My name is Karina. I lost 53lbs with BODYBYVI & MYFITNESSPAL

Hi there!
I just found this BODYBYVI forum and I couldn't be happier! FELLOW CHALLENGERS!!
My name is Karina and I am a Visalus challenger and promoter. I've completed 4 Vi challenges and have lost a total of 53lbs!
I'm from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and my favorite shake recipe is Orange creamsicle :-)

Check out my Vi profile at
My Facebook page with more pictures

I've started my 5th challenge ( January 15th, 2014) and entering #PROJECT10
lets be friends!
Karina H. :blushing:


  • KetoGenesis2016
    KetoGenesis2016 Posts: 19 Member
    That is totally awesome! Congratulations on your success! I will be happy to check out your pages. Creamsicle huh? I will have to check for a recipe for that one. Continued good health!