


  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks for the group! I've been on MFP for about three weeks and loving it!

    I am 33, 5'7, and started at 174. My weight in this morning was 168, and I'd love to get down to 150 to start with. I have PCOS as well, and the weight doesn't always agree to come off, so maybe this will be the motivation I need to get ym workout and eating habits totally in check!

    Good luck everyone!
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I'm 5'4"
    CW: 163
    GW: 120

    Losing 20 pounds is about half of my goal, and loosing weight has been hard for me. However, since things don't work out they way we want, my alternate goal is to lose 2 inches around my waist by June. I just started with a trainer and his goal for me is fat loss/body recomp, and he is estimating 3 pounds a month! I hope I can kick it up to at least 5!
  • 867Jen5309
    867Jen5309 Posts: 37 Member
    Starting weight: 141 lbs
    Team 20 goal: 126 lbs
    Height: 5 foot 4 inches
  • MelissaRettie
    MelissaRettie Posts: 48 Member
    I literally just booked a beach vacation for the middle of July! I would like to lose 20 lbs (or close) by then so that I can feel comfortable in a bikini!

    SW: 142lbs
    HT: 5'2"

    Yay!!! Best of luck to everyone!!!!!!! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • evolution328
    evolution328 Posts: 83 Member
    Hello, I'm 5'5' and 162 right now, so I guess my goal is 142 for this challenge. Good luck everyone!
  • Empressmee
    Empressmee Posts: 92 Member
    Hello I'm 5'5 CW is 209 my goal for this challenge 189.
  • laurenk08
    laurenk08 Posts: 89 Member
    Hey group!!

    I am way excited to have an ENTIRE group of people going for the same goal as I am of losing 20 pounds!

    I am 5'1" , 24 years old!
    current weight 143 and goal weight 120-125

    Trying to eat clean, wholesome foods packed with protein and get a good workout 5 days a week!
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi All:

    My start weight is 158 ( I think, I haven't weighed myself in a few days). Losing 20 lbs would be great since I have been on a plateau for a while (losing a couple, gaining a couple). I originally lost 40 lbs and gained 10 back. My original goal was 135, but I would like to lose a bit more (128) so that I can get in the highest part of my BMI group without being overweight (I am 5'0 and 35 years old). 138 sounds perfect right now!
  • Shawtee808
    Shawtee808 Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you for this challenge!

    Age: 45yrs
    Height: 5'0
    Starting WT: 200.3
    Current Wt: 191.3
    Goal WT: 140

    I've lost 10lbs so far just eating right and counting calories. Lets do this!
  • DRBody
    DRBody Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Age: 25
    Height: 5'1"
    Current weight: 144 lbs
    Goal weight: 124 lbs
  • Here is my story! I'm a 54 yr old Nana and I drive a Semi Truck. I start at 227 Memorial Day 2012, I was down to 156 before the New Years 2013 and this winter went up to 170, yuck. So I am GETTING IT OFF and keeping it off this time. Not bad really, lots of work.
  • Hello everyone !

    My current weight is 155lb
    My ultimate goal weight is 126lb

    I could use with any support and accountability to help me get closer to that.
    I am 5'-4"

    Let's DO this!
  • Everyone Please add as friend:bigsmile:
  • anewdesign
    anewdesign Posts: 187 Member
    hello friends!

    Starting weight: 208 lbs
    Team 20 goal: 188 lbs
    Personal weight goal: 150 lbs
    Height: 5 foot 7 inches

    i weigh in on Thursdays - so that is my weight from last Thursday.

    going to TWO weddings this summer - may 3 and june 16, then one in november for my cousin!
    looking forward to feeling amazing when i see all my family!
  • MrsSweetT
    MrsSweetT Posts: 90 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Tara and I have being back and forth on this weight loss journey. I'm praying this time I'm able to stick with it. I decided to join this group to help give me a boost as I have way more than 20 lbs. to loose. Plus, I plan on doing my very first 5K in mid-July but as of today I'm in no condition/shape to run to my front door. However, I plan to be in better shape by the time of the race where I will at least be able to jog or do a brisk walk. I just want to accomplish this goal or at least give it a try instead of continuing to talk about it and wishing I had of.

    In need of serious motivation Team 20!!!
  • luisalg14
    luisalg14 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi, guys! Nice to meet you! :smile:

    My name is Luisa. I am about to turn 30, and want this year to be the best one yet!

    My current weight is 130. I probably will be happy if I loose 10 more pounds, but 15, or 20 would be absolutely phenomenal, so I thought it'd be a good idea to join this group.

    I have just started my 3rd round of Insanity (did it 2x early last year), and am hoping it's going to give me the discipline to loose the pesky pooch that won't go away.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend on here, and good luck with reaching your goals :flowerforyou:
  • Hello Everyone,

    My weight right now is 204lbs. By end of June, I want to be 180Lbs.

    We can do this!

