10 Days of Veganism...the results!

mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
Hello everyone!

I've been lurking here for a few weeks now, and reading what you guys have to say really inspired me to finally take the plunge into veganism! It's been ten days and here are my observations so far:

- I don't crave meat or dairy like I thought I would (lie: sometimes I crave milk chocolate, but I have a new appreciation of dairy-free dark chocolate!). In fact the thought of eating meat does nothing for me at all at the moment. I haven't been subject to a hangover yet though so watch this space!

- It's not been difficult to find substitutes for my dairy needs...mainly in the form of almond milk and vegan cream cheese!

- Although I'm an animal lover, my main motivation to start this lifestyle was for health reasons (too many stories of people reversing disease and extending their lives with a vegan diet to ignore!). However - I do feel so much better about the fact that I'm not contributing to the awful meat and dairy industries anymore.

- Eating is so much cheaper!

- I've been forced into being creative with my meals resulting in some really great food!

- The best part for me so far: the ENERGY! For the first week, I just noticed that I wasn't as tired and sluggish as what I used to be...just regular energy levels. But these past few days I've been really energetic...waking up before my alarm, springing out of bed with no desire to lie in (soooo not usually me!).

I believe that the reason that I have managed to keep this up is that I told myself in the beginning 'You're not banning anything from your diet. Take one meal at a time and try and make it as healthy/animal product free as possible. If you want some chicken or milk, you can have some'.

Also, I've been running for a few months but more recently I started stronglifts 5x5. I've been taking vega protein shakes and eating plenty of tofu, and I've not had any issues with gaining strength or muscle recovery. And I'm eating at a calorie deficit...which in turn is so much easier to do by default on a vegan plant based diet :-)

So that's my experience so far and I have a good feeling that it will continue. Thanks for the inspiration!


  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member
    Great to hear! Keep it up :)
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Excellence! I started the vegetarian and then moved to vegan route for dietary reasons and while training for 2 marathons I don't think it has hindered me in the slightest and I've seen some of my best times on the middle/long distance runs over the last year. It has also caused me to take a 2nd look at animal suffering and I've become a lot more aware of that, even though it isn't my motivating factor.
    I hope it continues to work out for you. I've had to be very flexible in my eating habits so there are times I have to choose vegetarian over vegan or actually eat meat...and my stomach pays for it, but that just drives me to stay more plant based more often.
  • VeganMotoGirl
    VeganMotoGirl Posts: 43 Member
    New Vegans need to stick together. =) I too have been inspired by the folks here on MFP. I am still a new vegan and I have the occasional slip up but I dont let it get me down. Like you said, its not restirction is variety! And its so muh fun!
  • unisheep
    unisheep Posts: 16 Member
    I have been a "healthy" vegan for about three weeks now (after being a junk food vegetarian, on and off vegan and lately a dairy addict) ... and I have to second you especially on the ENERGY! It's fantastic. I am running on very little sleep (I have a newborn at home) and it's amazing what the change to my diet has done.
    I am down almost 8 lbs in three weeks (thought the weight would drop faster, honestly, but oh well!). But the energy boosting benefits is the best!
