Mr. Ali's Reflection section



  • The article was amazing, i can compare that we discussed the 10 rules of good nutrition however it was not that detailed explained in class, it was more detailed and much precise in the article. For example : ( Learnning to love healthy fats) they basically explain that there are 3 types of fat – saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. Eating all three kinds of fat in a healthy balance (about equal parts of each) can dramatically improve your health, and even help you lose fat. I actually did not know that after reading this.
    I can contrast that the article really focuses on what should people eat everyday, rather than telling us specfically what to eat. This actually gives us the benefit to pick a variety of food types. It also gives us something unique and tasty to stave off boredom and stagnation.
  • alkhameesabdulkariem
    alkhameesabdulkariem Posts: 36 Member
    In the gym, I did weight training today. I've completed 4 different types of exercises and was very tired after the workout.

    After reading a few pages of the article, precision nutrition, Ive been able to spot several differences and learn several new things that we didn't cover in class. The similarity in the 10 rules of good nutrition was that we should eat whole foods, eat every 3 hours and to balance daily food choices with healthy variety. The difference is that the rule of 10 tells us to only have 10% foods. This means that most of our nutrition would come from drinks. I personally don't like this, I prefer relying on foods. And of course, it tells us to "eat more protein", I agree 100% with this, as stated in the article, there are 8 different reasons, Increased Thermic Effect of Feeding, Increased Glucagon, Increased IGF-1, etc... In class, Mr. Ali told us that its better to get protein from natural foods and not protein shakes, this is because when we drink protein shakes, we wont get all the carbs, etc... that we would normally get from eating chicken or meat.
  • After reading ten pages of the book i started to learn more about eating good foods that could help me reach my goal. I also noticed how similar this book is to Mr. Ali's rule of three. it has many similar things like eat about 6 to 8 meals a day. and eat protein in 3 of those meals. The thing that interested me the most was the protein in take. i learned if could eat more natural selections and eat more protein that it would make a big difference.
  • Today in the gym i started of with bench press, i put 30lbs on each side and i finished my sets easily. next time i got to the gym i should increase my weight so i could have better results. Today while doing leg press i felt a pain in my back, but later i learned that i need to sit back in the chair so it could take some of the pressure of my back.
  • Today we went to the gym, i didn't reach the 10 rm in any of the sets i worked at my best but couldn't reach them as i failed at the third set of each one. I then read the article and from the article i can compare that in class we talked about the 10 rules of good nutrition but it was not that detailed as it was on the book. I learned that there are 3 types of fat – saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. If you eat three kinds of fat in a healthy balance could improve your health and help you lose fat.
  • After reading the article i have found out some similarities with Mr ali's rule of 3 such as the servings each 3 hours and having a lean cut of protein in those servings, not to mention the exceptions such as green and leafy and having a healthy vareity. I have learned alot from both the article and the fitness notes as i start eating a healthy breakfeast and made me feel really energized and bit tired during school the article it also focused and emphasized on the importance pf the breakfeast meal
  • Today we started off this week with weight training, i keep struggling with the new exercises such the shoulder press and the 1 leg press due to muscle soreness but i was still able to increase the weights for the bench press to 80 lbs and go a new rep max to beat hopefully by the end of this week
  • I sadly missed today's cardio workout due to a field trip with the other IB history students, hopefully tomorrow and next cardio workout i'll work harder.
  • After reading the next 10 pages of the article, the differences began to surface. The main difference so far is that, this part focuses heavily on the side effects of not eating certain types of food. Each food group happens to have it's own set of consequences if rarely consumed. Another noticeable difference is that, this takes a more scientific approach than the rule of three, providing every single minute detail on every subject at hand.
  • abod_96
    abod_96 Posts: 19
    I have discovered many similarities and differences between the article "Precision Nutrition" and what Mr.Ali has taught us in our fitness class. For example the article states that you should eat every 2-3 hours which is also a part of Mr.Ali's rule of 3. the article also supports what Mr.Ali taught us in class by telling us to Balance daily food choices with healthy variety. The article also supports what Mr.Ali educated by referring to develop food preparation strategies. Mr.Ali taught us that how to use the fitness pal application and how to make a food dairy in the app. This helped us a lot when it came to preparation.

    Even if there are a lot of points that are similar to what Mr.Ali taught us in class there are also some differences. The article doesn’t match Mr.Ali's teaching when it tells us to eat complete, lean protein each time we eat. Mr.Ali's rule of 3 tells us to have at least 3 lean cuts of protein a day. It also opposes the teaching of Mr.Ali when it tells us to love healthy fats. Mr.Ali wanted us to focus on whole healthy foods no fat inquired.

