
KatyRu Posts: 55 Member
So I finally got to my first goal weight last week (199 lbs--I actually weighed in at 198.4 lbs). I was super excited and motivated. To "celebrate," I guess, I ate at what is SUPPOSEDLY close to maintenance, but NOT over. I ate probably around 1800 calories that day, as opposed to the 1400 I was normally eating (while netting less than 1000 with my fitbit adjustments). After that day, I immediately gained back around 5 pounds, and haven't been able to shed it since. I had a couple of bad days last week, but never went over my "TDEE." I weigh my food so that I know exactly how many calories, etc., I'm eating.

I do eat too many carbs for someone with PCOS, and I am aware of this, but I didn't think this would be an issue until I weighed a little less. I do try to keep my carbs down from what they used to be, but it's still super frustrating to have to try so much harder than others would to lose weight. I'm getting SO tired of seeing people on the message boards insisting that it's just a simple deficit.

Also, I have not been officially diagnosed. I'm going to be making an appointment soon. I have had a doctor tell me that it's very likely, but she couldn't do tests at the time due to my being on birth control (I'm married and in college, so no babies). I went off of the birth control, and have been off for a year, without getting pregnant. My periods were incredibly irregular at a time, but they have kind of evened out with added diet and exercise. I do have some body/facial hair that's a little strange, and I've also had an ultrasound that identified small cysts. My hormone levels have always been imbalanced, and I was recently told that I'm pre-diabetic (at 20 years old, after having perfect sugar/cholesterol levels my whole life).


  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    I know it's frustrating. Was your sodium count high? You maybe retaining water. You could not have actually gained 5 pounds of fat so don't let the scale discourage you. To gain 5 pounds of actual fat you have to have eaten 17,500 calories since each pound is 3,500 calories.

    Try and drink a lot of water today to help flush out the salt and you will probably find that you lose that extra 5 pounds in a few days of eating healthy.
  • Annienichole2003
    Annienichole2003 Posts: 7 Member
    It's very frustrating. My Dr advised me it's normal to fluctuate 3 to 5lbs for various reasons , water retention, pms, stress, etc.

    Eating less carbs is difficult sometimes, but I wouldn't stress to much if you are near you're goal. I think the "it's all about deficit" talk is silly myself, because I actually have to add 400+ calories a day to lose weight and by the deficit logic I should weigh half of what I do. It's about finding the right balance for you and making a healthy change. What works for some won't work for others. Good luck!