prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member


We've started on week 3, which is all about fitness!!! WHAT IS YOUR FITNESS PLAN FOR THE WEEK?

It's a new week and a new day, don't give up!


If you can't workout a day, go for a walk at night after dinner. Every lit bit helps!!!

Will anyone be joining in with me on these?



Here's how to do a russian twist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DYuSXvpu0g
Here's how to do the superman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc6UVRS7PW4


SW: 194.6 :embarassed: :noway:
Week 1: 189.2 :bigsmile: = 5.4 loss
Week 2: 189.4 :smile: = 0.2 gain
Week 3:
Final Weighin:
lbs I need to lose to reach 4%: 7.8 lbs ...LBS TO GO = 2.6!:bigsmile:

Oz of water I need to drink daily: 97 oz = 12+ glasses (8oz) of water drinker

Water drank:
Sat: 8 cups
Sun: ???


  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    SW: 181.6
    Week 1: 177.6
    Week 2: 176.2 smile
    Week 3:
    Final Weighin:
    lbs I need to lose to reach 4%: 7.3 lbs

    Oz of water I need to drink daily: 90.8 oz = 11+ glasses

    Water drank:
    Sat: 8 glasses

    I did both challenges today along with a challenging yoga class! I will try to fit in both of the challenges everyday but may skip Wednesday because a lot of those exercises are incorporated into the HIIT class and the class also takes a lot out of me.

    My fitness plan for the week:
    Sun: Yoga
    Monday: Either Yoga, run or rest day
    Tues: Run (if I don't run on Monday) otherwise a rest day
    Wed: HIIT class
    Thurs: Spin class
    Fri: Run
    Sat: Spin class
  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    I can probably start the Mon-Sun exercises that you posted this evening, but I don't know what a lot of the exercises are!!! Ack...here comes google. Maybe I'll just replace the unknown crunches, lunges and twists with kettleball lifts?

    SW: 196.9
    Week 1: 196.7 (-0.2)
    Week 2: 195.3 (-1.6)
    Week 3: 195.5 (+0.2)
    Final Weighin:
    lbs I need to lose to reach 4%: 7.9 lbs

    Water drank:
    Sat: 6
    Sun: 6
    Mon: 10
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    TUESDAY APRIL 8 - DAY 18 OF 28

    10 Days left in the challenge!!! :noway:

    For today's challenge here's how to do some of the moves:
    Vertical leg crunch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca1iljg1vss
    Tricep dip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kALZikXxLc
    Side lunge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEUEe37y-WE
    Leg lifts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-mPHKQFMkk
    Russian twists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeAtimSCxsY


    Fitness goals for the week:
    Sunday - walked 1.5 miles
    Monday - walked 3 miles
    Tuesday - ??
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    SW: 181.6
    Week 1: 177.6
    Week 2: 176.2 smile
    Week 3:
    Final Weighin:
    lbs I need to lose to reach 4%: 7.3 lbs

    Oz of water I need to drink daily: 90.8 oz = 11+ glasses

    Water drank:
    Sat: 8 glasses
    Sun: 7 glasses
    Mon: 11 glasses

    My fitness plan for the week:
    Sun: Challenging Yoga plus both of Kristy's challenges- completed :smile:
    Monday: Relaxing Yoga & 20 min jog/walk intervals on dreadmill - completed :smile:
    Tues: Both of this weeks challenges posted by Kristy
    Wed: HIIT class
    Thurs: Spin class
    Fri: Run
    Sat: Spin class
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    SW: 172
    Week 1: 167.7
    Week 2: 165.0
    Week 3:
    Final weigh in:

    lbs I need to lose to reach 4%: 6.8 lbs

    I did it you guys! I reached my goal! Now if I can only stick to it for the next 2 weeks!

    Oz of water I need to drink daily: 82.5 oz = 10+ glasses (8oz) of water

    I'm a vet tech who recently graduated, so this weekend I devoted my time to studying for my board exam. I took the exam yesterday and, unfortunately, I failed it :( I won't know my exact results until they come in the mail in a few weeks. So that's where I've been the past few days. Yesterday after coming back from the nearby town I had to go to take my test, I re-started t25 again. I did Day 2 today. I'm hoping this time I won't get bored and quit!

    I seriously didn't pay attention to how much water I drank Sat-Mon. Sat & Sun I did really well with my eating and exercising but yesterday was my cheat day.

