It never occurred to me to lean on God for my WL journey

I pray all the time about almost everything thing in my life. Whether little or big I pray. I even joined a mom's in prayer group to meet with other mom's around here to pray for our kids and community.

But in all the prayers I have made I have never even thought to pray about my weight loss journey. I keep thinking I am all alone in this and that it is too much for me to do. I have over 200 lbs to lose and I give up time and time again.

When I found this group on MFP today I thought this sounded like a good group for me to join. You can bet at least one prayer today is going to be about asking God for help on this journey.

Today I will remember that "I can do all this through him who gives me strength" Phil. 4:13


  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    I know one of my big problems is that when I'm upset, angry, frustrated, sad, depressed, etc., instead of going to God in prayer, I go to food for comfort. Do you do that too?
  • I share that same "emotional response" eating as you. You brought up a great point...we are not in this alone. God answers our prayers in the way we need them answered but I forget at times that we have to invite God into our heart and ask him to guide us. Thank you for reminding me to do this....I just signed up here and your post is a great guide for me to anchor this journey for me in prayer with God guiding my journey in weight loss just as He does in my life. Good luck to you today!
  • lessofmeeachweek
    lessofmeeachweek Posts: 28 Member
    I do go to food for comfort all the time.

    I am trying to do better. I have started to add prayers about helping me with this weight loss journey so I can be the best mom for my kids possible. I also found a really nice book of prayers for moms that is helping me to come up with more prayers that help me to talk to God about my worries and stresses.

    God bless you all, we can do this together!
  • shemama1
    shemama1 Posts: 30 Member
    I know one of my big problems is that when I'm upset, angry, frustrated, sad, depressed, etc., instead of going to God in prayer, I go to food for comfort. Do you do that too?

    Yes, I do that too. Last night I was upset with my kids about something, and instead of removing myself to pray, I ate....and ate....and ate. Sadly. Funny that just this morning I was thinking to myself that I need to depend on God to get me through this becuase I cannot do this on my own. I need my Savior to rescue me.

    My verse to remember is "Acts 29:17....In Him we live and move and have our being." He's already with and in me, and me in Him. So I have his strength to get me through. I need to learn to depend on that..
  • lessofmeeachweek
    lessofmeeachweek Posts: 28 Member
    Shemama -great verse!

    I often look for food when I am stressed. I love my kids but I am sure we all go through those times when they are driving you nuts. I have been praying to God a lot for patience and understanding and that seems to help me remember to stay calm.