TIPS! Sharing Is Caring

Hello ladies.
I want to know what your BEST tips are for weight loss!
I'm doing pretty well this time around on my weight loss efforts but am always looking for healthy tips and suggestions!
So far, I've lost about 26 lbs in 2.5 months: I started the 'GiveIt100' challenge of working out every day for 100 days in January. So I work out 7 days each week. I've also reduced my calorie intake to 1400 calories per day; not eating back my exercise calories.
I'm also in a weight loss competition with my family until May 31, so I'm working hard so I can go shopping when I win that $500!! LOL

Some things that have helped me so far:
* COUNTING CALORIES: this is definitely helpful. It holds me accountable for everything I eat. I log every day; even if I have a crappy day and go over. It's also helped me get used to the average amount of calories that are in most foods I eat.
*JOINING EXERCISE CLASSES: I get a good solo work out, but I find that I pushed myself harder & longer when I'm in a class full of 15 other people! Plus, I've started getting to know people, so I look forward to the classes and I realize they look for me if I'm not there!
*GETTING A WORK OUT BUDDY: I have like 3 work out buddies. lol. Since I have to work out EVERY DAY, I have about 3 people I can text and see if they want to come. Knowing that THEY are going to go to class, makes me more inclined. And, it's becoming routine, so even when I hit my goal weight, these will be things I continue to do.
*HAVING INCREMENTAL GOALS: When I first started, I told myself I would work out for 1 month before starting cardio kickboxing on Mondays (I didn't want to die!). Now that I've been doing that for almost a month, I'm planning on doing a 5K at the end of april. I give myself a small goal to achieve every month or so; when I reach that one, I make another!

What's been working for you?


  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    I try to make smarter food choices.
    I have cut out a lot of sugar from my diet.

    Daikon or zucchini "noodles" instead of regular pasta noodles are a great swap.
    I make a really tasty low carb, low calorie ginger chicken "noodle" soup using daikon. I always have to make a double batch if I want any leftovers!
    Just grab some daikon (it kinda resembles a thick white carrot) or zucchini from the produce department , peel, and julienne into noodle strips. Most of the time I dont even bother peeling the zucchini and will just use it skin and all.

    Just to give you a comparison of zucchini noodles vs. regular pasta noodles:
    Calories: 200 for regular pasta noodles vs. 28 for the same serving size of zucchini noodles
    Carbs: 39g regular noodles vs. 3g zucchini noodles
    Protein: 6g regular noodles vs. 0.5g zucchini noodles
    Fat: 0.7g regular noodles vs. 1.7g zucchini noodles

    I use almond flour in place of all-purpose flour to lower my carb count in baking. Yes, it increases fat/protein, but you eat less of it and stay full longer. It also doesn't trigger cravings for MORE sweets (for me).
  • I actually really like zucchini 'pasta'. I did a few weeks of raw during the day and ended up making that for the first time a few months ago. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed it. I haven't made it since and I've never 'cooked it' but I may have to try that.
    Fortunately, I don't do a lot of baking or frying, so I rarely use flour at home. I have seen this though at the specialty store that I shop it, so I may pick this up to give it a try!
    I've been THINKING of making cookies sometime soon (I found a great recipe for a SMALL batch of cookies) and this might do well.

    Thanks for the info!
    {I hope others respond}