Struggling to sleep :(

kerryradz Posts: 81 Member
Any tips on how to get a better nights sleep? Falling asleep is the easy part it's the staying asleep that I'm struggling with - I wake up more than 8 times during the night, 3 of which to empty my bladder. I'm now 35 weeks pregnant and still in full time work so I'm unable to have a lay-in or take a nap during the day if I need it - luckily as of next week i'll be working partly from home and partly at the office which is good cause on home days I won't have to get up as early to get dressed etc but I still won't be able to have a lay-in or nap properly as I'll be getting calls throughout the day in my normal work hours and I will need to be accountable for at all times. I also go to college evening classes two nights a week which last from 6 till 8:30pm which I'll probably cut down to once a week once I'm 37 weeks. I was also doing gardening all weekend as a surprise for my mum so if anyone has any tips on relieving lower back pain/tight hamstrings that'd be helpful too - thanks in advance :flowerforyou:


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I feel your pain! I wake up a lot to use the loo, and I sometimes find it hard to get back to sleep. I've had an annoying cough for the past week or so too. I'm 38+2. I have found sleeping's been a bit better over the past couple of weeks though. I make sure I have lots of pillows and relax before bed, either reading or watching a movie with my husband. I think I feel more relaxed now as my kids are on Easter hols so I don't need to set an alarm, make packed lunches, do the school run etc.

    I stopped work at 35 weeks, but haven't been able to rest much as I have children already! I'm a teacher, so I couldn't have worked any longer, it's a stressful job, I have to work at home too, and I'm on my feet all day dealing with stroppy teenagers!

    I think most women sleep badly at the end of pregnancy, which is really cruel as we need all the sleep we can get before baby comes!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Sadly, I think it's just prep for when baby arrives! I recall sleeping very well the last few weeks before I had my girl (last December) but during most of the 3rd trimester I went to work every day in a daze. I teach and was on my feet all day. It was rough. The foam roller was my best friend. Maybe it'd help your aches and pains.
  • Nique85
    Nique85 Posts: 105 Member
    I have been having trouble sleeping as well. Mainly because my hips hurt so bad and I have to pee a lot. I also stopped working at 33 weeks I was a preschool teacher and it was taking a toll on me. However, now I'm home with my two year old so I still "work" all day. I hope it improves because I just feel my body becoming more fatigued.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I have no trouble falling asleep, but if I get a decent 5 or 6 hour block of sleep I am up for the day really early. My hips have been bothering me as well and I have a hard time getting comfortable. I've been stretching out on my back, but that seems to wake the baby and the movements keep me awake. I don't think there is much else we can do at this point. Our bodies are just preparing us to be up all night!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    You are not alone! I wake up multiple times in the night and struggle to get enough sleep.
    Only thing I have found that helps is to make yourself as comfortable as possible. Adjust the temperature, the bed, the blankets, the pillows, or even the room if need be to optimum comfort. I have a friend who switched her child beds at night when she was pregnant because she slept better on her daughter's bed. Me - I have to have TONS of pillows. I sleep with a body pillow along my back, a pregnancy boppy between my knees, a baby boppy along my stomach, a memory foam pillow for my head, another pillow under my knees and a pillow for my feet. Then, any other randomly available pillows stuffed wherever I feel I want them that night.
    Oh, and I take a 3hr nap during the day about once a week.
  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    Unfortunately from now until the baby is here, with all the pains and the extra weight you are carrying, it would be very difficult to stay asleep as long as you would want. I remember i stopped sleeping properly around the eighth month last pregnancy. I would wake up crying every morning of tiredness and leg cramps.
    Try sleeping on your sides and supporting your back and baby bump with pillows.
  • kerryradz
    kerryradz Posts: 81 Member
    thanks for all the advice ladies! I managed to get a fairly decent sleep last night, only waking up 4 times, YAY! It was a much cooler night here in England last night so possibly the temperature of the room is causing me to wake up on the previous nights? I'm not sure if it's a pregnancy thing but i have definitely struggled to regulate my body heat throughout the day.
  • rhye
    rhye Posts: 104 Member
    One thing that did help me is if I wake up and feel very awake, I eat a banana and drink a glass of water, and just having something in my stomach seems to make it easier to go back to sleep. That being said, I'm still struggling with aches and pains and last night I slept with two pillows under my head and two pillows under my knees on my back-- best choice yet but tonight I think I will add another pillow for my back. It was inspired by the fact that I fell asleep int he dentist's chair yesterday, which I found sooo comfortable. 29 weeks and looking forward to many sleepless nights ahead :(