Lifting Order

madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
Ok, so I know there is a certain order to doing SL 5X5 and I have been folowing that order so far. I always start with the squats, due to the beleif that it's the most important in the sequence of lifting. However, I came across a problem today and I think I have a solution, I just need to know if it's ok to do or if I need to find another way. When I got to the gym this morning, some @$$ was using my squat machine. I can't, yet, squat freely without the help and balance of the machine. So, instead of festering on it, I went ahead and did my bench press. I'm up to 80 lbs so I had to have my husband spot me. After my presses, I was able to get to the squat machine and I did all 5 sets perfectly, or at least in my mind. So here's my question. As long as I can still do all my sets completely and with good form, does it matter if I don't do my squats first? This would also be a benefit in the mornings because my husband also works out but he's only doing cardio right now. No lifting for him yet so please don't offer that as a suggestion. If I don't do my bench presses first, he'll be in the middle of his cardio when I have to go and ask him to spot me and I'd rather not interupt him. Asking any of the other guys there is an absolute no no for me. My choice, not the hubby's, and there aren't any other women there with me in the mornings. So, again, the question is: Can I do my bench presses first, before my squats, as long as my form is still good and I still complete each set without fail? Does the order matter THAT much?


  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    The order matters only in that squats will take a lot of energy when they get really heavy for you. That's why he puts them first. But in general, you can do what you want if you can still get them done.

    As for the balance problem, have you been doing bodyweight squats to work on your balance and flexibility? Then you can add something like a broomstick to get used to the barbell as you do bodyweight squats. The machine is far from what its like to squat freely. Just a suggestion, so up to you what you do.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    As for the balance problem, have you been doing bodyweight squats to work on your balance and flexibility? Then you can add something like a broomstick to get used to the barbell as you do bodyweight squats. The machine is far from what its like to squat freely. Just a suggestion, so up to you what you do.

    I have, I do, and I am working on that, however, (not an excuse) I have always been very uncoordinated, but I am working on it and, hopefully, one day I will be able to deload the bar and start back at 45lbs without the cage. :happy:
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    I say, if you can do them in that order, without sacrificing either lift, then do what works for you.

    When you say "my squat machine", are you talking about a Smith Machine?
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    I say, if you can do them in that order, without sacrificing either lift, then do what works for you.

    When you say "my squat machine", are you talking about a Smith Machine?

    I'm talking about the squat cage at the gym that everyone sees me using the same time every other day until this morning when that jerk showed up. LOL I'm not really bitter I just think I'm more important than I actually am.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    So basically you squat with safety bars on either side, right? Cuz I don't see any reason to drop that ever. If you fail on squats, you'll be happy they're there!

    Or is it with the rails that keep the bar straight for you? Cuz that's a smith machine, and that will not help you learn balance in any way. You'd be better off doing goblet squats if that's what you're using.

    As for your question: The order would be important in a way if, say, your goal was to compete in powerlifting, where you squat first, then bench press, then deadlift in order. Building that strength while already fatigued from the squats (and believe me, you WILL get there once the weight gets heavy enough) is important for optimum performance in that case.

    But as a casual lifter, you can do it in any order you can fit in. There's a chance your BP will increase a bit faster since you're doing it fresher, and maybe your squat will not progress quite *as* fast. But as long as you get it in, you'll get gains :)
  • I personally struggled with balance and keeping my heels on the floor while squatting. Suggestions here stated to try a box squat. I found a 5 gallon bucket and stuck it behind my bum and widened my stance a bit and doing much better. I probably used the 5 gallon bucket for about 2 weeks, until I felt confident I wasn't going to topple over backwards. Just knowing it was there gave me the ability to focus more on form and making sure my bum got to the bucket to make sure I was "low" in my squat.

    For me, I think I was more "scared" I would fall over then actually falling over. After doing a couple hundred squats with the bucket there and realizing I hadn't needed it yet, I felt confident to remove it at the beginning of this week and have not had any trouble yet.