    The new things I have learned from this article are that for a diet to work it has to follow the "Triple S Criterion" where it has to be simple, science based, and successful. The other thing I learned I can reward myself with a good meal of carbohydrates after I finish a good work out. Water and green tea are considered a non-calorie containing beverage. Before I read the article I thought that all herb drinks had no calories but a it turns out I was wrong. Some other things the article has taught me is why the author wants us to intake so much protein. It says that the intake of protein with every meal can cause many good things such as increasing thermic effect of feeding. This is good for weight loss due to it needing so much energy to digest and absorb. It also sates the protein increases plasma concentrations of the glucagon hormone which is responsible for storing fat. Many other reasons that concern the intake of so much protein.

    In conclusion I see that for a person who is looking to be fit and I say this with all my heart wihout sucking up to anybody he should stick with Mr.Ali's nutrition rules. Even after reading the article TWICE there are still areas i dont fully understand. Plus the article is concentrating on thing a person dosent need to know. which complicates thing alot more than they should be. Mr.Ali's rules are simple, sience based, and succesful.
  • March 31 : I did cardio workout going up and down the stairs for 15 minutes. I then did 15 minutes of jogging in the gym
  • I have discovered many similarities and differences between the article "Precision Nutrition" and what Mr.Ali has taught us in our fitness class. For example the article states that you should eat every 2-3 hours which is also a part of Mr.Ali's rule of 3. the article also supports what Mr.Ali taught us in class by telling us to Balance daily food choices with healthy variety. The article also supports what Mr.Ali educated by referring to develop food preparation strategies. Mr.Ali taught us that how to use the fitness pal application and how to make a food dairy in the app. This helped us a lot when it came to preparation.

    Even if there are a lot of points that are similar to what Mr.Ali taught us in class there are also some differences. The article doesn’t match Mr.Ali's teaching when it tells us to eat complete, lean protein each time we eat. Mr.Ali's rule of 3 tells us to have at least 3 lean cuts of protein a day. It also opposes the teaching of Mr.Ali when it tells us to love healthy fats. Mr.Ali wanted us to focus on whole healthy foods no fat inquired.

    The new things I have learned from this article are that for a diet to work it has to follow the "Triple S Criterion" where it has to be simple, science based, and successful. The other thing I learned I can reward myself with a good meal of carbohydrates after I finish a good work out. Water and green tea are considered a non-calorie containing beverage. Before I read the article I thought that all herb drinks had no calories but a it turns out I was wrong. Some other things the article has taught me is why the author wants us to intake so much protein. It says that the intake of protein with every meal can cause many good things such as increasing thermic effect of feeding. This is good for weight loss due to it needing so much energy to digest and absorb. It also sates the protein increases plasma concentrations of the glucagon hormone which is responsible for storing fat. Many other reasons that concern the intake of so much protein.

    In conclusion I see that for a person who is looking to be fit and I say this with all my heart wihout sucking up to anybody he should stick with Mr.Ali's nutrition rules. Even after reading the article TWICE there are still areas i dont fully understand. Plus the article is concentrating on thing a person dosent need to know. which complicates thing alot more than they should be. Mr.Ali's rules are simple, sience based, and succesful.
  • Similarity of the article with the rule of 3 is that its both agree to Eat every 2-3 hours, to eat lean protien (meat and also To take green gulore vegtebals each time in a meal or serving . The things difference actually is the article tries to add more rules of nutrition rather 3 rules for nutrition. other difference is that eating 10% food rather than Our class objective 80% to 20 % . Even not eating Qualtiy snack after excersise which the article concludes.
  • Reflection # 2 precision nutrition : After reading the next 10 pages i was able to identify the comparison between what we took in class and the artilce and that was ;“How much protein should an athlete consume to improve performance and body composition?” the answer to this question was that ; it depends on the person himslef and body composition. After all high protein diet can lead to a better health. The difference is between the article and my understanding when it tells us to eat complete, lean protein . but actually we are supposed to 3 lean cuts a day
  • alkhameesabdulkariem
    alkhameesabdulkariem Posts: 36 Member
    Today, we did cardio training. We did a bunch of exercises that included using the agility ladder and some cones. I wasn't very tired.

