week 4!!

agborensztein Posts: 28 Member
So as I start my week 4, just wanted to check in and see how everybody's doing. I'm definitely starting to see some results, which is exciting. But I'm not going to lie, it's been brutal. I've been hitting the gym pretty hard, helps to balance out going out to dinner. Seems really difficult to have a social life and not wreck the diet, everything in New York revolves around going to eat, or going to a bar. Anyway, I'm done 5.5 lbs, which is pretty exciting. How's everybody's month for weight loss going?


  • iconrunner
    iconrunner Posts: 57 Member
    March was a good month for me, April has been TOUGH. Too many family and social obligations combined with my slightly weakened control with indulgences! I'm in the same situation where anything to do revolves around food! I saw good results for March and got a bit lax with portions and food choices.

    5.5lbs is a great victory and it sounds like you worked hard to achieve that, so that is something to be very proud of! I have told myself that starting today I am going to get back to being more serious. I'm great with the working out part - its the eating!!

    In Toronto we are FINALLY starting to see spring weather so that has scared me into being better with my eating as well! Hello summer dresses...not to mention wedding dress in August! AHHHH!

  • ashleyolivia
    ashleyolivia Posts: 41 Member
    First two weeks were a struggle, but now I'm sort of getting into the routine. I think in the so far I'm down a total of 3 pounds, which I'm pleased with. I also feel like I might be seing some muscle definition.. but it also might just be wishful thinking :) It definitely is work though. And Sundays are always my hardest days, for whatever reason all I want to do all day is lie on the couch and shove food in my face. So I definitely overdid it yesterday, but luckily it doesn't seem to have set me back and I'm starting the week determined not to let yesterday's mess ruin today :)
  • jmbaker1985
    I have good days and bad days. The good habits I have picked up are reducing wine, way more Cardio, and generally cleaner eating. There have been a few slip ups but overall, I am trending downwards! I think I have added a lot of muscle mass in the last 2 months because my clothes are hanging off me but my weight has only shifted a few pounds. Gotta keep it up, which is the hard part!!!!! Luckily, all you ladies inspire me daily!!!