S&S Day 3 + status check

alli4795 Posts: 672 Member
Alright, I made today my double up day as I had the time and know that I'll be at the cottage this weekend (and not wanting to do Jillian). I like Level 2 more than Level 1, and I do feel like I'm getting something from each workout, but I'm not in LOVE with it.

So...wanted to check in with my team :) Are we going to keep going? Switch it up? ...I went on a bit of a JM buying spree this afternoon and I now I have NMTZ, kickboxing fast fix, hard body, one week shred, and yoga meltdown - lots of options, but I haven't been able to find 6W6P yet!

Let me know what you're all thinking - thanks :)


  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    6w6p is on youtube :) LOL. That's the only reason I have it. I did buy BFBM like 2 years ago though. So I actually *have* that one. I did (well, tried to do) the beginner kb workout on fitnessblender. I got through 2/3 circuits. That 2 weeks off was tough on me! Can't wait to see what the consensus is on this one. Didn't seem like too many people were liking this one. Usually we're all "OOH that sucked, but in a good way!" LOL!

    Great job for sticking with it though!!
  • alli4795
    alli4795 Posts: 672 Member
    Duh - why didn't I think to check youtube?! Thanks :)
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Lol. No problem! I'm going to check out "Daily Burn" today. You can get a free 30 days. I think it'd be fun! It switches up your work out. They'll plan it for you, etc. You really have to check it out. It's too hard for me to explain. Especially before my coffee. LOL!
  • SharkBaitRachy
    SharkBaitRachy Posts: 368 Member
    I played the level 1 & 2 option but baby said no more in the middle of circuit 1 level 2. I'm so off schedule with the kids. I'm a loser. We managed to walk to the beach yesterday and today (2 miles each way). That was long and tedious with all of them lol. I keep pressing play and hope I can get to the end lol. I'm glad you guys are doing it and making me feel guilty or I'd give up completely!

    I can't do YouTube workouts. Hubs computer is by the living room and the one I used for workouts. His CPU fan died and is at the repair place. Before that, the router crapped out so I could only use my phone. It's just not do-able that way. I have to live by the DVD for now.
  • TseliB
    TseliB Posts: 300 Member
    Yeah, S&S is not the best out there but I'd like to see it through - mainly because I only just started my journey in Jan. It's important for me to commit. I kinda have a 3-month plan and I need to complete my 3 30-day programmes before I start switching things up & freestyling it, lol..