Insanity Newbie...Starting 04/14/14

Meikmeika Posts: 108 Member
Would anyone like to join me? I will be doing the fit test today.


  • I'll do it! I will start tomorrow with the fit test :) Good luck!
  • I'm starting today too!!!
  • Meikmeika
    Meikmeika Posts: 108 Member
    Yeah!!! So happy you guys can join me!!!

    Here are my initial fit test results:

    70 - Switch Kicks
    36 - Power Jacks
    68 - Power Knees
    10 - Power Jumps
    5 - Globe Jumps
    3 - Suicide Jumps
    5 - Push Up Jacks
    27 - Low Plank Ob

    I did the Plyo Cardio today, so I guess I'm really on Day 2....It was HARD!!!! I couldn't get through the last 15 minutes. I feel like such a wimp right now.

    Let me know how yall are doing.
  • Meikmeika
    Meikmeika Posts: 108 Member
    Day 3 Done!!!!

    I'm still quite sore but I'm pushing through.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.
  • Xistie
    Xistie Posts: 13 Member
    I just finished my Day 3 today, I would love an insanity buddy so I'm adding you. :D
  • Meikmeika
    Meikmeika Posts: 108 Member
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Day 3 Done!!!!

    I'm still quite sore but I'm pushing through.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

    I understand what you mean on soreness. I'm doing Rockin' Body and with the Rock it Out workout I was expecting another dance routine and it was dynamic strength training instead. My upper glutes apparently got a huge workout as they have ached for days and apparently are used every time a step is taken! I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end though.