End of Challenge Weigh-In! How did you do?

RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
Let's just say that I thought this group was A-MAZING! Thank you boulevardMto1 for starting this group. You did a great job getting these people together and showing us your hosesty and personal struggles. Also to coolchick207 and Spambo16 for keeping the group alive and sharing your personal hardships and words of motivation.

Well, since I don't typically get on my computer over the weekends, I'm here to check in with my final weight (group end date is the 6th?) and see how everyone else did as well. I know that there is a couple of you that met your goals!!! (mojisha, GBrady43068 ???) :love: :wink: :smokin:

Unfortunately, I did not make my goal of 17.7 pounds, but I did lose 12.4 in the last 3 months. I count that as a victory. :flowerforyou: Just got to keep it going.

SW: 207.7 (beginning of 90 days)
CW: 195.3 (-12.4 lbs total)
GW: 190 (at end of 90 days)

Well, I look forward to hearing what the rest of you say and hope that you tell us a little about your journey during the last 90 days. :drinker: :bigsmile:


  • CulturedCowgurl
    CulturedCowgurl Posts: 136 Member
    Yes I would say that was a TOTAL success...Kudos to you. Imma chime in as well BEFORE the weekend get a hold of me. If I remember correctly: Actually had to go back and look .

    SW 168 _ Begin of challenge
    GW 156 _ Goal for end of challenge
    CW 161 _ ( Lost 7 lbs ;)
    Waist _ Lost 1 inch
    Size _ Went from size 12 to comfortable 10 and I squeezed in my only 1 pair size 8.
    Shirt_ From XL to Large and a couple mediums.

    I wanted to lose 12 but hey close enough. I feel Awesome and I'm not stopping. Thanks to ALLL for the awesome motivation.
  • JoyLaine
    JoyLaine Posts: 110 Member
    My "first step" goal was to lose 15 lbs ~ I'm 5 pounds short of that but I feel great about the progress made. I started out hitting the treadmill on a regular basis and ended up just doing 20 minutes of walking everyday. A little move discipline and commitment exercising I think I would have easily made my goal. I'm ready to take on the the next round.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well for only the second time since joining, I had a gain:

    SW when joining MFP (10/13): 264
    SW when beginning 90 days: 247
    CW: 231.0 (+1.6)
    Body Fat%: 34.3 (+.2%)
    Body Water%: 47.9 (same as last week)
    BMI: 35.0 (+.3)
    Bone Density: 8.1% (no change)
    GW for the 90 days (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1163584-start-weight-weigh-in?page=4): 235..beat it by 4 pounds!

    Working now on reversing this 1 week setback and heading onward to my final goal (another 80 or so pounds left..)
  • boulevardMto180
    CSW: 237 lbs
    CGW: 220 lbs
    CW: 228 lbs
    -9 lbs overall loss and 8 lbs short of my goal.

    I've learned...
    I use food as a crutch.
    I'm an emotional eater.
    I eat when I'm board.
    It's easy to eat right and lose weight. But working out speeds up the process and makes me feel great.
    Water is necessary.

    I again want to say thank you for everyone's hard work and dedication. I've hit some major bumps throughout the last 90 days, but you guys remained supportive and I'm grateful for that. No one held it against me when I went MIA and I'm grateful for that as well.

    The final numbers so far are great and I'm super proud of everyone. Summer is 76 days away. I'm so ready for the next challenge!!!
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    SW: 183
    LW: 162.5
    CW: 162.5
    CGW: 160
    UGW: 145-140

    Loss this week: 0 lbs.
    Total challenge loss - 20.5 lbs.

    I decided to eat at maintenance this past week to reset my metabolism and give myself a mental health break. It meant that I came in a little short of my goal but that's okay. I'm ready to start this next week with another 12 weeks of training and the reset was much needed!

    I'm so glad to have been a part of this challenge!
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    Well, I lost about 10 pounds! That is short of my goal of 12, but I also started a more intense workout regimen this past week. I'm not sure if my body has to adjust to the new intensity or what, but I know I didn't eat enough calories to weigh what I weigh now. All in all I'm happy because it's not about the scale. I, for the first time ever, successfully kept myself on track. There were bumps, but I am proud of myself and everyone else in the challenge.

