can't get enough in

capecodgirl50 Posts: 111 Member
hi all,

I am 6 days out of surgery. still some pain but keep looking forward.

I had prepared my cabinets by stocking up on items. protein shakes, broth, and jello.

now after surgery - I can't get the protein shakes down. I try to sip as much as I can but can't finish 4 oz.

the jello goes down smoothly - but again, I have to stop for a while.

in the meantime, I know I am not getting in my calories. I have had a steady weight loss, but that is because I am not having enough protein.


  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    It all sounds right to me. Don't worry about calories for now. Just worry about protein and fluids. I think it took me all day to mostly finish a protein shake at day 6 but it's important to keep at it and sip whatever fluids you can. Don't get dehydrated! Be good to yourself :)
  • KCSF
    KCSF Posts: 49 Member
    I am having the same problem. I am at 9 days after surgery. I can manage 4oz of broth, smooth soup, Jello, milk, and juice but, not protein shakes. There is just something about the density of the protein shake that I can't do. Is there a less dense high protein option for people on liquid only?
  • SibylDiane
    SibylDiane Posts: 177 Member
    Some people find clear protein easier to tolerate so early out. Isopure mixed 50/50 with G2 or Powerade Zero worked well for me. Other good options for me were the Unjury Chicken Soup protein powder, Syntrax Nectar protein powders (mix with ice water), and stirring in a half scoop of vanilla or unflavored protein powder to warm (under 140 degrees, use a food thermometer) tea. You can also get high protein broths and soups from online stores like Nashua Nutrition or My Bariatric Pantry -- or check out the high protein hot chocolate powders if you think you would tolerate those better.
    All that said, your first concern right now should be hydration. Protein is great but it comes second to making sure you don't get dehydrated! Good luck.
  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    Cytosport whey protein - 32g
    I had a couple bottles of this - watermelon and tropical flavors and that was a nice change. The flavors are really strong, like sour patch kids candy.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I had a real issue with protein shakes in the beginning. Too thick and too sweet. What worked bst for me was the protein infused broth I got from my surgeon's office. You can also just add unflavored protein powder to any kind of broth and get your protein in that way. Like others have said, don't worry about calories at this point. Concentrate on getting in your water and as close to your protein goal as possible. Once the swelling in the stomach goes away totally, it will be easier to get enough protein each day.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    4oz is a lot of liquid for some people in thier first week. Finish what you finish and try again in another hour. The key is to sip throughout (1oz every 15 minutes) the day to get your fluid intake up. Caloric intake at this stage is irrelevant! Fluid and protein is all you need until the internal swelling goes down. Gradually you will be able to increase intake. Some very successful people in this group have difficulty getting 4-6oz of food per meal 4 months out, let alone 4 days.

    Your body will burn stored fat to fulfill it's caloric requirements which is exactly what we want to happen. I suggest you try a few different protein shakes and drinks to find one you like. Then just sip it until it's done, then make another until you reach 80g protein and 64 oz liquid. I like Isopure clear protein drinks. 20 oz bottle with 40 oz of protein. Tastes like a Jolly Rancher. Sip through two of these a day, plus some water in between, and you will have hit both goals.
  • OneDimSim
    OneDimSim Posts: 188 Member
    walk around while you helps "shake" stuff down!