Not sleeved yet, but going to talk about it tomorrow...

Hi, I just want to introduce myself. I'm not sleeved ... but I want to. (At least that's the particular one I want.)

Here's the short story ... I pretty much was like, "pshaw, WLS," but this year, after I had health crisis after health crisis in the past 18 months (pulmonary embolism, factor five leiden, MTHFR, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome), I realized my weight had to change. But I always plateau ten pounds in.

So, I started looking into WLS. My application is in, but they don't think my clotting risks will count as comorbidities. (Which I think is a crock of crap. A pulmonary embolism can, and will, kill faster than some of the comorbidities on the list. But I digress.) BUT ... the gal told me my BMI is just on the edge that I could get in on BMI alone. (I did the math - two more pounds than what was on my application will do it. Yep, that close.)

So I go to be officially weighed to see if I can count on BMI. I'm a bit scared.

So, I was honestly looking for just a little encouragement. I know this process is arduous, to say the least. I'm already moving to eating whole foods, organic, no processed, etc. I think that step will definitely help with the post-WLS diet.

But is it worth it? What do I have to look forward to?


  • I wish you the best. I was sleeved on 3/19 and am about to move on the Phase 3 on Saturday. My battle was a long one because of scheduling issues with various doctors. be ready for paying co-pays like crazy. The surgical team and support staff was GREAT for me. the pulminologist, cardiologist were difficult but I managed. Also helps to have your personal physician document the "need" for VSG. As for the diet, I still have no issues with it.

    Good luck.