    Sat: Ripped in 30
    Sun: Ran in place while studying
    Mon: t25 Alpha Cardio
    Tues: t25 Speed 1.0
    Wed: t25 Total Body Circuit
    Thurs: t25 Ab Intervals
    Fri: t25 Lower Focus & Cardio
    Sat: If I don't get both t25 workouts in on Fri, then I'll do one today, if not I'll be doing some home made strength workouts.
    Sun: Rest
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    I did it you guys! I reached my goal! Now if I can only stick to it for the next 2 weeks!

    Congrats!!! Great news! I'm sure you will have no problem maintaining or maybe even dropping a bit more by the end of the challenge.

    I hope you did better that you realized on your vet tech exam. Will you be able to take it again soon if you failed?
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    SW: 181.6
    Week 1: 177.6
    Week 2: 176.2 smile
    Week 3:
    Final Weighin:
    lbs I need to lose to reach 4%: 7.3 lbs

    Oz of water I need to drink daily: 90.8 oz = 11+ glasses

    Water drank:
    Sat: 8 glasses
    Sun: 7 glasses
    Mon: 11 glasses
    Tues: 10 glasses
    Wed: 12 glasses :bigsmile:
    Thurs: ?

    My fitness plan for the week:
    Sun: Challenging Yoga plus both of Kristy's challenges- completed :smile:
    Monday: Relaxing Yoga & 20 min jog/walk intervals on dreadmill - completed :smile:
    Tues: Both of this weeks challenges posted by Kristy - completed :wink:
    Wed: HIIT class - completed :smile:
    Thurs: Spin class
    Fri: Run
    Sat: Spin class
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member

    I did it you guys! I reached my goal! Now if I can only stick to it for the next 2 weeks!

    Woo! Great job!
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    The most consistent thing I do to date is exercise. I do the elliptical either 30 or 45 minutes. 30 minutes on the weekdays (usually) and 45 minutes on the weekends.

    I cannot believe the routine you set up and DO, Kristy! And you did it, too, BeachGurl... you guys are working hard!

    I'm getting the hang of drinking water ALL DAY LONG. I have a lot to drink... 14+ Besides Saturday, I'm getting most of it down. I do like water, though, so it's not torturous.

    Water consumed in 8oz increments:

    Sat: 13
    Sun: 19
    Mon: 18
    Tue: 15
    Wed: 18

    I am really struggling with: 1) cutting out sweets (candy and homemade baked goods) 2) eating after 7PM. I am REALLY trying to not do either for the next 8 days. Today was a success, so ONE day down SEVEN to go.

    Do you guys have any tips on how you do either? One thing I did today was give all the goodies to my husband and he hid them. I've craved them about 99 times tonight...but I don't know where they are so I can't consume them! I'm hoping the cravings will go away...it's a bad habit of eating at night.
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    The most consistent thing I do to date is exercise. I do the elliptical either 30 or 45 minutes. 30 minutes on the weekdays (usually) and 45 minutes on the weekends.

    I cannot believe the routine you set up and DO, Kristy! And you did it, too, BeachGurl... you guys are working hard!

    I'm getting the hang of drinking water ALL DAY LONG. I have a lot to drink... 14+ Besides Saturday, I'm getting most of it down. I do like water, though, so it's not torturous.

    Water consumed in 8oz increments:

    Sat: 13
    Sun: 19
    Mon: 18
    Tue: 15
    Wed: 18

    I am really struggling with: 1) cutting out sweets (candy and homemade baked goods) 2) eating after 7PM. I am REALLY trying to not do either for the next 8 days. Today was a success, so ONE day down SEVEN to go.

    Do you guys have any tips on how you do either? One thing I did today was give all the goodies to my husband and he hid them. I've craved them about 99 times tonight...but I don't know where they are so I can't consume them! I'm hoping the cravings will go away...it's a bad habit of eating at night.

    You are doing great with your water!!

    I too look for a sweet treat in the evening. I usually just save a few calories and have something small/low cal like a frozen yogurt bar or a biscotti and tea. or keep busy. LOL thats a hard one so good luck.
  • crystlgrn
    crystlgrn Posts: 124 Member
    Sorry I missed the weigh-in last week. These past couple of weeks have been insane. I've been swamped at work and I started a new term at school. Luckily, I've been able to keep it going in the right direction.

    SW: 225
    Week 1: 223.8
    Week 2: 223.8
    Week 3: 223.0
    Final Weighin: