Home Workouts??

Hi I am a stay at home mommy of a 17 month old little girl and twin 3 month old little boys. As of right now I have no time to get to the gym or any exercise classes. What can I do at home to get into shape? My main concerns are my overall weight and my abs-after the twin c-section everything is kind of pudgy. I was wondering what has worked for everyone else? I've got 39 lbs to go! Please any and all help and advice would be greatly appreciated :)


  • ametolie
    ametolie Posts: 13 Member
    I use the Jillian Michaels Fast Fix. It's great! you can do all three 20 minute sessions or break them up and do just one at a time. Her 30 minute shed and shred is killer too. I bought them through Xbox One's Fitness App. It's great and tracks your movements to keep your positioning correct. But I've seen the program at Target.
  • CNG223
    CNG223 Posts: 127 Member
    I use Jillian's 30 Day Shred and so far, love it! I'm seeing some toning in my legs and arms. I've got quite a belly pudge, so I think it will take a while to see a big change in that. Her videos are fast, 20ish minutes, and I'm always covered in sweat when I'm done. I usually do mine in the morning before my son wakes or during his nap time. I can usually get that in, a shower and a cup of coffee if I get up early enough :) Good luck!
  • Scoe170
    Scoe170 Posts: 1
    I have the same issue. Im 300lbs very nee to this. Looking for motivation and any support is welcomed. I have a 20 month old and a 4 month old, also 2 elementary age children. I find it very difficult to get to the gym. I would like to know how did you first start out losing weight from home?
  • jenndeirdre
    jenndeirdre Posts: 23 Member
    I have a six year old boy and 13 month old girl, I found for me exercising after they go to bed is great. I do zumba just about every night have lost 53 pounds in a year, I had a slack winter so I should of lost more :( now I bought the newest zumba to get refocused for my last 40 pounds i want gone by August 30!
  • jessicastefanakos
    jessicastefanakos Posts: 16 Member
    I love Jillian Micheal's programs. I have tried the 30 day shred and it is very effective and very challenging!! I also have one of her yoga dvds which is not just yoga but cardio moves mixed in with yoga moves. I really enjoy it and it is not as intense as the 30 day shred. I am always skeptical of buying work out dvds because some I just don't like so you could check your local library for some first. I know my library has a bunch available. Good luck!!
  • holcombsarah
    holcombsarah Posts: 1 Member
    I'm doing Insanity, and I do it during my 14 month old's morning nap. I've lost almost 10 lbs since starting it and I'm half way done. I got mine off of craigslist for $30! I also have the new 21 day fix and I plan on starting that as soon as I finish Insanity. For the beachbody products, I found that craigslist is a great place to get the videos cheap. It seems a lot of people get them as gifts and don't want them and just sell them. :)
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    When I was working out at home, I would get up a little earlier than normal and do a work-out DVD, usually only about 20-30 minutes. I tried to take the kids on walks whenever possible. And at night after they were in bed, I would take small hand weights and do bicep curls, squats, dead lifts, tricep extensions, sit ups, planks, and whatever else I felt like was working, lol. And I used the ottoman to do tricep dips.
  • stiglich2002
    stiglich2002 Posts: 17 Member
    I am doing 30 day Shred, Jillian Michael's Fat Burning Blast, and the Supreme 90 Days series. Usually these are 30 minutes no more than 40 minutes usually. i know time can be challenging to get that workout in!!
  • The best workouts are T25, the 21 Day Fix, and Insanity from Beachbody!
    I have lost over 75 pounds after my 2nd baby! The programs come with easy nutrition plans! You can message me and I'll share the details! Good luck! Carolin
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    Jillian Michaels.... I'd recommend any of her workouts.

    Also now that its getting nice outside (depending on location) go for lots of walks. and at home, incorporate your 17mo into your workouts. She'll love it!!
  • luvmydawgs
    luvmydawgs Posts: 182 Member
    I work outside the house but I do the 30 day shred before the kids get up and before work. If I stayed at home I would do that and walk now that is nice out. I am sure you can lose weight fast with that!
  • lizp114
    lizp114 Posts: 202 Member
    I find that youtube is a excellent source for finding good workout. I go on YouTube and find workouts to use my kettlebell and for my dumbbells. I also have work out DVD that I used to use Billy Blanks Tae Bo Express I also have a few Jillian Michaels DVD in my favor is Turbo Fire which is a high-intensity program
  • silvereve
    silvereve Posts: 69 Member
    Look on P interest under at home workouts. there are tons of workouts and some dont even require equipment. If some have timed amounts you can download a free workout timer app to your phone to help you. I use these all the time.
  • I have a 2.5 yr old and a 9yr old that keep me very busy as well as a fulltime night shift job hard to find tine to work out as well but have an xbox and myself and my girls really enjoy the dance central and other dance games it makes for a really great workout and it is a way to get my girls involved so I can keep an eye on them as well. I know I look ridiculous doing the moves but my girls are having to much fun to care.
  • looklucklove
    looklucklove Posts: 128 Member
    I'm assuming you don't have an elliptical or treadmill or anything. Do you live in an area where you can talk a walk? Can you load up your babies and walk to the park, and then spend 20 minutes chasing the 17 month old around? Or have a dance party in the living room?

    I have an 8 year old and 4 year old, and I work full time. For me, the best time for me is to just get up early and go to the gym. It is not fun. I am not a morning person! But I always feel so much better after I'm done. No matter what happens the rest of the day, I can always say, "Well, at least I worked out today!" So that's absolutely my recommendation to you--- work out early in the morning before the babies get up, and then you have the rest of the day to enjoy!
  • yvonnejobin1
    yvonnejobin1 Posts: 10 Member
    I've tried p90x, but wasn't quite ready for it yet, I've found youtube to be a great resource for home workouts. You can find exercise videos for any type of workout, from zumba to kickboxing and pilates. Popsugar fitness has some of my favorite workouts. A lot of them are 10 or 15 minute videos that are easier to sneak into nap time or after my littles go to sleep for the night.
  • yvonnejobin1
    yvonnejobin1 Posts: 10 Member
    You can also slip exercises into everyday chores, like doing leg lifts or dancing while doing the dishes, doing squats or lunges to pick up toys, etc. It may not seem like much, but every bit adds up.
  • jscanlon922
    jscanlon922 Posts: 8 Member
    I started taking my son for long walks in his stroller. We walked a trail for 6 miles when he was about 6 months old. Now I found running works best to shed the baby weight that I still have left to go. Planks also helped me with the belly "pudge". I also like Jillian michaels six-pack abs dvd.