I can't be the only one..

to gain weight AFTER I had my baby.

I actually lost weight during my pregnancy, and was 10 pounds lighter post-partum than before I got pregnant (from 235 down to 225.) I was lucky enough to be able to stay home with my daughter for 6 months, and in that time gained 35 pounds!! I've always had an easy time with gaining weight, but this is just ridiculous. =)

Now, I'm back at work and trying to get back on track. Motivation would be awesome.


  • abuck85
    abuck85 Posts: 1 Member
    Nope you're not the only one. My daughter is three months and I am up 7 lbs from lowest post baby weight. I am working on my masters and I think sitting around nursing and studying are taking their toll as I am constantly snacking. Eh, I'm kinda maintaining so not getting too worked up about it. Also, I quit nursing with my first child because I started dieting and that cut my supply so I decided to FF. I'm enjoying the breastfeeding experience this time and realize that there is so much time to worry about weight later.

    I have decided to start focusing more on better choices and being aware of what I put in my mouth. I have added in exercise and it cracks me up that my three year old tries to do Body Revolution with me.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    I'm up 15 from my lowest pp weight, and am only 5-6 pounds under the weight I was the day I delivered. That means I still have 40 to lose to get to pre-pregnancy weight, and my son is 15 months old next week. whomp whomppppppppppppppppppppppppp
  • Mw4h
    Mw4h Posts: 7 Member
    Nope! I was 175 when I got pregnant 210 when I had him and now at 4 months pp I'm 214 boo.
  • cshmom21
    cshmom21 Posts: 11 Member
    Me too!!! So frustrating.. nursing makes me so hungry. I know I'm eating way more calories than I need but so hungry all the time! I was 160ish before my first son, then hovered around 200 for 3 yrs until I got preg with my second, was 218 the day he was born (BEFORE 9 lbs of him came out :) ) and am 216 today... sigh.
  • Erinthebodo
    Erinthebodo Posts: 215 Member
    This happens to me each time.... BAH!
  • canucksweetie
    canucksweetie Posts: 14 Member
    This happened to me my first. I'm now 4 weeks pp again and determined not to let it happen again. Number one helper for me is my fitbit. What I noticed was my activity massively drops post baby. Like to a 1/4 of what I move pregnant. I think we feel so busy but much of it is stationary activity. Also while bfeeding I crave junk sweets like crazy. Worse than pregnant. Actually pregnant I didn't have cravings! So my fitbit and not caving To sweets I hope I do better this time
  • jesslagr
    jesslagr Posts: 11
    So glad it isn't just me. I fell into the "breastfeeding makes you lose weight like crazy" hype, and thought I could eat whatever I wanted. So much for that.

    I'm working on it now though. I want to be a good role model for my little mini-me when it comes to healthy habits.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • sunshineandprayers
    sunshineandprayers Posts: 38 Member
    I am feeling the same!!!!! It is ridiculous! I was so healthy during pregnancy, ate pretty great and stayed active and NOW post baby (he is seven weeks) I am eating up a storm (with lots of unhealthy choices) and I've worked out only twice. I am so desperate to go back to liking what I see in the mirror!!! Add me Mommies!
  • I got your back if you've got mine! I just had my 3rd baby. She is 11 weeks old and I am breastfeeding/pumping and back to work full time with two older kids. I lost 57 lbs while pregnant( it was terrible) and I want to loose 40 more from where I am now. I started at 247lbs the day I found out and I am at 197 right now. I need a friend in this too. :)
  • 1Year100Pounds
    1Year100Pounds Posts: 10 Member
    Nope! I weighed less during pregnancy (I lost about 30+ pounds in the first trimester)... Combination of my body storing nutrients, etc to make milk (so I was told), and my hormones/thyroid being what they should be while I was preggo - then returning back to their usual! Add onto it lack of sleep, etc. It stinks.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'm so happy to have found this post to know I'm not the only one! I was 155 when I got pregnant, probably almost 220 when I had my daughter (last official weight was 208 about 3 weeks before) and was 165 about 6 months pp. When she was a year old, I'd gone back up to 185 lbs! My job was crazy stressful so I was always escaping for lunch for a mental break and the choice of places to eat nearby were all fast food. I could've brought my own lunch but for some reason I got lazy and we weren't making dinner w/leftovers as much. Now she's 14 months old and I'm back down to 175 lbs, making dinners w/plenty of leftovers to bring my lunch (I'm at a new job that doesn't really give me time to drive anywhere AND it's not as crazy stressful!) and exercising more than before. Hopefully in a few months when we decide to TTC #2, I'll be back down to (or close enough to) my goal weight, and do things differently eating/exercise-wise to keep the weight gain down.
  • marisas1078
    marisas1078 Posts: 3 Member
    I have gained 3 lbs since giving birth 9 wks ago. I think it's because I'm constantly sitting while breastfeeding! I also have a 4.5 yr old so I know how hard it is to lose that baby weight! I am finally going to start watching what I eat. I constantly crave chocolate so it's not easy!