Tips & Tricks

Tips and Tricks:

Every week I will post a trick or tip that will hopefully help you to accomplish your goal…

My tip of the week for this first week is: Hydration, Hydration, and Hydration!!!

Hydration is KEY to weight loss as well as optional functioning of your body… Keeping hydrated helps with many aspects of your metabolism. Human beings have a very weak thirst mechanism and so people who aren’t used to drinking water or don’t drink water are never thirsty for it. Instead, they will feel hungry. Drinking water before we feel thirsty is how you get your metabolism rebooted and into a fat-burning mode. Without proper hydration your body isn’t going to burn fat so let’s get drinking our water! Each one of you was given an amount of water that you should be drinking on a daily basis. If you were not able to reach your water drinking goals this week then please look at the following tips and tricks to motivate you:

1. Try making “spa water” by adding cucumbers, lemons, limes or any spices that you might like such as cinnamon or cloves to
give the water an extra flavor.

2. Adding some “True Lemon” packets to the water is completely allowed and will often help those who are not used to or don’t particularly find drinking water appealing. Here is a link if haven’t heard about them:

3. Also don’t forget that you can drink your water hot… try adding lemon and spices either a little cayenne pepper or some cinnamon. Many people like to start out their day with a cup of hot water with lemon and a little cayenne pepper because drinking 8oz. of water first thing in the morning upon rising helps to jump start your metabolism! Either hot or cold water will do the trick!

4. Another tip to help you keep track of your water consumption throughout the day is to put Post-Its on the bottom of your computer screen representing the amount of water bottles that you need to drink during that day. Every time to finish a bottle- peel one of those Post-Its away…

Happy Hydration!



  • cnwnutritionist
    cnwnutritionist Posts: 38 Member
    Tip #2:

    Bite It & Write it!

    Studies show that people who keep a food journal have better weight loss results! Making yourself keep a food journal will help keep you on your program which will produce a more successful outcome. It will also give you a record that you can reflect on and change to help you accomplish your goal.

    Keeping a journal encourages you to be conscious of all of the foods and drinks that you consume! This is such an important part of healthy digestion and satiety as well! So many people eat without even paying attention to what they are eating and this leads to overeating. Try and eat sitting at a table and paying attention to the fact that you are eating rather than working at your desk or watching TV.

    Write down the time that you eat. The timing of meals is so important to stoke your metabolism. Be sure to eat within an hour of waking or you will not burn as many calories throughout the day. Timing your meals will also help with your energy levels.

    If you are suffering from some type of symptom that you feel may be food related I would definitely add a symptom column to your journal. The immune system reacts on so many levels that a food journal is really the best way to identify food sensitivities to symptoms.

    If emotional eating is something that influences your food intake then add in a column to include how you are feeling when you eat your meal or snack. Tracking your mood and emotions in a food journal can be very informative for emotional eaters.

    Keeping a journal is the key to success for many! If you haven't tried it- please bite it and write it...
  • cnwnutritionist
    cnwnutritionist Posts: 38 Member
    Tip #3: Working out with a friend can keep you on point!

    Working out with a friend can offer support, motivation as well as healthy competition! Please consider a few criteria though before choosing a comrade for the gym…

    1. Choose someone who has a similar commitment to fitness as you so they do not act to distract you from your goal.

    2. It is a good idea to choose someone who doesn’t have a radically different fitness level than you.

    3. Make sure you have an emotional connection with your workout partner. This person doesn’t have to be your best friend but should be someone who you feel responsibility and commitment towards.

    Studies show that the workout habits of your friends can have a positive or negative influence on your own work out habits. Surrounding yourself with a positive support system can make all the difference!
  • cnwnutritionist
    cnwnutritionist Posts: 38 Member
    Tip #4 Lighten the load of your liver!

    Having good liver function is integral to healthy weight loss and a balanced body! Our liver is a first class multi-tasker and works tirelessly to filter and detoxify our blood, store vitamins, make proteins, metabolize fructose, store energy, as well as recycle hormones and cholesterol. Most people are aware that alcohol can cause liver damage, but many don’t realize that our day-to-day toxic load can over time affect the functioning of our liver. When our liver filter becomes clogged this slows our metabolism and fat metabolism hindering weight loss.

    Some tips to lighten your liver load:

    1. Start your morning with a wedge of lemon or lime in some hot water with a dash of hot cayenne pepper or hot pepper sauce. Hot peppers contain capsaicin, which stimulates liver enzymes and lemons and limes are high in vitamin C, which helps to reduce inflammation.

    2. Keep hydrated with plenty of water consumption throughout the day. Proper hydration facilitates healthy liver function.

