Weakness & Overcoming (scorpio)

ultrafishboy Posts: 63 Member
As Scorpios, what do you consider our weakness(es) to be with regarding to eating more healthy/exercise? How can we overcome those weaknesses?


  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    My take on this is that as a Scorpio, I tend to be "all or nothing", and there's no middle ground. We tend to have very strong feelings about everything, so we sometimes go to extremes. Learning to take a more middle of the road attitude would definitely help me - I need to stop being the person who has to go completely by the plan or not at all - life is full of deviations and detours. Just because I had a small treat today doesn't mean that I've blown the whole "weight loss" thing forever and will never have any success. JMHO
  • ultrafishboy
    ultrafishboy Posts: 63 Member
    OMG! That is sooo me! To go along with that would be the intensity that we do things. I need to relax a little. Not be so obssessed with the numbers (I love logging my food diary!). We are a stubborn bunch.

    I'm all in also, but if I get overly discouraged, I will just quit. That's why we need the encouragement of others even though we think we can do it ourselves.