How are you?

Hiya just wondering how everyone is getting on. I was quite focused before Christmas and then went on a cruise and completely lost focused. I stopped logging and it took me a while to get back to MFp. Seem to be motivated at the moment so long may it continue. Only problem is every now and then I go on a massive choc fest and will eat until I feel sick.


  • mallins
    mallins Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I know how you feel. I went on a cruise just before xmas for 3 weeks only to find I'd put on 10lb in 3 weeks! Then it was xmas not too bad only put on another 3lb. but of course that meant I had another 13lb to loose so I have come back to myfitness to try to get the weight off. In the meantime I had my annual check for blood pressure etc only to be told I now have type 2 diabetes. Having tried every diet that has ever been published gaining and loosing the same amount of weight over many years I am now following a low GI/GL diet in the hope the weight will come off. I have lost 5 and a half pounds in 2 weeks so far so good. I do need the support of this site for motivation to keep at it.

    If you do have any bad days feel free to send me a post and we can maybe give each other some support!


  • Newbeginnings46
    Newbeginnings46 Posts: 40 Member
    Hiya FR sent, it's always great to have new friends. Good luck on your journey.