New Mommy Advice?

I am a brand new mom, lil man born 2-25-14, I am having a harder time than I anticipated. Been very challenging adjusting to no sleep, big cries and nursing issues on top of normal new parent woes. How do you focus on yourself? I feel guilty sometimes wanting me time so soon and yearning for some limits on caring for him 24/7, but also realize that those moments I do get (a shower, a solo doc appt) I come back to him happier. I would really love advice from moms on how they do it. Tips on staying healthy and finding a way to work out. Any great recipes or food ideas appreciated too.

*Also posted on PPP group because looking for fit friendly mommies!*


  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    There's no easy answers. You're still adjusting to motherhood and knowing that everything you do now has to factor in a little one is a big adjustment to make. It's only been a few weeks and I'm a firm believer that a mother's place is with her newborn. You will adjust and find time to get things done with a newborn in tow. We all do. You will have to make sacrifices too, like losing weight slower because you're breastfeeding for example. With a newborn you really can't focus on yourself too much anymore, but maybe you can factor in 30 minutes to an hour a day of time for working out in the morning or relaxing at the end of the day. Instead of vigorous workouts you could make time to walk for an hour a day with a buggy or infant carrier. There IS a certain amount of stress involved with caring for a newborn, but you WILL adjust.

    But it also sounds as if you could do with spending time with other new mums. Is there a new mothers group in your area or baby swim sessions at the local pool or similar? Might do you some good to see and chat about how other new mums are coping and adjusting. Doing something together like baby massage or yoga or swimming might also be relaxing and an additional bonding experience for you.
  • Lumen1505
    Lumen1505 Posts: 77 Member
    I have three little boys & I have to say that without taking some time to care for myself I would have gone totally lala !! My tips for survival would be ...
    Try to get out of the house everyday - even if its to the supermarket. Try & grab some time to shower as it does make you feel better & brighter and a happy mummy makes for happy babies :-)
    For exercise Id say brisk walks with your buggy at a park, see if there is a buggy workout group near you as its a good way to meet other mums & get fit with your baby. Baby massage or baby swimming is good too - and gives you something to aim for each day.
    And lastly to cope with the broken sleep - sleep when your baby does ! - I know its a cliché but the housework can wait - it will all be there when you wake up lol ! :-) - hope this helps xxx