Hello Sister Scorps!

dawnal1028 Posts: 29 Member
Wonderful to see a group for the best sign of the zodiac. My name is Dawn and I live in Seattle. My birthday is October 28 and I'm 58 years old. I have three grown kids and a 7 year old grandson. I am an elementary teacher (reading and math intervention). Once again I am trying to lose 40 pounds. I admit that I have yo-yoed way too many times. Looking forward to getting to know all of you. :)


  • ultrafishboy
    ultrafishboy Posts: 63 Member
    Hi! My name is Lorrie. I am 49 years old. Birthday November 5. I have one daughter that is a senior in college. Got divorced 2 years ago. Work fulltime in a sedentary sales coordinator position. Been there 20 years.

    I love the tools/resources made available to us on MFP. I didn't know much about nutrition or dieting before. Knowledge is Power!Have struggled with my weight and self image my entire life.

    Nice to meet all of you.
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    Hello girls! I have been on MFP a couple of years now. Lost all my weight in 18 months - after 30 years of trying! Did it in the weight room! Yeah, weights over cardio anytime. I have had a knee replacement last June and haven't looked back since. I am 52 and my birthday is November 5th, which is celebrated in the UK - it's called Guy Fawkes Night. Google it, it's history! I like to think I am a typical Scorpio - altho I do wear my heart on my sleeve which is not typical Scorpio antics - I tell it as it is, I am honest and reliable and an all round good egg! Just got divorced from my 30 year marriage and am just coming to terms with looking after number one (instead of the whole family, extended family, grandchildren etc etc) and doing things for myself (I think there's a song title in there somewhere lol) Anyway thanks for having me! See you from time to time! Ask me anything, I might tell you !
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    Hi, there! I'm Lynnda. Born on Halloween (or Samhain for those of you who are also Celtic!). I'm 65 and close to retiring. I feel like a true Scorpio - I can be very quiet and reserved, but get on my nerves one too many times and I strike. Like most Scorps, I tend to go all-out on something, which has sometimes lead to burn-out so I need to learn some moderation.

    Happy to be here with my fellow Scorpions! Oh, and by the way, when asked if I have a temper, my answer has always been - I'm a redheaded, Irish, Scorpio - you do the math.