  • brioneya
    brioneya Posts: 3
    Hi! I'm Brioney. I'm 27 and 5'3. I currently weigh 171 lbs (78kgs for us Aussies :P) and would like to weight 149 lbs (or 68kgs) by the end of June. Last year I lost a whopping 50lbs (25kgs) in about 3 months then fell pregnant with baby no.2. My little man is now 3 weeks old and its time for this weight to pack its bags and head back to wherever it came from. Its going to be tough after having a c-section but I'm motivated as hell (also have my high school reunion in Nov haha) :) Xx
  • ARofael
    ARofael Posts: 2
    Hi friends!
    I'm Angela and I started this journey at 150. I am currently at 136 lb and my goal weight is 115-125 so this is a great extra push to get to that goal! I'm here for the motivation, encouragement and helping from and for others. LETS DO THIS!
  • HumpyMak
    HumpyMak Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Everybody my starting weight is 175lb, which I took on Monday. My target is 150lbs. I am 5ft 7in so loosing 20lbs is exactly what I need and this group is gonna keep me on track :) I normally lift weighs and been really slacking off lately with my cardio which has made me gain 10 lbs, not of muscle either lol. I started a new work out on Monday 75 mins lifting weights and 30 mins cardio. Let's do this :) Feel free to add me
  • Blanche76
    Blanche76 Posts: 89 Member
    Hello all, I'm 5 feet and at 130, I really want to be at 115-120. I'm getting married in 7 months and cannot wait to get this started. WE ALL CAN DO THIS!! Motivation is the key, let's push each other to do the best we can do. :wink:
  • bazookamomma
    bazookamomma Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'm 27 and 5'3... I started at 182 and I am down to 157 (last time I checked). I would like to be under 140.

    These 20 pounds have to come off!! I'll be weighing in every Sunday morning.

    Anyone within my height or age range, please add me!
  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member
    Hey peeps... happy to join and support. 5'9" and started at 289 lbs. Right now (3 1/2 months later), I'm at 262, heading down to 200 lbs. by the end of the year.

    It's an aggressive plan, but necessary for better health.
  • losingit4infinity
    losingit4infinity Posts: 31 Member
    Hi I'm Krissy I am 5'3 and starting at 228.2lbs (weighed in this morning. My UGW is 150 lbs which is about where I was four years ago. Losing 20lbs by June will definitely kick start the beginning of my weight loss journey and will hopefully give me the confidence to continue. It will also help get me to my bigger goal of being 180 by the time I start school in September.

    please add me if you feel like it I am going to begin adding those who would also like some support and motivation!
  • Nadisay
    Nadisay Posts: 18
    Hi...his is now 6 months and a bigger eater, am breast feeding at least 90% of the time. Sugar in tea is my weakness, am a big tea drinker and now extra thirst due to breast feeding. Am hoping I can do this ....no no we can do it!!!!
  • coloradokat78
    coloradokat78 Posts: 268 Member
    Hi I'm Kat. I am 5'8.5 and weigh 170. My Ultimate goal is to be between 135-140 (depending on how much muscle mass I have.) Look forward to getting to know everyone!
    After the birth of my son 16 months ago, I have struggled to lose the weight. I have hypothyroidism and have continually forgotten to take the medicine since his birth, which is probably partially to blame as well as late night eating while breastfeeding! :)

    Please feel free to add me if you would like to support and motivate each other! :)
  • s0burgess
    s0burgess Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm 5'2 and my weight is 149. My goal is 120. I am trying to cut back on the amount of refine sugar I consume. Some days I'm good, others not so good. I keep at it.
  • LizaGetz
    LizaGetz Posts: 57 Member
    What's up, good people?! I weighed in last Wednesday at 148.5. I'm on Day 7 of a 10-day thing, so my next weigh in is not until Sunday morning. My first goal is 138, the next is 132, and then somewhere in the neighborhood of 125-128 I think - but it's REALLY about the fit of the clothes and how I look in a 2 piece!

    I'm 5'4", 37 years old, I've run marathons and half-marathons, but have been pretty sedentary since the fall. Additionally, I fell in love last year, so you know love always packs on the pounds! I'm super motivated, nauseatingly chipper and optimistic and currently addicted to MFP. Can't wait to lose these 20 with you all!
  • soserene
    soserene Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm 5'7'' and 187. That's down significantly from my highest weight, but I have hit a loooong plateau. Time to break through it! My ultimate goal is around 155ish.

    This was the first time I've ever told anyone my weight and it's both terrifying and liberating :)

    Looking forward to checking in with everyone and feel free to add me!

  • weathte
    weathte Posts: 6
    Hi all - I'm Teri. Love this challenge! I lost 60 pounds with Weight Watchers in 2005 and have maintained most of it. In the past year, I've crept up about 10 pounds and I'd love to lose that and another five to get back to my wedding weight by my 25th anniversary in June.

    Perfect timing. I'm down 3 pounds since joining this group, We can do this!