I need help I can't get enough protein and fluids in me! :/

Hi everyone I had my surgery on March 18 2014. I am feeling ok, slightly depressed. I have tried a lot of protein shakes after the surgery but nothing seems to agree with my stomach. I do a shake in the morning and then after that my stomach just wants to shut down and I dont drink anything till 3-5pm and then I have to try and drink 1L of water just to get some fluid into me. water goes down ok but the protein shakes just make me gag every time I take a sip. I even made my own shake today and tried organic peanut butter in it. and I experienced the dumping syndrome : / . and that wasn't the only time I also had muscle milk banana(which i loved before the surgery) and had the same reaction to it! also same thing happened when i ate a poached egg. Any suggestions? I tried unfavored protein in my soups and that was gross, I also tried those jellos with protein and not a success either. It may be psychological but I just cant handle it anymore!


  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    My love for water change after my surgery and for about 3 weeks I could barely get down 3 cups a day. My love of water has returned but I'm buying it now. Just plain spring water - don't like flavored water.

    Stretch your shake out in the morning into 2 or 3 different times. My Dr. told me I had to have something every 3 hours or so in order to keep up my metabolism. My schedule is: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. At a couple weeks out I tried to keep to this schedule just taking in 1 or 2 ounces each time. Worked for me and I never had nausea or dumping. Although if I had, my surgeon gave me a prescription for nausea, one for pain and one for cramping. (I did use the one for cramping a few times when I had overdone it by eating too fast)

    I love my Six Star Whey Protein Isolate Elite Shake mix in decadent chocolate and for a change in texture I freeze it into an ice-cream consistency. YUMM!! I also continue to have sugar-free popsicles. I also consume Greek yogurt (some have 12 g protein)which I also freeze. If it gets to hard just microwave for a few seconds.

    All the above can be mixed/blended and eaten as you are able. My surgeon told me that some of her patients put the blended shake, yogurt, etc., into ice-cube trays and that amount was good for one mealtime a day.

    Wishing you well and if this keeps happening, make sure you tell your surgeon/Dr. at your post-op appointment.
  • What types of protein drinks are you having? Maybe flavors may help. Also it takes me about 30 minutes to drink 1 eleven ounce drink or Premier Protein. I sip it slowely. Also I make my own in the evening with my Ninja. I use Fat free milk and Carnivore protein. It gives me 35grams in one serving and blending it mixes it much better.

    I hope this helps. SIP SIP SIP all day long.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Some days it was all I could do to keep sipping on tiny 1/3 cup servings of skim milk. Carbmaster skim milk helps cause it has 11 G protein per cup. I found all the shakes except premier protein snack shakes completely revolting. For the 1st six weeks I was always nauseated at the start of every meal or snack especially if I had not eaten or drunk in the last 3 hours. One or two bites, here came the nausea. It was improved if I took really tiny micro sips and bites. I really resisted this cause I am a gulper and I over fill my mouth. Still at 4 months out I have to eat really slowly and get my liquids in between meals or I will get nausea. It can get depressing because eating is no longer fun and often it is work but at my last support group we all said as crappy as it gets we would do it again. I no longer take any meds but reflux and I returned my Cpap machine. I am overweight but no longer obese. I can fit comfortably in any chair and walk in to any store and buy clothes. Sipping, sipping, sipping. You don't want to get dehydrated and constipated. Good luck.
  • Try the nectar protein with plus protein fat free mil that gives you about 35 g of protein, I am about 6 weeks out and I have that for breakfast I added 2 scoops of protein today and that was 23g more of protein, I do cheese sticks about 6g greek yogurt, refried beans, turkey ground meat, fish, chicken and usually get about 60-70 g of protein a day. Syntrax Nectar has a lot of flavors you can get individual packets to see which flavor you like the most. Good Luck
  • capecodgirl50
    capecodgirl50 Posts: 111 Member
    that was the same thing that happened to me.

    I had bought lots of pure protein drinks to keep on hand for after surgery - couldn't even stand to look at them.

    What I did do, after 11 days out, was cut the protein drink with 1% milk. it did the trick. so I got half the grams of protein plus the 1% milk protein - was ok for me and took it down really well.