    After reading a few more pages of the article, I discovered more similarities to what the article says and what Mr. Ali taught us. They both told us to wake up early enough so that we can eat a decent meal for breakfast and that we shouldn't eat so much calories in one meal. Another thing is that most people often eat a big meal for dinner which then gets stored in their bodies since after dinner, they aren't doing anything. It then tells us about how to improve our meals, which we also talked about in class, just not in this depth. To improve our meal plans, we should take at least one day of the week to plan it out and go grocery shopping for all the foods. And for the breakfast, if you don't have enough time to cook and eat then head to work, then have some one cook for you if possible or wake up earlier. Food storage makes a huge difference in nutrition, you should get a good cooler, a good countertop grill, and a Rubbermaid Chuggable drink containers, 1L size.
  • Today for cardio we did the ladder, cones and did the bear catch. I felt a pain my legs and feet. From pgs 14-24 i learned that it if you go on a diet and finesst it the person must depend on himself and body composition. high protein diet can lead to a better health. I saw that the article has similar points than mr. ali amazing structure.
  • Other Things that are not taught in class is Increased Thermic Effect of Feeding, Which means that eating protein is actually thermogenic and can lead to a higher metabolic rate.
  • Other Things that are not taught in class is Increased Thermic Effect of Feeding, Which means that eating protein is actually thermogenic and can lead to a higher metabolic rate. There is another difference of reduction of cardio excersices that werent matching Mr Ali Rules , which was decreasing amount of excersise in cardio and Not eating much after doing that to lose weight dramatically . Other difference is that drinking plenty of water rather than soft drinks , or even tea . Similarities is that we have to drink water to not feel dehydrated while training in workouts , plenty of water but also with other calorie drinks . Other similarity is that there is habits that we must agree in the essay about food intake and excersise we need to do . for ex 30 mins of exceeice , no grains , Work intense RM low and more weight .
  • Similarities is that eating healthy breakfast with green gulore , also there is similarites between eating preparations at night and at day , for ex eating much in day and less at night and the vice versa for the other day to workout . Differences taking More protien which the article says , and we were taught that taking just the amount we need according to my fitnesspal calculator . takingmore may cause to Damage kidneys . something not been told in class is that we have to have a professional cook to cook for us for optimal Food and ultimate results as the articles says . Also it talked about food containers 5 small Tupperware-type containers. These containers will be for storing and transporting our daily meal intake .
  • Similarties that They both told us to wake up early enough so that we can eat a decent meal for breakfast and that we shouldn't eat so much calories. Differnces are that Taking Calories from days would be challenging , also we have to take our 2,000 calorie basic intake daily , but in my fitnesspal we follow our own specific way for calculation . Calculation in the article is somewhat different than Mr Ali taught us . We have to prepare strategies for food where 80% we have to eat and gain to full-fill our goals in class . We arent topd about eating int he road topic in class but the article suggests few food to take and when to eat while traveling .
  • Lastly also talked about in class, just not in this depth. To improve our meal plans, we should take at least one day of the week to plan it out and go grocery shopping for all the foods.. Article suggests to take carbs and fats more and reduce the protein intake . Also in class were taught to calculate in different way then in article . Based on gender , height and weight is all same for both Article and Mr Ali . The article talked about the heart rate in cardio and Bpm same as Me Al i told us to measure and calculate .
  • After reading the precision nutrition article i have found many similarities and some differences. One of the greatest similarities i have found is that the article also has a very similar rule of three. It is called The Triple S Criterion which states simplicity, if a rule is easy to follow, science, are the rules based on scientific facts and research, and success, which is if these rules worked for you or any other person that you know. The article also has 10 rules instead of 3, which also has similarities and differences. Some similarities is that you need to eat whole foods, eating every 2-3 hours, and eating vegetables as much as you like. However some differences are that the articles states you only eat carbohydrates if you worked out pretty hard and you deserve it, also the article states that you must have protein at every meal instead of 3 lean cuts a day only. These differences in my opinion are not that much different from Mr.Ali's rule of 3. But one really astonishing difference is that the article says I can cheat on my meals 4 times in a week.

    One of the biggest realizations I have encountered while reading this article is that protein is really important and should be eaten all the time and not only 3 lean cuts a day. Also, one of the things that was not presented in class is that eating a lot of protein can increase your metabolic rate which helps weight loss dramatically. One statement that I have noticed has been repeated in both this article and Mr.Ali's class is that vegetables are essential. They are really important for the diet. But, in the article it states fruits is not a big deal as it was presented in class. But it still helps with the bones and it neutralizes any acids. One major difference I have found in the nutritional section is that Mr.Ali stated that we should avoid fruit juice, which is similar, but he did not state that you should abandon all other drinks and only drink water or green tea. This concept is a good choice for me because I drink a lot of water and drink tea every 2 or 3 days. But I still drink soft drinks during lunch and dinner. By reading this article I might set the soft drinks aside and stick with water and green tea.

