Week 2 March 12-18

Thought it might be good to have a board for week 2 since we had one for week 1.

It seems that each new week will bring its own unique challenges.

Week 1 didn't seem so rough for me. There were no temptations, as I didn't have any alcohol containing outings scheduled. Additionally, being the first week, I was excited and eager to begin.

Week 2 will be a bit different. The challenge is no longer brand new, though still fairly so. Maybe some of the excitement is starting to dwindle and the countdown to April 17 (is that right? I can't figure out if it is supposed to be Easter Day or Holy Thursday) has begun.

This weekend, there will be plenty of St. Patricks day celebrations with all of the green beer your heart could desire (though, not gonna lie, green beer is not the most enticing thing I can think of). Forgoing the alcohol during this typically rather drunken day may prove a challenge. I was concerned I would feel "left out" of the celebration and holiday from giving up drinking. My approach to this has been to preplan my own celebration. I grabbed a friend and we signed up for a "Shamrock Shuffle" 5k in the morning and I have planned a St. Patricks day festive dinner (recipe courteous of skinnytaste.com. If you've never checked out this website, you simply must!). With these plans, hopefully, I will be able to feel like an active participant in the holiday, because everyone is Irish on st. Patricks day, right?! But without breaking my lenten promise or diet goals.

The other tricky thing I foresee this weekend is dinner guests. It looks like I may be hosting a few this weekend (a job I have been somewhat volunteered for). I am a bit worried about the difficulty of keeping everyone else's wine full and my own empty. This does seem a bit gut wrenching, especially when you're buying the wine :P. But I think hosting the dinner, as opposed to going out to eat could prove easier, as I will be in a familiar environment where I can easily excuse myself for a moment if social anxiety or temptation get too high.

Anyone else anticipating some challenges this week?


  • Meg5065
    Meg5065 Posts: 33 Member

    That sounds lie a wonderful plan to get through the holiday. One idea--plan to keep your own glass full with something nice--sparkling pear juice or a spritzer with club soda & cranberry juice--so you don't feel like your own glass is empty. Put the wine bottles on the table, and let the guests fill their own glasses, or delegate someone to do the honors since you will be so busy with the food.

    Good luck, and tell us how it goes. What nigh are you planning your dinner?
  • Marigny23
    Marigny23 Posts: 19
    Thanks Meg. I am a big fan of club soda and commonly drink it in place of alcohol, but
    your alternatives sound much more delicious than just plain soda water! Mmmm. I might just have to give those a try! I also saw some alcohol free wines advertised online. I'm not sure if they are any good, but they may be worth trying. Although, I think I will be just as happy with a pretty pink soda water and cranberry juice. The dinner will be Saturday night. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. I must say, I like that posting on here makes me more accountable to my choices. Definitely helps!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I've made a decision to not drink on my birthday or birthday weekend. This will be a first for me so please pray that I can do it. I was really shocked that I made it last weekend especially after going out with friends. This weekend I have to work so that should be easy I hope.

    Anyway Good Luck everyone!!! Stay strong and continued success!!!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Thought it might be good to have a board for week 2 since we had one for week 1.

    It seems that each new week will bring its own unique challenges.

    Week 1 didn't seem so rough for me. There were no temptations, as I didn't have any alcohol containing outings scheduled. Additionally, being the first week, I was excited and eager to begin.

    Week 2 will be a bit different. The challenge is no longer brand new, though still fairly so. Maybe some of the excitement is starting to dwindle and the countdown to April 17 (is that right? I can't figure out if it is supposed to be Easter Day or Holy Thursday) has begun.

    This weekend, there will be plenty of St. Patricks day celebrations with all of the green beer your heart could desire (though, not gonna lie, green beer is not the most enticing thing I can think of). Forgoing the alcohol during this typically rather drunken day may prove a challenge. I was concerned I would feel "left out" of the celebration and holiday from giving up drinking. My approach to this has been to preplan my own celebration. I grabbed a friend and we signed up for a "Shamrock Shuffle" 5k in the morning and I have planned a St. Patricks day festive dinner (recipe courteous of skinnytaste.com. If you've never checked out this website, you simply must!). With these plans, hopefully, I will be able to feel like an active participant in the holiday, because everyone is Irish on st. Patricks day, right?! But without breaking my lenten promise or diet goals.

    The other tricky thing I foresee this weekend is dinner guests. It looks like I may be hosting a few this weekend (a job I have been somewhat volunteered for). I am a bit worried about the difficulty of keeping everyone else's wine full and my own empty. This does seem a bit gut wrenching, especially when you're buying the wine :P. But I think hosting the dinner, as opposed to going out to eat could prove easier, as I will be in a familiar environment where I can easily excuse myself for a moment if social anxiety or temptation get too high.

    Anyone else anticipating some challenges this week?

