Rotten, no good news....

I have been really off track... trying to get back in the groove.

:frown: My Step Mom has been diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer. It has metastasized to her lungs. I live in VA, but have been in NJ to help out for the last 3 weeks. I am staying in the Studio apt over the garage (really nice!) and cooking, helping with transport, etc. I thought I would probably loose weight here as I really do not eat a lot of what I am cooking for them, but I can't fit into some of the pants I brought, so I guess not.

I will be here until next weekend and then I will go home for a week before coming back for round 2 of chemo Is it horrible that I miss my dog the most? I talk to my husband and son, and my son put the phone by the dog and let me talk to him, and he started bouncing off the walls :)

Right now SM looks good and still feels pretty good as well. yesterday was her second dose of chemo, so I expect some issues tonight & tomorrow. Her prognosis is not good, but her Dr is very optimistic. She is only 52, and has always been VERY healthy... eats right, works out 5+ times a week, which helps a lot as starting from a place of health will help her body better fight this. The week she started having symptoms was the week before they were supposed to go skiing in Vale!

Prayers/energy/etc welcome, but should be focused on helping her family deal with wherever her path takes her. healing energy focused on healing or a quick passing.... Also energy for my Dad who is 18 years older than her and is taking this very hard, and for me to deal with all of them :)

Proof that cancer can hit anyone, anywhere, any time.....


  • guidothecat
    guidothecat Posts: 141 Member
    good vibes and blessings to you and yours...
  • SimplyMicheleR
    SimplyMicheleR Posts: 89 Member
    Thank you
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    You will be in my thoughts and prayers. My uncle last May died of lung cancer after it moved onto his brain. I helped take care of him the last week he was alive. I will send all the goodness I can your way. My mother died of lung cancer when I was younger as well when she was just 28. I feel blessed to have all the memories I do of her, even the ones where I was not behaving as well as I could have been and the ones where she helped me dress up in her clothes.

    Take care of yourself as well as your family.
  • SimplyMicheleR
    SimplyMicheleR Posts: 89 Member
    Well,t he good news is that since she started out so healthy (works out 5-6 times a week, eats right, perfect weight, etc) she is doing really well so far. One month of Chemo down, 1 week break, then another month. She has had few side effects and her doctors are hopeful for full remission. I do not think that is really honest or realistic, but will roll with it for as long as she does.

    I have not been logging my food, eating well or exercising much through this, but trying to get back on track as a way to keep taking care of myself....

    Home this week, will go back to her next week again and try to stay on track. At least I have not gained....