    In the nutrition side of things, the article states the bad habits of north american diets which relates a lot to Mr.Ali's rules. The article and Mr.Ali stated that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be chosen carefully. Also, this includes having a good night sleep of about 8 hours and waking up with a stomach that is ready to eat and not a stomach which is not hungry due to the fact that you have eaten a lot the night before. One difference between the article and Mr.Ali's teachings is that the article states there should be a small snack between meals which is kind of forbidden based on Mr.Ali's teachings. A similarity I have found is that repeating foods that you eat is fine as long as it is nutritional and serves what you need. And the article has the same technique Mr.Ali uses for his diet. Both have a strategy in which you choose a designated day to do all your grocery shopping and planning out your meals for the entire week and preparing them so that when the time comes to eat, you don't have to compromise to something else that may ruin your diet. It is much more simple to stay on the safe side and be ready.

    A huge difference that I have seen is that Mr.Ali did not discuss anything about being on vacation or on the road. The article makes it clear that people like me have been making the wrong choices. I tend to eat from the buffet instead of having a kitchen and cooking for myself. I also tend to ignore the gym because, well, i am on vacation. The article states that even though a person is out of town, it does not give you an excuse to ruin your diet. Make important decisions such as finding out if the place you are staying at has a gym in which you can gain access to, having a grocery store for you to buy supplies in case the food in your tuperware runs out. One thing that surprised me in the article that was not mentioned in Mr.Ali's class is metabolic rate. It has been states the metabolism is at its best when you are in your youth ages. But, maintaining that metabolism is possible which blew my mind. I figured that as a person gets older, it will become harder to get in better shape and more exhausting. But in this article is clearly states that metabolic rate can be changed and maintained to its peak if you get the correct nutrients and the right supplements for your body.
  • After reading pages 21-30, many options were available for me now, in terms of food preparation. Unlike the rule of three, this article insists that I'd consider hiring someone to prepare my meals for me. The article also specifically states what I should be packaging for my daily meals, and I mean Specifically. An odd thing, was that it showed me how to prepare the food in the best way possible, in order to ensure my success.

    The last 10 pages of the article were the most specific of any of the past pages. Unlike the rule of three, this shows us how to maintain our metabolism for the remainder of our lives. I was honestly surprised at the fact that my metabolism can remain the same for years to come, with a little effort of course. The article then strives in a direction far from the three. It showed me what kind of food I should and Shouldn't store in my house, the odd thing was that there were certain places for certain types of food, that never occurred to me in a while. Overall, it was a good read. It opened my eyes just like the rule of three, but to an even greater and more specific extent!
  • AdilK69
    AdilK69 Posts: 4
    after todays work out I've realized that its my stamina is building and that if I continue to exercise on a daily basis it will get easier to do
  • AdilK69
    AdilK69 Posts: 4
    Mondays work out helped me realize that the single leg presses are harder to perform than double leg presses
  • We did cardio today; we played the whole class basketball. I feel a bit tired ; however ; I feel so fat due to the fact I ate a lot today.
    After reading a few more pages of the article, I discovered more similarities to what the article says and what Coach Ali taught us. They both ask us to wake up early in the morning so that we can eat the most important meal in the day which is breakfast and asks us not to eat a lot during the breakfast. Another thing is that most people often eat a big meal for dinner which then gets stored in their bodies since after dinner, they aren't doing anything. It then tells us about how to improve our meals, which we also talked about in class, just not in this depth. To improve our meal plans, we should take at least one day of the week to plan it out and go grocery shopping for all the foods. And for the breakfast, if you don't have enough time to cook and eat then head to work, then have some one cook for you if possible or wake up earlier. Food storage makes a huge difference in nutrition, you should get a good cooler, a good countertop grill, and a Rubbermaid Chuggable drink containers, 1L size.
  • alkhameesabdulkariem
    alkhameesabdulkariem Posts: 36 Member
    Today I was absent.

    I've read a few more pages of the article. It then talks about "eating in the road", mostly about restaurants and hotel food. You don't necessarily have to eat from the menu in restaurants because many of them provide custom foods. This way, you can get a healthy and natural meal from the restaurant. As the article told us before, protein is very important and you need to use it even when your on the road, so if you're not used to protein shakes, you may get homemade bars which can provide as much protein as protein shakes. The article then starts talking about age and metabolism, most of the information was covered in class. It basically tells us to exercise and build the muscle needed to speed up our resting metabolism.