    You can do this! It's sounds like you have a plan at least. All you have to do is stick to it.
  • Marigny23
    Marigny23 Posts: 19
    Thanks for sharing. I will, of course, pray for you as well as remember your resolve when I am challenged this weekend. That's a big challenge you are facing, and your dedication really serves as a great role model. Because it is a big challenge, have you thought about planning a reward for yourself when you are successful? i.e. Since I will not drink this weekend for my birthday, I will instead... Get a mani pedi, treat myself to something new at the mall, enjoy a one night "staycation" at a local b&b/hotel, take the time for myself to enjoy an afternoon hiking or at the park (feeding the ducks is a silly destresser I enjoy), etc. Perhaps having a conditional bday gift to yourself like that will give you something to look forward to once you are successful.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    This week will likely be he hardest. Today is my last day in my current job and I can not have a celebration drink :-(. We leave Saturday for a long weekend trip with another couple and I will have to watch the overs and I know that will be hard. I can do it though... I know I can :-/.
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    I think the biggest challenge will be over the holiday weekend, many folks starting to celebrate the Saturday before and straight through Monday around here. I had to think about this cause when I make the family corned beef and cabbage each year, I add Irish Stout to the recipe. I'm going to try something new this year, Guinness has a nice non-alcoholic beer called Kaliber and it's easily available in my local grocery store. I'm going to pick up two packs, one for cooking and one for me to have something Irish to drink with my meal :)

    Then again, fall off the wagon too hard, you might come back with a vengeance to not drink for a bit, lol! I will miss my Irish Whiskey, but not the over indulging that comes with it. Usually stuff myself silly with St Patty's day foods. Hang in there guys and have that plan ready!

    As for watching others, I have found it quite amusing to be the sober one around everyone else. I just relax and act like myself, nobody seems to notice. The others can be a bit annoying after a few drinks. Their stories really aren't that funny and they have a tendency to repeat themselves :P
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    If you are not drinking because you think that you may be messing up your life, please be aware that non alcoholic beverages has a bit of alcohol, but less than 1%.

    As I prayed for the people that drive me to distraction this lent, I felt my heart soften toward them. Then I felt led to prayer for different people than I started.
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    If you are not drinking because you think that you may be messing up your life, please be aware that non alcoholic beverages has a bit of alcohol, but less than 1%.

    As I prayed for the people that drive me to distraction this lent, I felt my heart soften toward them. Then I felt led to prayer for different people than I started.

    Something I learned through the years is that I used to pray for those people who were difficult in my life, for them to be different, or change and etc. However in learning to pray for myself in how to be a better person in dealing with the person has brought me to be more patient, kind and compassionate and let them be who they are as they are and make peace with it. Peace within the chaos as I call it :)

    True that non-alcoholic beverages have a minute amount of alcohol in them, it is not enough to make someone have addiction issues, however if one is on meds that totally forbids alcohol (naltrexone, antabuse and drugs of that nature) then yes, avoid at all costs as it could make one very sick.

    Skipped the festivities for St Paddy's day parade yesterday, and probably will tomorrow. The floats pretty much suck, it's really just an excuse for everyone to go out and drink beers and Irish Whiskey. I had to work yesterday anyways, so just did a nice Indian buffet. I do make an annual batch (two actually to feed everyone!) of my grandmother's recipe for corned beef and cabbage so I'm doing that for family today. I did substitute Kaliber (Guiness non-A) and O'douls into the recipe, even though alcohol usually cooks out anyways, just didn't want to cheat today :)

    Everyone, check in when you can. There is no judgment or shame here if you are struggling to stick to the challenge and those who are allowing the one day a week, hope you are sticking with just two reasonable drinks...not a Betty White wine glass and saying you only had one drink :)

    Seems weekends are the struggle for most...only 4 more weekends to get through. You've got this :)

    PS on a side note, anyone noticing health benefits of cutting back on drinking? More energy? Sleeping better? Less poor choices for food when out? Clearer skin? Weight coming down?

    I was plateauing a bit before, and it seems I'm losing again. 4lbs down and sleeping so much better!
  • Marigny23
    Marigny23 Posts: 19
    My big dinner party plans never formalized, which, by no means was a disappointment. Instead, I was able to enjoy some high quality time with my dvr Friday night. I must have really needed the rest because I was hard asleep before 9:00. Saturday, I had my own st. Patricks celebration as planned. Two good friends came by for corned beef and cabbage. My friends, being amazing, very supportive folk, didn't drink either. Because of their kind support, my weekend was far less challenging than I had anticipated it being. Hooray! Another one down. Four to go!

    I'm definitely seeing the benefits of cutting alcohol already. Ridding my diet of alcohol (and the inevitable poor food choices), tracking my food, and exercising has led to a rapid 4 lb weight loss, last I weighed in. Additionally,being an avid crossfitter, I consistently track my personal records. I have had an obscene amount of personal records and "firsts" these past few weeks. I'm sure this is attributable to the better eating, better sleep habits and riddance of alcohol combined. I am thrilled at the progress and actually looking forward to sporting my bikini at the beach Easter weekend!
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    Maryigyny: >high fives< That is awesome :)
  • Marigny23
    Marigny23 Posts: 19
    Thanks Dragonfly! :). The progress is some much needed encouragement. I hate to admit it, but my countdown to the end of lent has already begun... Daaaaahhhhhh
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    Hi, I'm on day 10 ....I didn't start exactly on Ash Wednesday but it's been 10 days. I've been praying a lot more and doing the You Version bible app for Lent, but my mind wanders. After work, on nice days, the weekend.....I
    I imagine having a margarita or something but when that happens I just open up my bible app and ask God to deliver me from those thoughts.
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    Hi, I'm on day 10 ....I didn't start exactly on Ash Wednesday but it's been 10 days. I've been praying a lot more and doing the You Version bible app for Lent, but my mind wanders. After work, on nice days, the weekend.....I
    I imagine having a margarita or something but when that happens I just open up my bible app and ask God to deliver me from those thoughts.

    Sounds like a great plan and welcome to the board!