    also, keep at the water - it really helps you hydrate -

    but - trust me - I was in the same spot till yesterday.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Might try something that mixes with water. Nectar makes several that do. Iced tea and fruit flavors. I sipped them all day in the beginning. Also, you may be getting close to a point (check with your team for when it's safe) where you can try protein bars. Quest bars kind of dissolve in your mouth if you chew them long enough and are a great protein source. When I can't get a Nectar drink, (running around or miss a meal or whatever), I keep them handy. Also, Greek yogurt is a good source. I also found a Greek cottage cheese, (Kemps) that has as much as a shake. Did those for a while, but kind of tired of them now that I can eat meat. Keep working at it. It will come!
  • olie2O14
    olie2O14 Posts: 2
    thanx everyone for the suggestions. I talked to my doctor and he recommended protein shot, I tried a few and they are not bad. As for the fluid intake I still cant handle 2 L, but I eat a lot of melons and i researched that 2 cups of watermelon is equivalent to 16oz of water. so I eat lots of that!.. fruit goes down easily but anything else is hard to digest.
  • JxAAA
    JxAAA Posts: 87 Member
    I had surgery the day before you. What I'm doing to get my protein in first thing in the morning I'm having a syntrax nectar (chocolate truffle) shake. If I wake up really hungry (which I do some days) I'll add a heaping tablespoon of plan greek yogurt. Just that gets me to almost half my protein goal for the day. I've tried a variety of protein shakes and Syntrax has been the best so far.

    For my snack I'll have half a container of greek yogurt. If I stick to this morning regimen I find it easier to reach my protein goals for the day.

    Fluids is a bit of a struggle for me. I carry a water bottle with me everywhere I go, I find that I can comfortable take 2 drinks at a time so I frequently take a couple of drink when I remember to. I also keep water bottles in different rooms of my house that I frequent and everytime I make eye contact with a bottle I take 2 sips. This has really helped me get my water in. Sometimes I get sick of water and will have Crystal Light. It is work to reach my water goals but I'm making a conscious effort to really up the water. Some days I don't meet goals. Also as a treat when I do reach my water goals I will allow myself to have a cup of coffee, my nutritionist only allows coffee as long as I'm drinking enough water. I love my coffee so I am trying to get that water in. Good Luck!
  • ChelleDJM
    ChelleDJM Posts: 161
    I had surgery the same day as you and sent a friend request. I saw your post about fruit and fruit is not allowed on my plan at all because of the sugar. I do the Nectar protein in fuzzy navel and I like the lemonade flavor too. The vanilla and chocolate that I loved pre-surgery were not working, so I changed it up. I love some cold decaf coffee with a half cup almond milk with a scoop of chocolate (Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Double Chocolate) and that is really good...lots of ice. I take a few hours to drink it. I am doing well with foods though and eating soft foods. I eat tuna, eggs, baked fish, chili (sometimes have to puree it a bit), and today I had a lowfat string cheese and some turkey deli meat with no problems. So I am starting to just have to do 1 shake a day.

    Maybe order a sample pack of nectar and see what you like. I bought a few from my doctor's office, but only liked the fuzzy navel and roadside lemonade. While on liquids only, I tried to heat up a few things with protein added and I agree...it was gross!

    Water has also not been too much of a problem. Carry it wherever you go and sip all day and all night. I keep it by my bed and sip often through the night.
  • jkern9110
    jkern9110 Posts: 119 Member
    I remember buying all of these different ready-made protein shakes. I had so many brands and flavors. Post-surgery, I hated every single one. I could barely get down one medicine-cup full each hour. The first two weeks, I pretty much lived off of chicken broth, apple juice, water, sugar-free popcicles, and the occasional protein shot(which I also didn't care for). I wasn't getting nearly enough protein, so I started trying protein drinks that I mixed myself. I found these to be much more palettable. I mixed them with HEB Mootopia Fat Free Milk or the Kroger Carb Master Fat Free Milk to increase the protein and make it creamier. Like others have said before, get a sample pack and start trying those out. Eventually, you'll find something that tastes good.

    I also experienced a rapid taste change post surgery and have been told this is pretty common. Things I once hated, I now love. Experimentation with different foods as you progress through your diet is key to success. In the beginning, it's a chore to not get bored with what you're eating because it's so limited. Enjoy the ride and keep experimenting until you get it right!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Check out GNC store or website. There is a protein drink that's water based, so you are getting your water and protein in both at once. Each bottle is 45 grams of protein and they taste like Jolly Ranchers. I'm sorry, but I can't remember what the brand is, I just remember buying them at GNC. If the shakes are too much, this might help.
  • debhaley1
    debhaley1 Posts: 45 Member
    Check out GNC store or website. There is a protein drink that's water based, so you are getting your water and protein in both at once. Each bottle is 45 grams of protein and they taste like Jolly Ranchers. I'm sorry, but I can't remember what the brand is, I just remember buying them at GNC. If the shakes are too much, this might help.

    IsoPure zero carb protein drinks. I used to love them, now I think they are too sweet. But anything is worth a try. Good Luck
  • charders69
    charders69 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm three weeks out and struggling with protein and liquids too. I eat cottage cheese, refried beans and pureed chicken or tuna. In addition to my shake I also use Special K Protein water mix. They're packets you add to your water and have 5g protein, 5g fiber and only 30 calories per serving. I mix mine in a 20 oz bottle so it isn't as sweet. Sip, sip amd sip some more!

    p.s. You can get them on Amazon but drugstore.com has them for less.