    I think I'm going to take a few weeks to eat at maintenance and/or put the scale away. I know summer is quickly approaching, so I will keep an eye out for another challenge.

    Congrats, everyone!
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    HI all, Thanks so much to Boulevard for all the motivation and inspiration. This is the best challenge I joined, love the group and find the people very encouraging. I just read through and everyone lost weight!! Way to go! Several are short a couple of pounds from goal but clearly doing the right things as all progress is in the right direction! I am very interested in the next challenge and thankful that some people are willing to host. Thank you.

    SW 130
    GW for the challenge 120
    CW 122.4

    Not quite the 10 pounds I had hoped to reach but I will take te 7.6 and keep at it!

    Thanks everyone, Sharebear!
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    Hi everyone!!!

    How very proud I am of all of you guys, and how pleased I am to have been a part of this awesome group! Boulevard and I are in the process of organising the next group (a 60 dayer this time - with the finish just in time for us southerners to fit into smaller sized winter clothes and just in time for you northerners to get 'summer fit'!) and will post the new link by the end of the week, to start on the 13th of April for an 12th of June finish. This will take us through a dangerous time [Easter, and for Aussies/New Zealanders, ANZAC day] with support, advice and love from our amazing group mates. Check back for the link!

    Personally, I'd like to thank everyone who comforted, supported, motivated me with your losses and kicked me up the backside when I needed it! Obviously, the last 5 weeks have been pretty chronic for me with family stuff and my own illness, but knowing I had you guys here helped me to stick within a very small window of loss/gain when I would ordinarily have spiraled into a massive gain.

    At the end of the 90 day challenge:
    SW: 125.0kg (275.6lbs)
    CW: 118.0kg (260.1lbs)
    Total loss: 7kg (15.4lbs)

    So proud of all of us who are still here at the end of these last 3 months! It's been awesome and I look forward to seeing you all in our next No Short Cuts challenge! :smile: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • mojisha
    mojisha Posts: 36 Member
    Wow! I'm so impressed by the losses here! Some of y'all had really challenging goals and I think it was great for getting results. I had a goal of 1lb a week (I'm breastfeeding) but I think I need to step it up slightly for the next challenge!

    SW 162.5
    CGW 147
    CW 145.6. So 17lbs gone this challenge!

    That means I'm under 10lbs to go for my UGW of 136. Also, last Aug I was 5 wks post partum and I bought a pair of size 13 jeans that were so tight I had to wear spans under them. Lol. At Christmas I was depressed that they were looser but still fit. Now im in my pre-pregnancy size 8 jeans and noticed yesterday that they are getting kind of saggy and loose!

    Thanks, guys! Y'all have been the best!
  • kikalique
    kikalique Posts: 52 Member
    Hi guys, what a great support group! Sorry I'm late posting, but it's been a crazy 2 weeks.

    SW: 228
    GW for challenge: 215 (and then 210)
    CW: 208
    Total loss: 20 lbs!

    I'm pretty thrilled, especially considering school and wedding planning have picked up. I also lost several inches on my neck, waist, hips, and biceps. I'm down from a size 16 to a size 12/14, XL to a L. I'm looking forward to the next challenge and supporting everyone through it!
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    It's ok Kikalique, I'm even later than you.

    Lots of great results across the board! This has been a great, supportive, positive group, and it's been so much fun to watch everyone's progress!

    This last week I had a slight uptick (ok, not counting the "lost weekend" but I knew I wasn't going to include that), so I ended looking like this:

    SW: 162.5
    LWW: 150
    CW: 150.5 (12 lb loss)
    CGW/UGW: 145

    I did briefly hit my original challenge goal of 150, but really kind of coasted during the second half of thyme challenge. I've been so happy with what I'd already lost that those last few pounds weren't the same priority as the first 35. However, with the weather FINALLY getting nice, the promise of outdoor exercise will help me kick this last few pounds to the curb. Very excited about our new challenge - see y'all over there!