Focus T25 Support



  • Breeca2, I have run 5k's before but this was my first 8k :)
  • Breeca2
    Breeca2 Posts: 25 Member
    Breeca2, I have run 5k's before but this was my first 8k :)

    Wow, that's cool. How do you prepare? I have thought about trying to do one.
  • Breeca2, I have run 5k's before but this was my first 8k :)

    Wow, that's cool. How do you prepare? I have thought about trying to do one.

    Well, I didn't really prepare for this one aside from T25 and I did ok. But before I started I was running about 3 times a week for about 2 miles. I had to work my way up big time though because I have never been a runner. I started REAALLY slow :) I ran this 8k pretty slow too, I was at a 12 min/mile pace which.. is slow. But I crossed the finish line and ran (Slowly) the whole time.
  • Breeca2
    Breeca2 Posts: 25 Member
    Breeca2, I have run 5k's before but this was my first 8k :)

    Wow, that's cool. How do you prepare? I have thought about trying to do one.

    Well, I didn't really prepare for this one aside from T25 and I did ok. But before I started I was running about 3 times a week for about 2 miles. I had to work my way up big time though because I have never been a runner. I started REAALLY slow :) I ran this 8k pretty slow too, I was at a 12 min/mile pace which.. is slow. But I crossed the finish line and ran (Slowly) the whole time.

    That's great, something for me to think about.
  • Hey everybody! My wife and I are working through our 4th week of Alpha. Glad to to see so many other ppl doing T25 also.
  • Calikat61
    Calikat61 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Everyone. I started Focus T25 yesterday. This is my first BB series, but I'm very excited and can't wait to get off work and get home to put those 25 minutes in. I participated in a boot camp-style working out group a few months ago and that helped alot with my endurance. I'm really hoping this program can help me get down to my goal weight. I have about 25 pounds to lose.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Hi Everyone. I started Focus T25 yesterday. This is my first BB series, but I'm very excited and can't wait to get off work and get home to put those 25 minutes in. I participated in a boot camp-style working out group a few months ago and that helped alot with my endurance. I'm really hoping this program can help me get down to my goal weight. I have about 25 pounds to lose.

    Welcome and we r in the same boat sort of lol I'm looking to she the last 20 lbs
  • My husband and I are working through Alpha week 4 too! It's great to be in contact with other people doing the same thing :)
  • Hi everyone, just completed week 1 day 4 abs. I struggled so hard! Could barely keep up with Tania lol my Hr monitor said I burned 200 calories so at least I worked up a sweat. From going from zero exercise to this, I think I'm doing ok. My body is still so sore, it's making it hard to want to work out. Not looking forward to double tomorrow. Glad I found this group to keep motivated!
  • DogLoverLiz
    DogLoverLiz Posts: 25 Member
    Hey all, I also just completed week 1 day 4. I'm hoping you guys will give me the motivation to stick with it! I did insanity a year or so ago and saw great results, but I injured my foot doing it so I'm gonna try t25 first to hopefully build up strength and balance before I go back.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Welcome everyone and glad to see some of us doing the same weeks I'm actually did an interval yesterday and it said I burned 260 cals 30 minutes including cool down today will be my first double workout good luck to those on the same day
  • Calikat61
    Calikat61 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new to posting on this site. I've started Focus T25 this week. I completed day three. I was rather clumsy and had to follow the modifier, but I like the way my muscles feel and look forward to the next workout. I have to follow the modifier alot, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it since I'm just starting out. I am a 52 y/o woman with about 25 pounds to lose. I'm so happy to have found this group!
  • So I disappeared because I totally threw in the towl on Tuesday and was too ashamed to come back. But my coworkers kicked my butt and I'm working on making the time up..I did the workout yesterday and today! I figured if I was so ashamed to admit defeat then I'm not really ready to give also helps that I'm noticing slight changes. I think the combination of working out and counting calories was what wore me down so I'm working out and then for my diet I'm watching portion sizes and what I'm actually taking in. It may be more than 1200 calories BUT it's less than what I normally would intake. Baby steps!!
  • So I disappeared because I totally threw in the towl on Tuesday and was too ashamed to come back. But my coworkers kicked my butt and I'm working on making the time up..I did the workout yesterday and today! I figured if I was so ashamed to admit defeat then I'm not really ready to give also helps that I'm noticing slight changes. I think the combination of working out and counting calories was what wore me down so I'm working out and then for my diet I'm watching portion sizes and what I'm actually taking in. It may be more than 1200 calories BUT it's less than what I normally would intake. Baby steps!!

    At least you got back into it, thats awesome! And that is what matters! And the portion sizes is important. I have been counting calories but don't get too stressed out if I go over because I know that although I go over I go over with healthy choices so its ok. I think that is what matters, making healthy decisions... speaking of...Its actually kind of funny that this was the first thing I read when I came to the discussion because I came here to confess that I totally fell off the band wagon with calorie counting and ate like CRAP today!!!! And I feel awful. I'm normally a healthy eater but I can't even tell you how bad I did today because its just too much to admit. I just had xero self control today. However! I did work out this morning (Lower focus) so that counts for something right?
    UGH :( I feel like I need to go home and run 5 miles just to burn half of the calories I ate today..
  • graham713
    graham713 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm excited I found this support group! Tomorrow I am starting week 3 of Alpha. I am so happy with all the changes I'm seeing! I've lost weight and inches, my blood pressure and endurance are better. I'm sleeping better and have more energy. But most important I feel happier. I have been struggling with depression lately and I don't know if its the increased endorphins from working out or the sense of accomplishment and pride or what it is, but its definitely helping!
  • Breeca2
    Breeca2 Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    I am on week 3, Day 1 of Focus T25 and still going, whoop whoop. I have not done the 2 workouts on Friday as I am dead after one, how are you all doing?

  • So I disappeared because I totally threw in the towl on Tuesday and was too ashamed to come back. But my coworkers kicked my butt and I'm working on making the time up..I did the workout yesterday and today! I figured if I was so ashamed to admit defeat then I'm not really ready to give also helps that I'm noticing slight changes. I think the combination of working out and counting calories was what wore me down so I'm working out and then for my diet I'm watching portion sizes and what I'm actually taking in. It may be more than 1200 calories BUT it's less than what I normally would intake. Baby steps!!

    At least you got back into it, thats awesome! And that is what matters! And the portion sizes is important. I have been counting calories but don't get too stressed out if I go over because I know that although I go over I go over with healthy choices so its ok. I think that is what matters, making healthy decisions... speaking of...Its actually kind of funny that this was the first thing I read when I came to the discussion because I came here to confess that I totally fell off the band wagon with calorie counting and ate like CRAP today!!!! And I feel awful. I'm normally a healthy eater but I can't even tell you how bad I did today because its just too much to admit. I just had xero self control today. However! I did work out this morning (Lower focus) so that counts for something right?
    UGH :( I feel like I need to go home and run 5 miles just to burn half of the calories I ate today..

    That's exactly how I feel after what I call "binge eating" lol but don't worry it's only one day and I think as long as we realize that we have made a mistake and hold ourself accountable that's all that matters. And at least you did stay active by working out, that's worth something too!!
  • Still going strong. Starting week 5 of Alpha on Wednesday. Today is supposed to be my rest day and I think I still want to go home and get a work out in. Thinking maybe cardio. The rest days make me feel lazy :( Not sure I'm really seeing any results, I'm scared to look because last time I did there were no changes and I felt discouraged. So I think I'm going to skip measurements this week and just take them next week at the end of alpha. I can't believe I have really been doing it for 4 weeks, doesn't feel like it at all. How everyone else is doing awesome!! Keep it up!!
  • Week 2 day 1 alpha cardio done. I pushed myself too hard in the beginning, so had to modify a lot. HR monitor said I burned 320 calories.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Hello everyone I'm glad to see you guys working hard pushing through to achieve your goals yes there will be days you will want to give up but remember you can always come here and find support and motivation to keep moving forward thanks for always coming to check in also keep up the good work guys it will pay off :)