How soon did you really get back to work?

I will get my surgery date this week. My doctor said plan one week off from work after surgery. Is this an accurate timeline? I am an administrative associate so I don't have heaving lifting or anything.


  • Liongoddess
    Liongoddess Posts: 107 Member
    I returned to work in one week. Although I was able to do it I believe that not returning for two weeks would have been much better. It was difficult for me to get my water and protein in that first week back and I was very tired. I found that I would come home at the end of the day and was so tired I would fall asleep by 7pm. Pain was not an issue at was just the extreme tiredness.
  • platinum3karat
    platinum3karat Posts: 66 Member
    I had my surgery on April 1st and I'm not due back to work until the 28th of April. I can't imagine returning to work a week after surgery. I still have pain and I still have not had a bowel movement. I am tired after 30 minutes of walking. I think no one should return to work until after their follow up visit.
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    My surgeon advised me to take 3-4 weeks off, but I went back after 2. I have a desk job and my boss is very flexible. One week would have been too soon for me. I was very tired and slept a lot.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Out of hospital Friday, back to work Monday. I have a no lifting job. I needed the distraction. I had major head hunger and did not need to be home bored. I just lined up my water bottles on my desk and apologized to people for drinking in front of them. By Monday I had no pain just discomfort.
  • tgbtg150
    tgbtg150 Posts: 9
    Thanks so much for all of your input! I thought 1 week was a little optimistic. I do not have the option of taking off three weeks but I can take one and I will plan on letting my employer know that I will come back for probably 1/2 days for awhile until my endurance builds back up.
  • plmelquist
    My surgery is scheduled for the 28th of April and I'll return to work on the 5th of May. My job isn't terribly strenuous and I think I'll be bored out of my mind by then :D
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I took two weeks off. My surgery was on a Wednesday, I came home Thursday, and the following Monday I was doing a little work from home. I am glad I took the full two weeks off but I was bored and restless. I had no real pain to speak of, but I did have a lot of fatigue, and it was good to have the time to adjust to drinking and getting in all my protein.
  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    I took 3 weeks off from work although I probably could've gone back after 2 weeks. I really used that third week to get my endurance and energy back. I can't imagine one week as I was so tired and it was so time consuming to eat and drink and manage meds and walk and all those other post-op things.
  • DawnHuck
    DawnHuck Posts: 5
    I had my surgery last week Monday (3/31). Home on Wednesday from hospital, went to work for 4.5 hours on Friday, and I am here today! I feel great! No issues. I am not tired at all, actually the opposite! It is ridiculous. This surgery was way easier than my gallbladder!!!! I have a desk job.
  • capecodgirl50
    capecodgirl50 Posts: 111 Member
    I am 11 days out. My surgeon has schedule my return date to work on April 21. He has all of his patients going back after 3 weeks, not before.

    I just had a bowel movement this morning (sorry) but it was a concern to me. I could not imagine going back sooner. But each surgeon is different.

    my eating is not the greatest. Just beginning to get in 64 oz. of water. I get tired after walking and even though I have a desk job, I do a lot of walking (which I guess is good). I have also not let people around me at work know I had the sleeve surgery - it was.

    all is good - the weight is coming off but I am definitely not ready to return to work.
  • platinum3karat
    platinum3karat Posts: 66 Member
    I also have a desk job; however, returning to work a week after surgery is a bit much. I am exhausted from maintaining medication, drinking water and protein shakes and eating yogurts and cottage cheese. I walk everyday for 30 minutes which truly exhaust me and I find myself needing a nap afterwards. This is my 1st week after surgery, I can't imagine returning to work so soon. Give your body enough time to heal.
  • DrSchmincke
    DrSchmincke Posts: 9 Member
    I took a full month off. I thought I could go back after 3 weeks but I really could not. When I did go back, it was on a reduced schedule - I worked from home a lot. I was in decent physical condition at the time of surgery and at BMI=36. I do work long hours at a semi-desk job (60+ hours/week) and I am older (57) but I was surprised at how the surgery knocked the stuffing out of me.