    3. Moderate alcohol consumption. Too much alcohol contributes to fatty liver disease.

    4. Eat a high fiber diet. Most of the toxins that we come into contact with are fat-soluble which means they are discarded by the liver in bile salts and are often recycled by the body if the diet is low in fiber. Eating a diet high in fiber facilitate detoxification and lightens the load of your liver.

    5. Eat your leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables(such as broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts). They contain many compounds that promote detoxification as well as add in the flow of bile, which helps with fat digestion.

    6. Enjoy foods high in sulfur such as garlic and onions that support detoxification.

    7. Make sure your diet supplies your body with good sources of protein to supply the essential amino acids needed for protein synthesis and detoxification.
  • cnwnutritionist
    cnwnutritionist Posts: 38 Member
    Tip # 5 Add herbs & spices to support weight loss!

    Using fresh herbs and spices in your diet is a great way to boost nutrition, add flavor and freshness to your meals as well as help to promote weight loss. The difference between herbs and spices is that an herb is an aromatic leaf and a spice is from the root, stem or seed of a plant.

    Some examples of herbs and spices that can promote weight loss:

    1. CAYENNE- contains capsaicin, which fires up the metabolism by stimulating the metabolic rate. It’s great for the liver (as mentioned last week) as well contains vitamin C, B A, calcium phosphorus and iron. This spice is great added to steamed veggies, or with lemon juice when cooking kale. Beware of freezing meals that contain cayenne because freezing will intensify the heat!

    2. CINNAMON- has thermogenic as well as blood sugar stabilizing properties. A dash of cinnamon can help the body metabolize sugar better because it has been found to make the cells more responsive to insulin which is a hormone needed to get energy into our muscle and fat storage. Using ½ to 1 tsp every other day is recommended because daily use of cinnamon it loses its thermogenic properties.

    3. CLOVES- stimulate digestion and fires up the metabolism and can also help to reduce gas and bloating.

    4. CUMIN- is a super champ as far as what it can offer your metabolism. Besides adding a great flavor to food, cumin stimulates digestive enzymes, supports liver function as well as offers some great antioxidants. In addition, cumin contains carevol and limonene, which have been shown to be great cancer fighters.

    5. GINGER- is a powerful antioxidant but also supports liver function, digestion as well as raises body temperature, which increases metabolism. A ¼ slice of fresh ginger every other day with help promote weight loss.

    6. Parsley- works as a diuretic because it contains ‘apiole’ which supports kidney function and reduces water tension.
  • cnwnutritionist
    cnwnutritionist Posts: 38 Member
    Tip #6 Time your meals!

    Stoke your metabolism by eating within an hour of waking. Breakfast eaters burn more calories throughout the day as well as maintain better energy levels! Plan to eat three balanced meals and two snacks throughout the day. The best strategy is to not go longer than 4 hours and no less than 2 hours between meals and snacks. It is best for most people to not eat 2 hours before bedtime.
  • cnwnutritionist
    cnwnutritionist Posts: 38 Member
    Tip # 7Practice Mindful Eating- Give up multi-tasking during your meals!

    Eating mindfully means paying attention to the act of eating! That doesn’t sound particularly hard or important but mindful eating can actually be very beneficial for our digestion, satiety, weight loss, as well as increase our enjoyment of food! Gobbling down a meal while sitting in front of the TV or when sitting at our desk while working can interfere with your digestive process as well as promote over eating.

    If you are always multi-tasking when eating, your brain will go on autopilot after the first couple of bites and you will be done with your meal before even realizing it. Those who eat while on autopilot usually don’t remember what they ate or how it tasted!

    It is also important to know that it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to realize that you are full.

    One way to slow yourself down when eating is to try and chew your food 3-4 more times than you are used to. We have digestive enzymes in our saliva, which starts the digestive process. Chewing your food well and savoring the process of eating will improve your digestion. Putting your fork down between bites will also slow you down a bit. Another strategy would be to eat half of your meal and then give yourself a little break for conversation or quiet thought.

    Putting mindfulness into your eating will increase digestion, enjoyment as well as help keep overeating at bay!
  • cnwnutritionist
    cnwnutritionist Posts: 38 Member
    Tip#8 Prioritize Getting a Good Night Sleep!

    Sleep is so important to our health and one of the first things to go when we get busy and stressed out! Making sleep a priority in your life will without a doubt improve your health, energy levels and well-being. Everyone should aim to get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep on most nights. A lack of sleep affects the balance of our hormones and can lead to insulin resistance as well as increased hunger and weight gain. Tired people eat more and have less energy.

