sael0201 Posts: 4 Member
Can anyone help me out? I just want a ballpark on how many grams of CARBS you shoot for in a day? I am trying to setup my goals in MFP I am aiming for less than 800 CALS, 60 grm of protien in a day, but have no idea what to aim for as far as CARBs. I am six months out!

Any advice?


  • Latse
    Latse Posts: 61 Member
    *always ask your dietian or surgeon, but this is what I did*

    If you are shooting for the Very Low Carb plan, you aim for under 40g of carbs per day, closer to 20g if you can. For my first year to 18 months I aimed for 600-800calories, under 40g carbs and 100g protein. The big downside to this plan is it isn't very high in fiber.....

    If you arn't shooting for a VLCarb plan I would set the % of protein for your goal (60g) then divide the fat and carb % pretty evenly, maybe a little higher on the carb % if you are using them for fruit and veg not white slider starches.

    Just as an FYI with the VLCarb/Calorie diet, as I have gotten closer to goal, and become more active, I have had to increase my calories and fat intake, so my calorie deficency isn't so great that *starvation mode* kicks in.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    50-60 carbs a day for me. I don't eat wheat, potato and rice so it is very easy to meet. Those were my Kryptonite trigger foods. I have no trouble portion controlling all other carbs. Other carbs have higher nutrition and a lower glycemic index anyway.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am 6 months out and I generally get 40-ish grams of carbs a day, that goes up on days when I have soy milk. Like Mangopickle, I don't eat simple carbs like bread, potatoes, rice, and pasta. With that, my carbs do generally tend to stay on the lower side because I am mostly eating protein, and the carbs I get are mainly from the various types of protein I eat (bars, powders, etc.), and also from fruits and vegetables.
  • sael0201
    sael0201 Posts: 4 Member
    thanks! This a great advice. I have my 6 month appointment on Monday with my dietitican, but just wanted feedback from others!!! This is great!
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    I'm with Latse on this; Use MFP to set the percentage of protein (60+ grams) and let MFP balance the Fat & Carbs. As long as you aren't eating refined carbs (breads, rice and pasta) I wouldn't really worry.
  • Urbanlamb
    Urbanlamb Posts: 17
    Are you all counting total carbs or Net carbs?
  • sael0201
    sael0201 Posts: 4 Member
    Total carbs
  • hurricanelena
    hurricanelena Posts: 83 Member
    This made me go back and evaluate my carb intake. I've averaged ~76gram/day over the past month. My highest day was around 140 (yikes), and generally I hit 60-80/day. I find when I go below that I tend to get low blood sugar readings, crazy cravings, and not enough energy to bike (I normally bike 4-8 miles on most days). I also got yelled at by my personal trainer and nutritionist about eating enough carbs since I'm on the active side. The nutritionist said as long I was below 100/day, I should be fine. But perhaps this why I've lost weight more slowly?

    Edit: Most of these are high fiber/complex carbs from chia and flax, protein bars/shakes, beans, and a few high fiber crackers.
  • LovingMySleeve
    My nutritionist gave me a goal of 100 net carbs. I've chosen to do 50 total carbs. I don't have room for much after my protein, but when I am able to add more fruits/veggies I will need to increase this.