.... Distracted -------

Single mom of a wonderful 3 year old little boy. Been me and him on our own since he was 2 months old. I have family and friends but they don't offer any support in my weight loss goals.
I know I need to loose weight and start living a healthier life style but because of their constant insults about wanting to do so I stray from my diet or from my weight loss goals.
I'm 23 and 230lbs I'd like to by my 25th birthday be my goal weight of 145 and be able to maintain that.

I just feel so distracted like there isn't enough time so maybe I'll do it later. I've started walking again but is there anything else simple and that I'm able to do with my son anyone could suggest.

Motivation and support would be more than welcomed and appreciated.


  • boophil
    boophil Posts: 99 Member
    Hello! I understand how you feel! I'm a single mom as well, my DD is now 10, but her dad & I divorced when she was 3. You just have to find the time. Playing games and chasing after your son at the playground now that the weather is getting nicer will help a lot! When DD was that young, I found I had to make time to workout - even if it was a DVD after she went to bed. Or maybe you can let him color or some other activity that he loves while you workout? Also, when DD was that age, she would like to try to exercise with me - especially to the Leslie Sansone walking DVDs - we would have a blast together! I'll send you a friend request so we can keep each other motivated! Good luck!
  • a6ftdiva
    a6ftdiva Posts: 88 Member
    I am in the same boat but with 3 kids age 14, 6 & 8. I cant seem to squeeze enough hours into a day and then to workout?? i work full time and by the time I get home its 7 after homework dinner and bedtime its nearly 10:30 and time to start my 2nd job cleaning the house and doing laundry. I fall asleep most nights on my couch folding laundry!

    this week I decided no more excuses there are always plenty of them to go around so I've decided to be creative... I did 15 minutes of a dvd this am with my 2 smallest trying to follow it with me (very cute, though frustrating) I have also incorporated some arm work every time I take a bathroom break (Push ups off the wall, dips using the counter) along with the obvious walking at lunch time and taking the stairs... anything to get a little extra movement into my day...

    my ex is useless so we wont go there, and my parents will only help for urgent needs (they help me alot but are in poor health so I have to save them for real emergencies helping with the kids) I also have a gym membership I NEVER use but keep paying in the hopes that I can go again one day!

    the point is, you need to make the change and even just one tiny step is better than none at all. best thing to do is just get up and go, you will feel better, look better and be a better role model... we are all in this together so lets get it going!! and keep it going!!

    so far today I did 15 minutes of a Firm Express video, took the stairs at work, and did 50 wall push-ups in the bathroom...

    Friend me and we can work it into our schedules together!! get your son involved too- they love to move! give him a can of peas as his weight and let him join you!
  • JayTee146
    JayTee146 Posts: 218 Member
    Same here ladies! but I found a little trick that helps me with my 2 year old. Since the gym isn't in my budget I find activities that we can do and try to incorporate her in those activities. We go to the park and mommy walks around two times before and after we play. Around the house we do lunges/ squats (don't laugh) by picking up little tissue rollers. I can only generally get about twenty minutes out of a workout dvd so if she wants "up" I pick her up for a few minutes and march in place, after that it's mommy does a few minutes and we get to watch Dora... Paw Patrol or whatever she feels like watching that evening. So far so good!