What I have Learned in 5 Months



  • Mbdb131
    Mbdb131 Posts: 13
    I love reading your posts, very inspiring for me just when I need them most!

    1) Apparantly the quality of clothing in this country is not as poor as I had thought. Remarkably I have not lost one button, shredded the crotch of a pair of pants or blew out weak seems in my underwear in quite a while.

    2) The seats on the train are actually sized well and two people can sit together without rubbing *kitten*.

    3) Leaning forward to avoid having the front of your shirt pull out of your pants may contribute to back pain.

    4) 4,000 calories at lunch really was too much.

    5) Zippers go all the way up!

    6) It's true what they say about weight loss and proportions....

    And most importantly = It wasn't too late to start!!!!!