015!
  • Cowgal23
    Cowgal23 Posts: 106 Member
    SW - 218.4 lbs
    GW - 195 lbs
    CW - 218.4 lbs

    ABOUT YOURSELF - I'm 23 and married to my work. I'm an accounting assistant and can't stand all the weight I've gained in the past year. I work out 4 nights a week however some nights are shorter than others. I would really like to start running again so I'm slowly starting to do that but I'm a long ways from doing any distance running.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    SW: 177
    GW: 135
    CW: 165.8

    About me- I'm a 21 year old college student currently on work placement. Trying to lose weight before my study abroad semester (Norway!)
  • laurasaintlouis
    laurasaintlouis Posts: 131 Member
  • SgtBA_Diana
    SgtBA_Diana Posts: 156 Member
    SW - 149 lbs
    GW - 120 lbs
    CW - 130 lbs

    ABOUT YOURSELF - I'm a mother of two teenage boys. I've been a stay at home mom for the last year & half but about to go back to a full-time job. I'm excited but don't want it to hinder my weight loss progress. I've been doing great & want a group that will help keep me accountable to myself.
  • hlytle39
    hlytle39 Posts: 11 Member
    sw: 168
    gw: 135
    cw: 168

    About myself: I turn 40 next month (ugh) and am a mother to 2 boys aged 16 and 18. I live in VT with my boyfriend, where I have been for the past year. I Have worked with children under the age of 5 for 25 years and currently am a director and teacher at a montesorri preschool. Since moving here I have gained 25 pounds. Prior to moving here I was at the gym 5 days a week, was 145 pounds and thinking I was overweight at that point. Here there is no affordable gym and I don't care much for exercise videos so needless to say I have been very lazy and paying for it now. I am headed to GA to see my son graduate high school in May and would like to be at least 15 pounds lighter by then. Time to get back on track!
  • Lieslll
    Lieslll Posts: 26 Member
    Canada Day Plans

    March 17 - SW 174.2

    • April 21 - Goal 165
    • May 26 - Goal 155
    • June 30 - Goal 145

    I have been slowly adding weight on over the last 5 years, and have finally decided to do something about it. I would love to get fit and have energy to have fun with family and friends. Looking forward to toning and trimming up in 2014.
  • Sorry I know I am a day late, but I just joined this group today.

  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    Good Morning!

    SW - 183
    GW - 130
    CW - 183

    I will be 51 in September, mother of two adult children, grandmother of 5 and a very proud and blessed Breast Cancer Survivor of 11 years this year! I have been a member of MFP for two years this month and did very good for the first 18 months and then kind of lost track ie: new boyfriend, summer cook-outs, family functions, holidays, etc....but have gotten back in the grove and I am determined to get back and meet my goal! I do some sort of excercise on a minimum of 5 days a week, walking, treadmill, my Wii games and recently added a Zumba DVD (which I love, I love to dance, even though I am rythmically challenged)! Today, I just finished Jillian Michaels 30 day Challenge, Level 1! I didn't lose 20 lbs., but I'm very proud of myself that I stuck with it for 30 days straight and completed it! Now on to Level 2!
  • vrinda9183
    vrinda9183 Posts: 160 Member
    SW- 201.6 lbs
    GW-150 lbs

    About me- I'm 34 years old, Mom of 2 full time and try to complete 10k steps on pedometer everyday along with watching what I eat.
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    SW - 187
    GW - 168.5 (July 1)
    CW - 187

    ABOUT YOURSELF - 39 yo, mom of 2 boys (13 and 2.5). Work full time. Run 3 times/week and lift 3 times.
  • lmjblues
    lmjblues Posts: 117 Member
    Hi all! Thanks for letting me join the group! I was looking for a place to be accountable for my weigh in's. Perfect!!

    SW - 180
    GW - 150 (August 15)
    CW - 180

    ABOUT YOURSELF - 45 yo, mom of 3 adult children (two girls and a boy). Grandmother of 1 totally cute 6 yr old boy. I work full time as a Database Administrator. I am a runner, a spinner and I try to strength train at least a couple times a week. Have found the 40's have caused some unexpected weight gain. Looking to take control and take it off!
  • SW - 202
    GW - 170
    CW - 202

    About yourself - 35 yo mom of 2 girls. In school full time and work part time. The weight has been adding up and I am ready to get back down again. Looking forward to the support and weekly weigh ins and to my clothes fitting again!
  • adamdlc
    adamdlc Posts: 34
    March 18

    SW - 179
    GW - 170
    CW - 179

    my goals really just to drop body fat. Im going to beat my goals from last year and I love to do this with people. When groups are getting results and people are giving support it really helps out. Feel Free to add me