    We are either asleep or awake based on the levels of chemicals in our brains called neurotransmitters. A chemical called adenosine builds up in our blood during the day and as it reaches certain levels in our brain it makes us feel sleepy. As we sleep our body breaks it down and we wake up to lower levels of adenosine.

    Our circadian rhythm is also influenced by cortisol, which is a fight, or flight chemical that is lowest at 2am and rises to highest levels in the morning and then slowly lowers throughout the day so by bedtime we are ready for sleep. Unfortunately stress can raise our cortisol levels during other parts of the day, which can affect our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. This is one of the reasons that management of stress is so crucial to health and longevity!

    The balance of brain chemicals is affected by caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, medications, and stress! Keeping our bodies in balance requires good nutrition, drinking water, exercise and adequate sleep.

    Here are some tips to improve your sleep:
    1. Try going to bed and waking as close as you can to the same time daily. You will sleep better if you are on a schedule.

    2. Keeping your room completely dark can be very important for those who have trouble falling asleep or interrupted sleep. Even the light from a clock radio can be disturbing to your sleep.

    3. Keeping your bedroom on the cool side can also be helpful to promote sleep. Studies show that between 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit is optimal.

    4. Try not to eat or drink at least 2 hours before bed.

    5. Try to turn off all electronics at least an hour before bed because the exposure to the light can suppress melatonin, which rises before bed to help you fall asleep. Dim lights are best an hour before bed.

    6. If you have trouble sleeping using earplugs, an eye mask or even a white noise machine can be helpful.

    7. If sleeping is still difficult, then trying melatonin or herbal sleep extracts may be helpful.

    8. If sleeping is still an issue for you and nothing seems to be helpful then please look into having a sleep study done to find out what may be causing your inability to sleep.

    A good night sleep is the key to a balanced and healthy body that can perform to it’s potential. So, go ahead and sleep yourself healthy and lean!
  • cnwnutritionist
    cnwnutritionist Posts: 38 Member
    Tip #9 Fixate on Fiber!

    Fiber is fabulous for your health! Most of us do not get enough fiber and suffer from it. Consuming adequate fiber can help with lowering cholesterol as well as support detoxification and weight loss.

    There are actually two kinds of fiber and they are soluble and insoluble fibers. They are found throughout plant foods in different ratios. We need both kinds of fiber in our diet and really don’t need to think about the types of fiber too much. When looking at the types of fiber in an apple, soluble fiber is found in the fruit of the apple and insoluble is found in the apple peel.

    It may be surprising for some of you to know that there are quite a few people who do not have a daily bowel movement. This is not healthy! Adding adequate fiber, hydration and exercise is the quickest remedy for constipation! Great sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes.

    By increasing your fiber you will help prevent overeating as well as increase your energy levels. Why? Because fiber slows down absorption of energy and nutrients into the blood stream. This helps to keep your blood sugar and energy levels steady which keep those hunger pangs at bay!

    Your fiber goal should be about 25-35 grams of fiber daily. The amount of fiber in a food product is listed on the nutrition label. A product must have at least 5grams of fiber per serving to be considered “high fiber”.

    Work to increase your fiber slowly and always drink plenty of water when eating high fiber foods. Adding too much fiber too quickly can increase digestive discomfort in some.
  • cnwnutritionist
    cnwnutritionist Posts: 38 Member
    Tip #10 Acknowledge Your Stress

    Each one of us responds differently to stress in our lives. Some of us react by emoting or fighting back and some of us hold it in and internalize it.

    What is so interesting about stress is that humans are hard-wired to have a very basic biochemical reaction to stress. Our bodies react biochemically in the same way when we experience an alarming physical threat such as a tiger chasing us through the woods as it does when we experience a stressful deadline at work or a stressful situation at home. The biochemical reactions that we have when we feel stress puts us into a “fight or flight” reaction which increases our heart rate, blood pressure, mental acuity and weakens our digestive system and immune system.

    Our natural response to stress is meant to get us into a safer situation and then subside. It is meant to be self-limiting and our heightened biochemical state is designed to return to baseline once the perceived threat is no longer present. But, unfortunately many of us experience constant stressors and over time this can take an enormous toll on our health and well being and ultimately lead to weight gain, depression, anxiety, insomnia and disease states.

    One of the most pro-active health habits that one can adopt is finding a way to acknowledge and manage their stress! Half of the battle is acknowledgement because then it can be addressed!

    There are numerous ways to reduce and manage the stress in our lives and each one of us needs to find what will work for us.

    Some suggestions include:
    • Healthy diet and hydration
    • Regular exercise
    • Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night
    • Meditation and breathing exercises
    • Visualization
    • Journaling
    • Yoga
    • Time management