    "If a food is in your possession or located in your residence, you will eventually eat it." This part of the article tells us to be careful of what foods we bring home because no matter what it is, it will eventually be eaten. If you want to be healthy and lean, 80% of that would come from nutrition as Mr. Ali said. The article then tells us about all the types of food that are healthy and may help you stay healthy and lean. meat, poultry and fish, eggs, cheese, fruit, vegetables, sauces and condiments, and beverages. It goes in depth about all the types of the above food that may be used. And again, most of this was covered with Mr. Ali.
  • Reflection # 3 Precision Nutrition : I have learned the similarties that You need to eat vegetables everyday because you simply cannot find another food group that is as perfectly matched to our everyday needs. Vegetables as a group are so low in calories that it is very difficult to gain weight even if you overeat them. Other difference is that drinking plenty of water rather than soft drinks. Similarities is that we have to drink water to not feel dehydrated while training in workouts , plenty of water but also with other calorie drinks.
  • Reflection # 4 Precision Nutrition: As discussed in class I can see the similarities that Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast. Apart from providing us with energy, breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fiber. The body needs these essential nutrients to function in our daily lives. One difference is that the article states there should be a small snack between meals which is kind of forbidden based on what we learned in class.
  • After reading the article, I came up with five paragraphs about it:

    I have learned that nutrition is something very important in everybody’s life, and it is the talk of the town. Also, I learned that fitness is a feeling. It is a broad, wide definition; it is more than what most people think of. There are a lot of rules that came are the same as what we took in the class. These includes: eat every 2-3 hours, eat lean protein and vegetable often, try to get away from fruit juices, and eat from natural selections. What I learned new is to try loving healthy fats and to eat carbs only when I deserve to. Also, I learned that the correct way to ask when eating protein is “How much protein should an athlete consume to improve performance and body composition?”. A person should eat a lot of protein for different reasons, mostly for fat loss during dieting, muscle growth when overfeeding, and muscle development.

    I have learned that imbalance between acid and base can cause some serious long-term health and physique problems. If the diet provides more acidic components, it will manifest as a net-acid load on the body. And if it provides more basic components, it will manifest as a net-base load on the body. This will results in bad consequences eventually. Since modern people are eating a diet that is high in acid, our diet has many problems. Thus, in order to neutralize the acid, a person can add more vegetable, add a small amount of glutamine to big meals, add sodium or potassium bicarbonate supplementation, or adding sodium to foods. The information mentioned above are things I just learned from the article; we did not discussed them a lot in the class.

    I have learned that people have to eat an enough and good breakfast in the morning, quality snacks, and poor lunch and dinner. I have learned that breakfast is a very important meal. Also, a person has to well distribute his calories gaining throughout the day and get a good amount of protein, carbs, fat, fiber, etc. Vegetable and fruits are very important in daily diet. Each meal should has a good protein source, a good fat source, and a good amount of fruits and veggies. The information mentioned in this paragraph is already taught by Mr. Ali.

    I have learned that the two biggest impediments to the success of people are their habits and that they are not ready for the tough time. This is somehow similar with attitudes and motivation we learned in class. Better nutrition is more about altering lifestyle habits and less about the food. Knowing, planning, and preparation are very important in everyone’s' diet. An ideal and smart thing is to prepare what your meals for the whole day or week. There are a lot of different strategies a person can use for preparing his food. He/she should choose what best fits him/her. There are several nutritional support systems a person should pick. these includes: a good countertop grill, a good cooler, 5 small and large tupper-ware containers, and a 3 1L size drink containers. Mr. Ali talked to us about the presented information in this paragraph earlier in the class. Also I l learned that traveling should not be an obstacle for a person that is following a certain nutritional diet. Even under harsh circumstances, a person should follow some strategies in order to continue with his/her nutritional diet.

    The fact that younger people were leaner and seemingly in possession of faster metabolic rates than older individuals is wrong. Metabolism does not have to slow down with age. While metabolism does seem to slow with age, it only slows if you do nothing about it. If you eat properly, exercise the right way, and take the right supplements, you can maintain your metabolic rate over your entire life span. Age-related muscle loss can cripple your metabolism. Metabolic slowdown is not inevitable; you can prevent it. A large-scale metabolic decline isn’t inevitable as we age. The information presented in this paragraph is something I just learned; not taught in the class.