April 3rd

joelaurentino Posts: 23 Member
Plank for 1:20 and 14 pushups - How is up for the challenge?


  • Nurseingu
    Nurseingu Posts: 17 Member
    Can I join this challenge? Is there a daily schedule that we go by?
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    1:05 and 10.
  • joelaurentino
    joelaurentino Posts: 23 Member
    @ NursingU Certainly please feel free to join us. I put this out there to hold myself accountable and support others on their journey. It is simple, choose a comfortable starting point for you plank duration and number of pushups. Then try to add to it each day. I started with a one minute plank and am trying to add 10 seconds each day. I also started with 10 pushups and am adding an additional 2 daily. Most important post your results here to help motivate yourself.
  • joelaurentino
    joelaurentino Posts: 23 Member
    @ CJ Way to go!!!