Week 5: April 2-8

Onto week 5. Thank goodness for a new week. Week 4 was a toughie!

Things are getting a bit easier, knowing that we are approaching the end of lent (and with 4 successful weeks in the books!). I can't help but start the countdown in my head! But, let me not get too far ahead of myself now. Still have a few challenges between now and April 17.

In great news, I made it to my goal weight this morning! Yay! Feels great to feel so great! But... Seeing as I am still stocked up on all of my good, diet friendly foods, I think I may keep with it until the end of lent. Who knows, maybe even knock off an extra 4-5 lbs.

As far as a "plan for success" for week 5 - I don't expect to face any major temptations this week. Things are fairly relaxed at work, so stress levels are pretty low. As for this weekend, I will be traveling back to my hometown for a visit. Of course, this can create the temptation to visit all the old favorite haunts, but being a short trip, being so close to the end of lent w/o going off the wagon, and just getting over a cold, I can't say my desire to drink is overly high. I think I will do just fine with the trip.

Anybody else have a "plan for success" this week?


  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    >high five< on making your goal weight! That is awesome! I lost another 1.5lbs this week, so that is 9lbs. This week should be fairly easy for me as I made it through the weekend. It was a friend's birthday and had dinner at fine establishment that actually gives you free small pours of wine to look over the menu with and I stuck to my water. This week should be smooth sailing :)
  • Marigny23
    Marigny23 Posts: 19
    Thanks for the encouragement Dragonfly! I feel great! Congratulations on your weight loss thus far! 9 lbs - that's fantastic! At the rate you're going, you'll be at goal in no time!

    I admire your ability to stick to your resolve at the birthday dinner. Formal dinners like that have definitely been the toughest events for me this Lent, and I have avoided some outings bc I feared my resolve wouldn't be strong enough. :/

    We are almost there now! Only one more weekend to stick to our commitments!