15 months and I still have my baby FAT.

coquiss Posts: 3 Member
Is any one having the same problem? I want to get pregnant again and soon, but i first want to lose 10 to 15lbs more before trying again.


  • Hello,
    I just joined the group and I am in the same boat. My daughter is 21 months old and I haven't lost the weight yet. Need more motivations. We have been so busy fixing up our house that I don't have time to think about my weight and when I do, I feel like crying. I want to have another kid just like you but I told myself that I need to lose 30lbs before doing so. If you want to talk I am here anytime.
  • Misty92412
    Misty92412 Posts: 5 Member
    my baby girl is 18 moths now.i found this sit.i it help me lost 4pos in 5 weeks.i feel so good sens i lost the weight an eating better to,i over did't it today on working out.i am so sore from it.i am changing the way i live.an eating so i can live longer for my family.
  • Misty92412
    Misty92412 Posts: 5 Member
    watch your calories and how much you take in a day.thats what i did and actually work.the first thing that actually works foe me.i hope you can reach your goal an lose whay you need to have that baby you want..